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Muskie Photo Gallery


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This is my buddy Bob with his first,a 46", caught at the end of September, on Tonka.

Bob and myself fished together 3 time last fall, we never really got to serious, mostly just putted from spot to spot talking along the way . Bob always brought corned beef sandwich's, garlic olives a few candy bars and a couple of sodas for us to munch on.

This fish followed my bucktail to the boat twice and we decided that she didn;'t seem real hot so we left her alone and went back to her a sunset, which was an hour later.

Well the sun was down and we were about to call it quits when I heard Bob say(yell) "I got her", I looked back to see this fish tail walking 20 feet from the boat with one of my Twisted Sist'r prop baits stuffed in her mouth . I felt that I couldn't get to the net fast enough. But Bob kept her under control and we easily slid her into the net after a spectacular battle. He let out quite a hoot.

Bob thinks I need photography classes, I honstly don't know what he's talking about.

Oh yeah, Bob is 83 years old.

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Part 2 of fishing with Bob.

Bob and I were out once again toward the end of October.

As we were putting along near Casco Pt, eating our corned beef and rye, deciding where we should go next, my buddy Nate called me. Nate was fishing the west end also and told he had to get home for an appointment at 4:30 but he had just encountered a slobasaurus that was extremely hot. He and his buddy couldn't get her to go. By talking with him about how hot this fish was, I could feel his pain .

So Bob and I headed over to where Nate said this piggy was living. I swear we made 50 casts on this spot and finally she came up and took a swipe at Bob's lucky lure.I did not see her but Bob said that she was much larger than his 46" from a month earlier. I told Bob to keep on casting at her.

Well after about 5 or 6 more casts from Bob I chucked my Big Mama topwater at her, walked it back about 3 or 4 feet and she exploded on it. Another spectacular battle was on.

Like an old pro Bob netted her, looked up at me an said "So do you make a habit of stealing fish from yur buddies?" I couldn't control my laughter and neither could Bob. This fish had been eating well and measures between 50 -51"

I look forward to making a few more outings with this awesome man!

Thanks Bob for an great time!

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Now that the season is closed and ice is covering the lakes, thought I could post up some muskie photos. These fish were caught in the fall this year.


Sam Ganske caught this 40" in Bemidji early in the fall. Was not 10 casts in on the first morning.


After a crushing hit and a long battle with many jumps I was able to release this 45" fish. I actually ran into and tripped over the young kid I was fishing with. Both of us regained and won the battle. The Fish had inhaled a DCG and took awhile to swim away strongly.


On the same day as the previous fish I hooked this small guy in the top of the nose. He thought he was smart by just nipping at the tail of my lure.


All the guns were banging around us and yet we had the whole lake to our selves. I caught this 45" on duck opener on a figure eight in crystal clear water. Exciting watching her charging around after the lure. She sure was putting on some pounds for winter.

Just a few picts to end the season. Good luck to everyone heading out this next year fishing.

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Nice fish if I could put pics. on I have a camara full of pics. from last summer of muskie pike and bass that I caught out of lake waconia. I boated 25 muskies and 38 pike over ten pounds and alot of bass around 5 to 8 lbs. and how I fish is catch pic. release.

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and how I fish is catch pic. release.

not being an AX...that made me laugh because it seems like you are trying to look good and like the only one who only does that.

I give you credit doing C-P-R, most fishermen/women are doing that today than in the past. You should get some pics up, sign up for photobucket, load your pics up there and then copy and paste the URL link of the pic and post it up here. Any help? ask!

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got about 3 seconds of footage of a 50+ inch fish yesterday just cruising the shallows. Followed it for a while trying to get better film of it but had no luck. June 6th can't come soon enough.

you can click the link in my signature if you want to see the video or I can post a direct link to it. You can ignore the audio, I was just a little surprised at how big this fish was wink

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