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Do you feel GOD has a hand in being sucessful in the deer woods?

Christopher Quast

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I know religion is a touchy subject with some people out there and this is not meant to be a debate. Just curious to hear some stories of when you were out hunting and you had that feeling in your gut that you were going to shoot one, and earlier that day you went to church and right after you just had a deer hunters intuition that you would get a crack at that big buck or just a deer in general. Any story is cool whether it be bear,deer,moose or what have you.

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The thing is, no matter what happens, God deserves the glory. Had he not created the deer or walleye in the first place, it wouldn’t be there to be harvested and later enjoyed. He thought of everything right down to the finest details and then some.

Whether or not he actually dips his hand into our hunting or fishing success for the day, I personally figure he has already done so by providing us the opportunity and the nature that surrounds us in all its amazing beauty.

I have experienced the “feeling” just before a deer steps into view. I’d swear there have been times when I actually sensed their presence with my nose. It was very subtle but I can remember consciously thinking that I could smell something and I identified the odor as likely a deer even though I doubt that if I were blind-folded I could identify the odor of a deer. It’s hard to explain both to myself and anyone else. It was like a sixth sense.


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I feel that God has kept me alive to enjoy another day because it is really part of his master plan on how he schedules everything. The one thing that you have to remember is that he will not always bless you but sometimes he will test you. Sometimes it just not meant to be and other times it is and your faith may play a small part in it.

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yes!! and I think him and my father are playing jokes on me all the time in the woods,times were you have those little hairs on the back of your neck stand up when you think something is looking at you or like last year got in my stand about a hour early not knowing that turkeys are above my head and thinking what the heck is fall on you and then they fly or drop out of the tree and scare the #$it out of me and then you see what I was feelin from earlyer and sit there and bust a gut and then sit there and then the tears start to roll and then ask god why he took him so early, then out the the river bottom there he is, now I took his life (deer) get out of my stand get to him and get on my knees and thank him for the deer and all the things he has done and to keep all thing right.so yes I do feel he has a hand in it.

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How to define success? I have had to open up my eyes to that over the years. Since I am usually hunting big antlers, there is very little killing being done. I find a lack of success in bagging the big buck most of the time, but a huge amount of success in just "being out there" the vast majority of the time. Much of my time is spent scouting the deer woods, or sitting up in the stand. Much of that time, God is at the center of my thoughts, and often, he is out at the peripheral, but he is always present. When I can connect with Him, or when I can sort some things out relating to my life, or the lives of others, I always count it a success.

Here's my take on the whole thing. This desire that we all have in common to pursue the outdoor lifestyle...hunting and fishing...I think that is no coincidence. That desire was placed in each one of us by God. It's a gift. I always enjoyed this gift, but never to the extent that I do now that God is in my life. Everything is so much better now. Most days in the woods, HE thrills me one way or another. The other day, he sent an albino buck by me. And after that, he inspired me to reach out to a friend who is hurting... going through a divorce.

Then every once in a while, he drops a bomb on me, like three years ago when I shot a buck that scored 147 with a 23 inch spread. Suddenly, it was there. I was being sloppy, and the buck had busted me, and there is no way I should have gotten it, but it all worked out. That's one rare occasion when a really big buck acts really stupid in the daylight hours! Life doesn't get much better, especially when you've got great friends to share these experiences with.

If it's that great here on earth, kinda makes you wonder what heaven will be like, doesn't it?

I like to try to stay "in tune" with him. That way, I tend to notice more the "little or subtle" things that happen along the way. Otherwise, left to myself and my business, they tend to pass me by.

Here's hoping for some of those moments for you guys this hunting season...

By the way, great subject!

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WOW!!! This thread is really got alot more attention than I ever thought it would. Thanks guys and keep them coming and I am shocked how many different ways you could look at this subject.

Thanks Tim for the compliment on the subject and also thanks for the neat story you shared with us. It's that type of stuff I had in mind or maybe not even a monster. For me on public (very high pressured land) to shoot A buck is awesome to me and 2 years ago I told my uncles that I was going to sit all day on opener and I did and at 1:30 PM I was rewarded with a buck.

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... I pray for safety for myself and others and an enjoyable time in the woods. Sitting on stand is a great time to talk to God. But its more than just asking to see deer.

This is how we do it as well. Has been that way since my father was a kid hunting with his grandfather. Kind of like that moment after walking in silance for a half mile, passing threw the cattle gate and just before going our sepate ways one will say to the other "Be good, be safe, and I will see you later." Followed by, "I will, you do the same" I have often wondered while walking the last half mile to my stand if that would be the last exchange between a father and a son. You never know what will happen. We are all getting older and a lot of things can happen in the woods when you are well over a mile from any help. One slip of a knife blade, a fall, who knows.

Good luck to all, be safe.

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Each time I get in the stand I try very hard to remember to pray for safety & for good luck. I pray that if I shoot it will be a quick, clean kill, or a clean miss. I try to remember to pray for my family, wherever they may be at the time, that God will watch over & protect them. Sometimes I forget, then later on in the hunt it hits me that I've omitted an important part of my hunt.

There have definitely been times when I've wondered if it was just dumb luck that I got this deer or that deer. They make you wonder did God want me to get this animal or he just was okay with it & let it happen. In the grand scheme of things does it really matter to God if I shoot a big buck? It doesn't seem like it would, but then again he knows the numbers of the hairs on our heads. That's a bit easier for him these days... Even so, knowing that, you know he's got a hand in everything we do, including hunting.

I do find that time in the stand, especially bowhunting, is a great time to sit & talk to God.

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years and years ago there was a song with words "The place that I worship is the wide open spaces, built by the hand of the Lord". Nothing wrong with a short benediction before or after a kill or being attuned to God's creation and creatures Believe it or not, I'm more then aware that the patron saint of hunters is St Hubert. A little help from him never hurt.

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At no other time do I feel closer to God than when I'm out in wilderness that He has created. Whether it's a sunrise over a secluded lake, or watching the mass snowgoose migration in the spring; I'm continually in awe of what masterful creations he's given us.

As for deer hunting, I find myself especially alert sitting in solitude by myself in an old growth forest, just waiting in anticipation for that big buck to walk by, but am perfectly content with just observing the grouse, squirrels, and timberwolves that I may see instead. Yes I do pray for the safety of our hunting party and to shoot a big buck, but I also do a lot of praying for our country, the people within it, and just give thanks for the ability to enjoy his creations.

Do I feel God has played a role in us taking deer? I honestly don't know, but wouldn't be suprised if in heaven someday he comes up to me sayin that rotten tree your stand was in should've fallen over three years before you stopped using it, but I allowed it the strengnth to keep you up there safe while on your quest to harvest one of my whitetails.

Anyway, Great topic!!!! Look foward to hearing from others.

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I pray that we have a safe drive to our hunting destination, that we are safe and that we have no accidents and that we come back home safe! I pray and give thanks that my father is there to share with me and so is my brother. That we may create more memories for the future.

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I know a lot of guys that never go to church and have shot big bucks. Is it really possible that with all of the galaxies in the universe there isn't any other planet with intelligent life? Can God really keep track of our own personal destiny along with trillions and trillions of others in the universe? Or is it really possible that by praying to God for a big buck to cross one's path God will actually somehow do that so a person can kill it?

Sorry, but this side of the discussion hadn't been covered yet.

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Great topic!

I do believe that God has a hand in being successful in the deer woods. That has been my experience. I forgot who said it, but I believe that success isn't always bagging a big buck either. Success for me has ranged from harvesting a deer to staying safe with my friends and family to enjoying my time in the woods. I am not a real big "church-goer", but I do pray a lot and I consider myself a religeous person and I find my greatest connection with God to be in the deer woods or out on the water. It is the perfect time for me to pray and talk to God in peace. I feel very recharged, even after a 12hr sit and no deer. I just enjoy being out there in the midst of God's creation.

One quick story I want to share...

Last year my Grandfather passed away about 6 wks before firearms opener. He was a great hunter. I admired him for so many reasons, but especially for his hunting skills and woodsmanship. On firearms opener last year I was lucky enough to harvest my personal best buck - a nice 10 pt. It was also the biggest buck that anyone had shot on our property... the previous biggest was shot by my grandpa. I was never able to spend a hunt with him due to age difference and where we lived, but I felt like he was right there with me when I shot that buck.

Was it God? Was it Grandpa? Maybe both... I don't know but I can tell you that it felt different that any other deer I have harvested.

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Have you ever thought that just maybe these guys have hunted a very long time and have earned a great buck in God's eyes or maybe he says (JOE) over there sure could use some meat for his family this winter since they are less fortunate and in return are very appreciative of the animal whether it be a fawn or a booner class buck.

Another thought I have about this was the fact that maybe this person has done some good deed in God's eyes and even though he doesnt go to church God thought he would say thanks (JOE) by rewarding him with something good in return.

You dont have to go to church to believe in God You go their to honor and praise him for what he has done for us by dying on the cross for us.

Poachers probably dont go to church I'm guessing and they shoot some of the biggest bucks, but it usually bites them in the arse down the road. I personally have witnessed what I believe to be warnings in life from God for doing stupid or bad things and on the same hand I have also seen rewards for being a good person.

One example of this was a few years back when I would go to church about 2 times a year and that fall I sat for probably 50hrs in my bowstand and never seen a thing and when I was younger I read a pamphlet of stories the MN deer hunters association handed out at the state fair and their was examples of people being successful once they made time for God in their lives whether it was fishing or hunting. I got up one Sunday morning early and was getting ready to go hunting and as I was drinking my coffee something told me to wake my wife up and say lets go to breakfast and then to church, so we did and that night I shot a monster doe. Luck maybe??? But I sensed God had a huge part of making it happen and especially with the shot I made which was a horrible one and yet I managed to find her with just pin drops of blood.

Everyone can make his/her choices in life and mine is GOD!!!

By the way this was not meant to be a debate as my original post stated.

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Well I was thinking that same thing so I decided to close my eyes and pray some things over with GOD when I opened my eyes behold a buck in broad daylight at about 60 yards then 10 min later a doe right under my tree and about 5 min later a buck chasing the doe right pass me, I guess I should have made it more clear that I wanted to shoot a deer then maybe I could have somehow known to clear a shooting lane on the other side of my tree. Even though I haven't killed a deer this season I do believe God has had a hand in some of my hunts, and maybe is trying to teach me a few things about patients, hope, and just enjoying the beauty of being there, and yes he seems to spare some trees that are special too me. I was out there sunday and seen 5 scrapes that were all in a ciecle around my tree and seen little sign any where else in the woods It was encouraging. However if everyone that prayed for game or fish got there prayers answered immediately all the time we wouldnt have any of Gods creatures left to hunt, so some prayers must go unanswered. I was at church on sunday and a missionary was visiting the area for 2 weeks and he shot a beautiful 11 pointer and showed pics to the church, and made it a point to thank God for blessing his hunt, I was already frustrated at not arrowing a deer and even considered skipping church to go bowhunting, then I get to church to see that. Maybe this is a lesson on coveting anothers buck smile

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Eyehunter and cupper, that is one neat story especially the part about the scrapes in a circle. What are the odds of that???

Cupper that one hit home for me, because back in 2002 my little hunting buddy aka my cousin of 15 years old got killed in a tragic car accident and I prayed that he would protect me during my hunt and be there with me.

I also prayed that if he had time he should push a deer out of the swamp and I no sooner got done praying and I hear water splashing and her comes some does with a buck hot on their tail just grunting like all heck and the does skirt around me and he runs right up to me at 10yds and I shot my first buck ever in 12 years of hunting he was only a spike,but will be my best trophy of my lifetime just because I felt Zac's prescence when the buck was coming up to me full tilt.

I forgot to mention it was a SPIKE and then I got down out of my tree and walked over to him and fell to my knees and thanked GOD for my first buck I hunted so hard for on public land and then I lost it and I cried for about a good 10 min and then regained my composure and gutted and dragged him out.

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Great story Goldtip. I am sorry to hear about your cousin. It's so neat to share a connection with someone that goes beyond our understanding. I'd be lieing if I said I didn't shed a few tears in the woods after getting that buck last year... in fact I even got a little misty-eyed writing the post even thought it's been a year.

Good stuff.

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I hope God is busier with other things. lol That said the woods and water serve as my defacto church two-thirds of the year. It's not about the building you are in or where you are. It's about what's in your heart and the way you conduct yourself when no one is looking or when you have nothing personally to gain. The non-believers clearly haven't spent enough time outside.

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    • Sorry to hear that Duff. Will give my GSP's an extra scratch behind the ear for you guys today
    • Aw, man, sorry to hear that.  Shed some tears and remember her well.  They all take a piece of our hearts with them; some more than others.
    • yes sorry for your loss..  our dogs are always special...
    • Truly sorry to hear that duffman! I know that feeling.  Keep the good memories  
    • Chamois passed away this weekend a couple days short of her 13th bday. What a great dog to hang out with here at home and on distant adventures. Gonna miss ya big time my little big girl.
    • Sounds pretty sweet, alright. I will check them out, thanks.
    • If you really want to treat your wife (and yourself) with a remote operated trolling motor, the Minn Kota Ulterra is about easy as it gets.  Auto stow and deploy is pretty awesome.  You just have to turn the motor on when you go out and that the last time you have to touch it.   24V 80lb.  60 inch shaft is probably the right length for your boat.  They ain’t cheap - about $3k - but neither one of you would have to leave your seat to use it all day.
    • Wanderer, thanks for your reply. I do intend for it to be 24 volt, with a thrust of 70-80. Spot lock is a must (my wife is looking forward to not being the anchor person any more).  With my old boat we did quite a lot of pulling shad raps and hot n tots, using the trolling motor. Unlikely that we will fish in whitecaps, did plenty of that when I was younger. I also need a wireless remote, not going back to a foot pedal. We do a fair amount of bobber fishing. I don't think I will bother with a depth finder on the trolling motor. I am leaning toward moving my Garmin depth finder from my old boat to the new one, just because I am so used to it and it works well for me. I am 70 years old and kinda set in my ways...
    • Dang, new content and now answers.   First, congrats on the new boat!   My recommendation is to get the most thrust you can in 24V, assuming a boat that size isn’t running 36V.  80 might be tops?  I’m partial to MinnKota.     How do you plan to use the trolling motor is an important question too.     All weather or just nice weather?   Casting a lot or bait dragging?   Bobber or panfish fishing?   Spot lock?  Networked with depth finders?  What brand of depth finders?
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