buzzsaw Posted January 10, 2005 Share Posted January 10, 2005 96 trigger, You are right on with your statement about the packers organization being classless when they paraded the Arizona WR around like a god! Even if Favre does not retire (as he should) he is no longer the factor he used to be dispite what GB fans WANT to believe. Is Dougie Peterson the answer? or is Couch coming back again? The best part about this vikes victory is that they will still get a higher draft pick than the packers!! I love it! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Down to Earth Posted January 10, 2005 Share Posted January 10, 2005 I think Favre is still a darn good NFL QB. I think the biggest change in the past few years is the demise of the Packer Defense, which has continued to get worse over the past few years. Favre pretty much had a "normal" year by his standards. Not really different statistic wise from years past, so I don't really see why people are calling for him to retire from that standpoint. In NFL rankings this year he was 4th in TD passes, 5th in Passing Yards, and 10th in Passer Rating. Other than a few QBs like Culpepper and Manning and maybe 1 or 2 others, I can't really say "Boy I wish we had (insert other QB name) instead." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
otto_man Posted January 10, 2005 Share Posted January 10, 2005 buzzsaw relax man, you didn't win the superbowl! but then again you viking fans wouldn't know what that feels like so you'll take what you can get!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
buzzsaw Posted January 10, 2005 Share Posted January 10, 2005 Ottoman, whatever makes you feel better about your teams beating yesterday.I guess Fox had an interview with Tony Dungy regarding Moss's mooning and he said he understood it to be an inside joke between Moss and the Packers fans... I guess that it's a ritual that Packers fans stick around after games and moon the opposing teams players as they exit Lambeau in the team bus. I guess he was just giving back what they deserved! You must be one of the guys that drinks a quart of vodka and moons players as well huh?! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
otto_man Posted January 10, 2005 Share Posted January 10, 2005 no vodka for me, only beer. i wouldn't be showing my rear to any guys. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MJR Posted January 10, 2005 Share Posted January 10, 2005 Just wondering if you still think the packers are going to win the superbowl this year?The vikes may have backed into the playoffs but we sure did push the pack out. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
fishyguy Posted January 10, 2005 Share Posted January 10, 2005 To jump in with my $.02If it was in response to the fans who moon the Vikes bus, I think his move is a non-issue and hilarious. If it was just his idea of a good celebration move, I would preferred to see a dance. I have no issue stooping to a lower lever if they already brought it there, but I don't believe you ever stoop first. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Quickstrike Posted January 10, 2005 Share Posted January 10, 2005 if donald driver or bubba franks would have done this, no one would even be talking about it today. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tom Linderholm Posted January 10, 2005 Share Posted January 10, 2005 As said on the ESPN HSOforum "Fro the ball to Moss" It's all in good fun guys, and Packer's fans, if Moss had not done what he did all you would have to talk about is how good Farvra used to be. When he's gone you will still talk about how good Farvra used to be. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
buzzsaw Posted January 10, 2005 Share Posted January 10, 2005 From ESPN page two: Call it "Wardrobe Function." Moss' "Moon" move to celebrate his game-clinching TD catch in the 4th quarter was more than crass; it was the boldest celebratory gesture of the season (take that, T.O.). Ugly? Hardly: It was awesome! More important, it was catharsis for a team given no chance to stumble into Lambeau and glide out with the biggest upset of wild-card weekend. He didn't just turn a cheek at the Packers' end-zone fans. His move was for the haters in the media, the doubters in Minnesota and the fans of top-seed Philly, suddenly a little more nervous. Sure, he'll be fined and undoubtedly excoriated everywhere in the media -- except here. (Hey, it's not like he actually dropped his drawers.) Here's the NFL's dirty secret: If you make plays, you can do what you want. And Moss delivered a TD. And another. And, as a bonus, the most telegenic hair in football. There's a new rallying cry for the Vikings: 'Fro the ball to Randy! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
vikingtom Posted January 10, 2005 Share Posted January 10, 2005 U can still Hear Favre crying. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hexum Posted January 10, 2005 Share Posted January 10, 2005 I thought that was tastless at first, but after reading these posts it is quite funny. I didnt realize the packer tradition. LOL GO VIKES! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Down to Earth Posted January 10, 2005 Share Posted January 10, 2005 Actually it sounds like its more than just a Packer tradition. Seems to be quite regular in all NFL cites. Personally I didn't think one way or the other about the mooning. Though it just shows you he pretty much is only about bring attention to himself. I mean look at all the talk about this, when the real talk should be about the Minnesota Defense and the great play of Culpepper. Haven't heard too much discussion about it, and thats unfortunate. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
viking_fan Posted January 10, 2005 Share Posted January 10, 2005 I loved it !!!!!!! Packer fans would rather complain about Moss than talk about what a lousy showing from there wonder boy ( Interception Brett ) How about the punch Farve threw and we are the only ones they threw a flag against? Even the announcers only briefly said anything about that one !!!!! Too bad for the pack !!!! They can all kiss Randy's a$$ GO VIKES !!!!!! That was my Super Bowl Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
muskybuck Posted January 10, 2005 Share Posted January 10, 2005 Donald Driver and Bubba Franks have some class. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
james_walleye Posted January 10, 2005 Share Posted January 10, 2005 Its like Matt Birk said, Favre used too bring out the throatslash on TD's which i think everone would agree is a much worse gesture than a fake moon, but no one crucified him. I also just heard about an incidence involving Randy Johnson and a NY camera crew. It was just mentioned on sportscenter. Moss does that, its a 5 minute segment involving a freakin round table discussion on it. The media is putting way too much about it. Give it a rest ESPN, you dont have too bring Michael Irvin and Mike Ditka on for a 5 minute analysis on an endzone dance and talk zero about either of the actual games yesterday. Oh sweet as i got ESPN on right now they are gonna have another segment on Randys dance, man give over it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
buzzsaw Posted January 10, 2005 Share Posted January 10, 2005 If we are talking about things people are forgetting about..........Offord picked off Favre as the ball bounced all over his shoulder pads and then fumbled it... only to have the refs help the vikes by calling it incomplete... that my friends should have been 5 (FIVE) interceptions!!!!He's soooo done!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
fishkid Posted January 10, 2005 Share Posted January 10, 2005 donald driver the fumbler. i thought it was awesome. people sit there and complain about what moss did. who care pack fans give him so much garbage and what about when the packers band said wheres moss and mocking him no packers fans complained about that. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
fishyguy Posted January 11, 2005 Share Posted January 11, 2005 Good point fishkid. The Wisconsin band (who I think is outstanding when I go to Camp Randall) taunts an injured player but nothing is said. Do I think it is a big deal? No, I thought is was pretty funny but taunts, gestures, etc...go both ways. I think it is overblown. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
riverrat56 Posted January 11, 2005 Share Posted January 11, 2005 The camaras are on Moss waiting for him to screw up or to do something like someone said before anyone else in the NFL other than maybe TO does something like FAKE moons the crowd and everyone laughs at it but as soon as Moss steps outta line he gets his butt chewed. People complain about this but what about whenever favre throws a touchdown he runs down the feild in a total state of shock (thank god we didnt hafta see it very often on sunday) Also for anyone who has not played football before you cant understand the emotion that players have when they make a big play they need to celebrate. Moss is the best in the league his antics are just to get more attention for himself, the guy loves the camara Cut him a break ESPN and the rest of the sports media it wasnt that big of a deal it was acctually rather funny if you look at it, i know i was laughing Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
smartguy Posted January 11, 2005 Share Posted January 11, 2005 The controversy is all about ratings!Lets think for a minute . . .its FOX that has made this a huge issueby their 'outrage" of what Moss did. This is the same network that has the crappiest, most controversial, moral pollutng shows (except for perhaps MTV), yet they try to play the moral highground. This is the same network that glorifies a millionare slut (Paris Hilton), pokes fun at adoption, broadcasts that horrendous pop music karoake show American Idol, and has a slew of other poor reality and "drama" hows. What a bunch of hypocrates, yet we soak it up like free beer.Moss pretended to moon the crowd - he could have done the real thing! If this was Brett Farve, he announcers would say some dumb comment like, "This s the mark of a true team leader. He is so sonfident in his leadership, he can poke fun at the oher team." Anybody but Moss or Owens, andthis isn't an issue.For once, Randy doesn't deserve the flak. So whats next? A full blown FCC investigation?! Put it to rest, there are much bigger fish to fry . . . like primetime tv! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Predator Posted January 11, 2005 Share Posted January 11, 2005 Amen smartguy! Normally, I think Joe Buck does a nice job with the games. But yesterday, he threw his little hissy over what was obviously intended to be a funny jab at the Packer fans. If what Moss did is so appalling to him, he certainly must not be able to watch any of FOX' other programming. Unless it is the Simpsons or football, my tv is never tuned to FOX with all the garbage they show. The hypocrissy and the overblown outrage this little thing has caused is really more funny than what Moss did even. You've got that goof Bradshaw and his weekly flirting with Jillian(who is certainly on the show to add valuable football insight ) badmouthing Moss and asking if Randy wants his kids to learn from his(Moss') example. Then, on ESPN, you've got Michael "gimme da cocaine and da girls!" Irvin(who was also notorious for his on-field "celebrations") talking about Moss' lack of this and that. I believe I read that even Deion freekin' Sanders(who may well be the biggest self-promoting clown and a bigger attn wh0re than even Paris Hilton!) talking about what kind of person and etc Moss' is/isn't. And let's not forget all the GB fans who apparently think it is cool to really moon opposing team's busses but not get a little taunt in return. This is just not that big of a deal. When did everyone lose their ability to laugh? Take what Moss does with a grain of salt and don't be so sensitive! Anyone who was truly offended by what he did yesterday must live in complete horror in this world today because there is so much worse out there all over the place! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
buzzsaw Posted January 11, 2005 Share Posted January 11, 2005 Smartguy and predator..... Well said/written! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MJR Posted January 11, 2005 Share Posted January 11, 2005 Bubba Franks down by 2tds scores and gets up breakdancing, that is classy Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Snag Posted January 11, 2005 Share Posted January 11, 2005 Randy was Dandy. I loved the fake moon. Since when did all of these ex football player analysts become so holyier than anyone else on the planet. I'm sure none of them ever watched Porky's, Stripes, Animal House or any other funny movie. They all played with class and never said a word about another players Momma. They act like he actually mooned the fans. If the NFL fines him, it really is the NO FUN LEAGUE.I don't know if anyone listens to KFAN, but they played a huge joke on the Packer Rube on the Berrero sp show last night. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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