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It was on again off again with the clouds on Sunday with some light snow trickling through on and off... there were moments were getting good photo ops were evident and others when it was just plain flat light. Here is one from that day.


1/100 second ~ F/9 ~ ISO 200

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Nice shot Mike! Is the birch log a new setup this year? I don't believe I've seen it before. I had a couple of cardinals that were semi-regular visitors this last year, but they didn't frequent the feeder often enough to justify setting up a blind and waiting. Beautiful shot as usual.

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We posted at about the same mili second... I try to set up new props all the time so you don't see the same prop in all of my bird images. I have a shed in the backyard that has a fair amount of Birch and anything with Lichen, dead seedpod types of plants, berries on branches etc... Thanks for the kind words, Mike.

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Talked to a gal yesterday that has had a couple of cardinals showing up recently at her feeder - on Newgord Drive - just a few blocks from you. She must have something better in the feeder than you do!

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Ken and S cat,

The Inlaws also mentioned a bunch of deer in the feeder this year on Onepine. Are the natural food sources down for the count early this season?

Sorry to hijack the post Great Picture Buzzsaw. I love the idea of setting up scenes in the backyard with common props.

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Plenty of food - it's been a good winter for the deer again. I guess the deer like sunflower seeds as much as I did in my baseball playing days. Or, they just like to harass birders!

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Sorry to hijack the post Great Picture Buzzsaw. I love the idea of setting up scenes in the backyard with common props.
No problem, it's almost like ADHD takes over. crazy.gifgrin.gif If you have the birds coming in, it makes complete sense to set something up so you can control the image a bit more.

Thanks Harvey & Finn grin.gif

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