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American Idol **Official Thread**


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I have a feeling the Queen Latifah will be performing. I know one of her sidemen, a trumpet player, and he mentioned yesterday that he was exhausted after being on the set of AI all day. I don't think he was kidding - so I wonder if they will be doing jazz standards - since this was her last album.

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I'll stick by my last 3 weeks perdiction...Megan goes! Her and Matt will be in the bottom two.

Danny, Adam and Kris were tops tonight. I think that the performance that Kris put on was the best of the night. Really, really good.

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I'm mostly with Grebe on this.. Top 3 for sure, Adam, Danny Kris.

Bottom 2 for me are still Megan, and Scott.. please send one of them home.. Anoop I think will be the 3rd in the bottom 3...

on a side note.. Kris did a kick butt version of aint no sunshine.. but if you go to youtube and do a search for "ernie halter washing machine" it will blow your mind!!!! but then again I love ernie halter.

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Wow, what a load of huey last night! Are these guys trying to get kicked off or what. Pretty weak performances almost all around. Pretty much agree with the rest of you. I thought that Adam, Danny and Kris are tops this week. I would not listen to what the other 6 sang ever again! Lill was sleep walking thru and she seems to have aged about 40 years since this year started. She had better wake up and smell the cappacino or her ample bottom will get bounced out of here. I thought the bottom three were Megan (what is that girl thinking) Anoop (horrible song choice and terribly indulgent performance)and Matt (just so so) though it would not shock me to see Lill in the bottom three this week with a wake up call. As much as I hate to say it, Scott did just sappy enough to satisfy all his fans and as long as they keep showing his blind sister after every performance he will continue to get the sympathy vote. I can see him sloshing by until they get down to the final 4 even, although I think he should have been gone weeks ago. Forgot to weigh in on Allison, that was just weird but then again she is just weird, I think she is more than safe but she is not my favorite and appears to be as dumb as a box of rocks!

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i agree with deitz, Danny Kris and Adam top 3.

Megan and Anoop bottom two. I think scott did enough to make it for another week!

Deitz and I were texting back and forth last night, talkinga bout who we thought was the best. It was a good shot last night!

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I agree with all above. My top three in order were Kris, Danny and Adam. Adam is good, but you don't have to use that amount of range in every song.

Megan should go home, that was aweful. I think Anoop was pretty close to her and his mouth really put me off. Don't think you know more than the judges. Randy and Simon are almost always spot on. I think I agree with Simon about 99% of the time.

Lil, very forgetable. I think it's going to be a guy's season.

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I agree with all. Megan, Anoop were just dreadful, Matt wasn'terrible but he dropped a notch after last week. I couldn't believe Lil was dumb enough to tackle a Celine song but she should slide through. Allison did Ok, Scott did well but he needs to wear sunglasses, Top 3 for me was Kris, Adam, Danny....

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Yup, Megan first and then Scott. He can sing, but maybe because of his disability, it's hard for him to entertain like the others do. He also sings kinda the same stuff, no matter what song he sings.

You got to hand it to him though, he's in there fighting with all he has and it's an up hill fight! He is certainly talented and even when it ends for him on the idol, I believe his career will continue.

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I dont know what up with adam but i absolutly hate him and like others said his screachy scream. I am in my twenties and just dont like his style i sure hope he doesnt win. Big fan of scott but his time is nearing its end. He is making the best of it and will definetly go some place in life after getting his name out there.

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