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Views from the stand

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This is a couple from my stand over looking a water hole and part my food plot. The water hole wont be much a draw this year with all the water around. I built this stand 2 years ago.Pic was taken in the spring.

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cool, thx tr, I'm over eastern ND but laid up this year. I'm on ground, stand is up above me about 15 feet. stuck on the couch this year dreaming about all the boys walking 20 yards from my stands!

this is where I was hoping to be 3 weeks ago and the 8 point velvet was from this spot 2009.



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This is a good Idea-


I don't have any from this year, but here is one from last year. The picture is off of the deck facing west. We have three stands up in the trees off to the right, This year there is a one acre food plot in the corner of the field. Down to the last hump coming east and to the trees to the west. 100' out from the trees. We saw 15 dear on opening night.

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