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How many do you have?


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So after I made my latest fish house purchase, my wife says "Do you realize you have four fish houses now? Which one our you going to sell?". This got me thinking...Sell? It is wrong to have 4 houses? What is her point. Is there something wrong with 4? What do you guys think? How many do you have?

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There's nothing wrong with owning 4 houses. It's an enviable accomplishment. I have 2 and my wife routinely suggests I sell one of them. I point out to her that at one time I had 3 and I've already complied with her wishes to sell one and one fish house sale in a lifetime is all a guy should ever have to endure. Tell her you're saving a couple for your grandchidren. grin.gif

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I was thinking about this the other day as I was ordering my new Otter.

I've got a:

-7'x12' permanent sleeper house (will sleep 4)

-Otter Den (will fish 1)

-Otter Lodge (will fish 2-3)

When I look at it, each house serves a different purpose. Yeah, obviously you can fish out of all of them but they all do it a little differently.

When I started ice fishing, I never thought, "Hmmmm....Which house am I going to fish out of today?" I was just glad to have a warm house to fish out of.

Now if I'm going out solo, I don't want to have to haul the Otter Lodge out, I can use the Den. If I'm going with a buddy, I don't want to have both of us in the Den. It just gives you more options and allows you to be more efficient on the ice.

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I was hoping I wasn't the only one with more than a couple. I have three and like one of the posts said, they all serve their own purpose. I have 3 small boys who love to fish but it's nice to have a floor under them and the ability to keep warm. I use my Frabill XL speedshack for that. I also have an Otter medium for when I head out with my buddies or myself, and another homemade hinge style that I store at my dad's. Now if I were to count my rods and reals...... my wife just shakes her head and smiles.

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Seven and builing two more. 8 x 16, (2) 8 x 12, 8 x 10, portable spearhouse, (2) Otter magnums. The 2 I'm building are going to be 8 x 6 with 2 spearing holes so can visit with a bud or keep a newbie interested in spearing if it's slow. The other is an 8 x 20 V-front. 3 of the bigger ones are just for rent when I'm up at URL.

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Had 5 sold 1 and bought another. I guess its still 5. 1 tent, 1 Speedshack XL, 1 quickset by Soderbloom Inc., 1 of their portable 2 mans and my new Otter Lodge. Only problem I have is they take up too much room in my garage.

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i've only got one and am thinking about getting a one man for when i go out. my wife has the same issue that other women have---men having more than one shack. i am going to keep working on her and hopefully be like you guys and have a couple shacks.

hanson's point is what i am trying to tell her. it depends on the situation of how many people are you fishing with.

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lmao you guys are great .... just bought my 2nd fish house .. wife all over me to sell my shapell two man , just got a pro.... Showed her this thread and explained i had proof i didnt have enough as it was and maybe i need to pick up another ...cant be out done by the jonses so to speak!!! she just rolled her eyes walked away . lmao grin.gif

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Glad to see i am not the only one with a wife that just does not understand. I have a otter II magnum lodge for me and my little ones and a fish trap scout when i go solo. When I bought the scout she said. whats wrong with the otter it's bigger? I said nothing if you would like to come along and pull it for me. When I go solo. She just rolled them big eyes and walked away. grin.gif

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I used to have 4 as well but sold 2 of them.

Had a one man flip over and a 4X8 suitcase style with wood floor that I never used, didnt even cut the holes in to it.

I now own 2 Shappell S4000's that I like very much. I usually end up taking them both out and hooking them together making a nice 4'X 16' shanty. cool.gif

I am looking at buying or building a mid sized permanant house as well.

Selling some is fine as long as you dont use the ones you sell and you get to use the money from selling them for another vexilar or some other nice toy.

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I have 3

6.5 X 17V-front on wheels

fish trap guide

One man flipover

I have never considered selling any, but I was kicking around buying a couple cheap portables and converting them into ground blinds for hunting behind the house here.

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