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2007 Deer & Bear Pictures

harvey lee

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From what you have said, the shot was a very low percentage shot. I would guess that the deer will run off for a long distance and probbaly die. If you did shoot him throught the mid section and the guts, check out the closest water source as they will travel to water when hit in the guts.

I'm not judging you but, I would wait next time and take a higher percentage shot or let the deer pass. WE as hunters need to choose our shots carefully to make sure they will be a high percentage killing shot. There was a post in regards to this type of shot and many agreed that this shot should be bypassed.

I guess it a live and learn situation and hopefully you will be able to find this deer.

Good luck.

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That does suck, I took the same kind of shot once, however with a different outcome, I happened to thread the arrow right behind the shoulder blades and got a pass through and the deer went 40 yards. Looking back I know I should have passed on it as well. I think the only time I will shoot down is if the deer is walking away leaving me much better exposure to the vitals. Facing you there is just too much in the way of the vitals, unless you happen to hit the spine.

It's too bad but it happens. It's happened to pretty much all of us at one time or another. Hopefully you recover what is left.

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Well after a couple of days of trying to figure out how to get pictures off of my phone, I am ready to tell my story grin.gif

Opening morning was crisp and there was very little breeze at all. I walked out to my stand, tyring to be quite and aware of what I may be touching, didn't want to leave a scent trail where I went. I climbed into the stand got settled, and waited for day light to come.

I had read in the "Archery Tip of the Week" thread about taking an apple along to eat to mask a persons breath, so I took a couple bites and continued to wait. It was quite cold, and I was a little underdressed, but I hunkered down and kept a keen eye on the woods and adjacent corn field.

The sun was coming up over the rise to the east and the warmth was welcome. I was much more comfortable now, but still no sign of any deer.

At about 7:30 that all started to change. Out of seemingly no where a nice six point buck shows up on the edge of the corn field. Takes a minute or so poking around and then heads right down the trail past my stand. I knew is was not a shooter, but nice to see one and get the blood pumping. He walked passed me and finally directly downwind, and I was a bit anxious as to what he reaction would be. Nothing. He had no idea I was there, and just continued milling about in the general area.

About two minutes later a fawn pops out of the corn field and walks right passed me also. It still had spots, and was pretty cool to see. By this time I am getting pretty jazzed up and now the woods and corn have my full attention. A few minutes later I notice an ear flicker in the corn, and I stay focused only to see another fawn pop out. It also had spots, and I am guessing twins. This one milled around for a bit, and continues down the trail past my stand. So now I have three deer milling about all within sight. I am starting to think that there are a lot of eyes in the woods grin.gif

Just a few minutes later another six pointer comes down the edge of the corn field and continues down the edge next to the woods. Just a minute or so later a small buck with a fork on one side and a spike on the other comes down the same path. The cool thing about this one was that it still had some raggedy velvet hanging of his little antlers and they were still all red and bloody looking. He went right down the edge of the corn after that other six pointer. I really didn't think much of it, but about 30 seconds later I heard the two of them knocking antlers. Pretty cool to see. They did that for a minute or so and then the six pointer slipped into the woods, and the forkhorn walked passed me again. Now there are five deer that are all within 25-60 yards away from me, and now there are a lot of eyes in the woods!!

Well all this commotion has taking about 25 minutes or so, and none of these deer seem to be in the mood to move on, so I decide that I need to finish my apple. I start crunch away at it and they really seem to have no care in the world, or any idea that I am there.

One of the fawns decided to walk back towards me as I am crunching away on my apple and walks directly under my stand. I think it actually walked between the ladder and the tree, not sure, but the path that it was on sure seemed like it would have had to be that close. It continues by me and gets to the edge of the field and then turns around and heads back from where it came. I have now finished my apple and drop the core to the ground. I thought maybe that that would get a rise out of maybe one of the five deer that I can still see, but to no avail.

Gradually they all continue to move on and over the next 5-10 minuts or so they have all gotten out of sight. I am seriously thinking about heading for the cabin, as now I am about frozen. I stood up in the stand to get a better view, and to see if I could spot any of the five, when from behind me I hear something.

The sound was a small 8 pointer that had just jumped over an old fence on the edge of the woods and some CRP and he was followed by two more bucks. They were coming down the woodline, and I could not get a good look at them until they hopped into the woods. The second one hopped in and he was a nice buck, a shooter even, but I had time to wait for the third buck. When he jumped over I knew I had my chance at a trophy. They were aobut 20-25 yards behind me so I had the protection of the tree to be able to move around and get myself in position for the shot. There was a small shooting lane, and that was where my focus was now at.

I watched intently as the first buck stepped through the lane, and exactly how it was traveling. Straight across the lane, affording me a beautiful broadside shot. The next buck was not far behind, and he followed the same path directly across the shooting lane, affording me yet another great opportunity, but number three was the one I was waiting for. Number three steps into the lane, and I give out a whistle. Not sure why, I think it was some genetic, ancestral thing, but the buck actually looked the other way. I am not much of a whistler, and maybe he didn't even hear me. I was already at full draw and my pin was right on its vital so I pulled the trigger. Now that was one of the coolest things I have ever seen or done in my life. It almost seemed to be in slow motion. I saw the arrow hit right where I had aimed. The buck hunched up and then took off like a shot!! grin.gif

I knew I had put a good shot on it, but I lost site if it just a few yards after I shot. I heard a couple crashes and then nothing. Then it all settled in, I was extremly calm during their approach and during the shot, and I think seeing all the deer earlier in the morning had help with me nerves, but after I shot I was a wreck. Between all the excitement and being a bit cold, I was shivering uncontrollably!! grin.gif The excitement was unbelievable!!

I waited about a half of an hour and walked back to the cabin. I had to walk pass where I shot him and saw the blood trail. It looked very good. At the cabin I met up with my buddy and I told to whole story to him. He was amazed and excited also. He had not seen anything all morning.

We heading out to find him about a half hour later, and after just a few minutes of walking down the blood trail, there he laid. It was an incredible hunt and this was also my first bow kill ever!! I am just amazed at how vivid the whole situation is in my mind, I will never forget this hunt.

First Bow Deer Ever


Good luck to everyone during the rest of the season!!!

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Great job!!!!! As I was reading your story I was picturing it in my mind. Awesome story and superb buck. Now it's my turn!!! I saw the one I want to shoot last night now just have to be smarter then him and hope he wants to present me a shot. I'm still on the hunt for my first buck with a bow. After last night though I need to figure out how to get the other deer in so I can get rid of the nerviousness. I was such a wreck in the stand. I was shacking so bad I could hear my heart beating and feel my knees knocking. Didn't have that problem on opener when I drew on a doe. Guess I experienced buck fever. Funny after hunting for more then 30 years and downing numerous bucks the excitment with a bow is total different.

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My adrenaline was pumping just reading your story. I must say you did a nice job describing the situation!!! Congratulations on a beautiful buck and a great first bowkill!!! Get back out and get another one!!! Can't wait for my first time out which will probably be Sunday!!! NICE WORK!!!!! wink.gif

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Well I put #1 for the season down yesterday evening. Got into the stand about 5:30, saw the first deer about 6:00. A nubbin buck that was out in the combined corn browsing, he jumped the fence and walked about 20 yards from me. About 20 minutes later a doe walked the field edge browsing on the corn remains. Around 6:30 a 1-1/2 doe walked right under me heading for the corn, couldn't get a shot until she turned broadside at the fencline about 30 yards out. Drilled her a tad low but still caught both lungs and she only went about 60 yards. Best part aside from venison steaks is she expired right on the edge of the woods in the cut corn, no draggin required! Farmer even helped me load her in my truck.

First year using the Montecs and I have to say so far so good!

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Nice job Stratos. I got out for the first time this morning, had a nice 8 pointer at ten yards. Probaby a two and half year old. I only saw it for about ten seconds. It came down off the bluff and then trotted right in front of me. I had a great shot before it jumped a panel fence, but my first instinct was not to shoot. It wasn't the big one I'm looking for. He will be a nice deer if he makes it another year or two. Although, he might look good in my freezer four weeks from now if nothing else turns up. Oh well, I feel I did the right thing in letting him go this time.

There was another deer that came down the bluff with him, he never hit the hill road, he stayed on the bluff and eventually wandered off. The 8 pointer was moving at a pretty good clip until it got to the fence. I'm wondering if he was being chased by another buck. I wish I would have gotten a look at the other deer. I could only see movement and then nothing. It happened really, really, fast. If it was another buck, it looked to me like the bachelor groups are starting to break up. Supposed to cool down this week, that should help.

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Good work Scott! Now we'll both be able to be selective in the coming months. Call me next time and I'll help you clean it.

Crops are coming out very early down here, and I think it'll change the way the pre-rut is going to go. 3/4 of my old-man's soybeans are out, and corn is ready and waiting.


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You gotta deal there! Yeah the boys are rippin through the corn down there, which is seemingly always better for me. Puts all the does in the woods for the pre-rut!!!! cool.gif

No pix, all I was worried about in the heat was getting ice on her, started butchering at 7:00 am Sunday.

I suppose I could post a pic of the fresh backstrap sittin in the fridge.... grin.gif

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I suppose I could post a pic of the fresh backstrap sittin in the fridge....

Better yet could you post a picture of them frying in the pan with a few onion and then set up a scratch and sniff that will come to our screens. Technology is so great these days. LOL

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Troutchaser, nice first bow buck, way to go. I have to say though, I shot a 150 class buck my second year of gun hunting and have only been able to come close to shooting a deer of that size a few times since. I almost wish I would have never shot him, I am so spoiled that seeing basket rack bucks since then is just another "passer by" these days. It's kind of funny how selfish and picky us deer hunters are after you put a big one down. You just want to top that big one and so you become uninterested in everything but the trophies.....which unfortunately are rare and hard to even get a glimpse of. I have a sickness and now you do to.....welcome to the world of trophyhuntingitis blush.gifsmile.gif

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Thank you and funny you should bring this up. I also shot a 150-160 class buck the second season I hunted deer with a rifle, and I have not shot another one since. I think I have slid into the mentality that they will be bigger next year, and just haven't pulled the trigger. That was seven years ago, and when this one walked by it was "worthy" of harvesting. It will go nicely on the wall next to my rifle buck, and I guess getting one every decade or so it alright. I am not sure my wife would let me put many more than that up in the house anyway!!! grin.gif

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I FINALLY got out for the first time on Wednesday!! Set up right on the edge of a thicket hoping to catch em heading to the corn. It was a beautiful night out and the wind was perfect. Had a buddy set up maybe 250-300yds from me and he had 5 deer around him. According to him, he was pulled back on one and was busted by one of the others and they all took off. We heard a storm moving it's way towards us and the next thing you know it was downpouring. I had my rain gear in the back of the truck of course and I held out for another 20-25 min. There was maybe 30 min of shooting left which is primetime of course but I was soaking wet and was thinking that if I did shoot one there would be no blood trail whatsoever so I decided to get down. Lowered my bow and gear to the ground and start my descend. Get to the ground, put my climber back together and got it all bungeed together and with all of the noise in the woods, I was able to get away with some noise, but as soon as I took two steps I saw two deer west of me maybe 60-70 yards. They moved off the other way and I think I exited the woods undetected. I knew I wouldn't melt in the rain and should have stayed in the tree for 30 more min and I may have had a shot. I also had my video camera with me and didn't want that to get wet. I will probably head back out this evening and set up closer to where they were coming from. Gotta love the experience and it was great to get some action that night!!! Looking forward to letting one fly very very soon. Maybe tonight. Good luck to all and safe hunting!!! cool.gif

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