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Let's welcome a new Sponsor - Fish-N-Chum!!


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Hey all,

I wanted to share with you what I feel will be a HOT product for this year's ice season.

It's called the Fish-N-Chum.

What the Fish-N-Chum is, is a device that straps to your leg that acts like a rod holder, but its no ordinary rod holder. By moving your heel up or down you can jig your rod with ease. To set the hook, just kick your leg out and the hook is set!


With the Fish-N-Chum, you can keep jigging in one hole while you take your fish off the hook of your other rod or while you change lures!

The Fish-N-Chum is not just for ice fishing either.

Use it while you shore fish dcp_1820small1.jpg or while in a boat. gartroll_small1.jpg

It is VERY versitile. It's also great for fisherpeople with disabilities or those who get cramps from jigging too much or holding your rod. After a full season of trolling, I sometimes develop tendenitis in my elbow, I think by using the Fish-N-Chum, this may help aliveiate this a little.

For more info, visit Fish-N-Chum's HSOforum.

I'll report more mid-way through the season.

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The Fish-N Chum looks like a great idea for canoe fishermen that are into trolling. Looks like it should be quite a bit easier to manage your rod and paddle at the same time. I was never a big fan of trying to wedge a rod between my legs and paddle at the same time. That's a good way to lose a rod.

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Please define "Serious Ice Angler".

If your definition is that of a purest, and unwilling to change and try new ideas and equipment, and shoot these new ideas and equipment down before you give them a chance, then yea, you could define yourself as a serious ice angler.

But that's not my definition.

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I consider myself a serious angler and I will be trying these out this year. I wouldn't be so quick to judge something you haven't tried. I will be the first to admit it is different. Truely innovative ideas usually will come across akward at first.

Once I get a chance to use them I will be able to give some more info. on them. Now all I can do is say they look like an interesting concept.

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Looks like it would work good for a bobber or spring bobber rod. I don't jig a rod with each hand in my house. I'm not that coordinated. I'd use my jigging stick with no bobber in my hand and put a bobber rod in that. No need to ever pick it up to jig it.

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I think john has the key. I often will run a bobber rig or a dead stick along side my spoon rod or active jig rod. To me it looks at though this product will keep me from setting an expensive rod and reel down on the ice or floor of the fish house. I have lost a few rods by setting them on the floor next to the hole... Its not that I wasn't paying attention, its just I was reeling in another fish or something like that. If this product saves a rod from going down the hole and puts it on my leg near my had for setting the hook I hardly think its a "joke" to "seirious ice anglers"....

I'm not saying I would use this all the time, but I can deffinatly see where I would use one of these. I think its a smart idea.

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An Interesting concept for sure.

I could see it opening up more ease of use for anglers who have limited mobility. Arthritis or limited mobility restricts many anglers who once were avid ice anglers; this may come in very handy for them.

I learned a long time ago to be slow to judgment, and to be quicker to praise. At first glance, we often see only what applies to us personally. Then latter on upon closer scrutiny things fall into focus.

Like I said, a very interesting concept. I love innovation.

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I'm certainly not a purist who is slow to change - quite the opposite. My gear and methods are always in a state of flux, I'm constantly searching for gear that enhances my efficiency and productivity on the ice. I am however, able to discern quite easily what is a quality product that offers a genuine enhancement over the equipment I currently use, and what is a gimmick designed to catch more fishermen than fish. It just drives me nuts on this site how every time a new product sponsor comes on board, it is all of a sudden the greatest thing since sliced bread. I would agree though, that for a physically challenged angler, this could be a very viable option.

[note from admin: augernaut - try one before you think how easy you can discern things. You will eat crow on this one.

I thought the same as you until I used it. It indeed improves your efficiency. I ate crow.]

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Well augernaut, You are deffinatly allowed to your oppinion. Each angler deffinatly is allowed to decide what works and what doesn't work for themselves. I'm not so sure that this is the most awesome product since sliced bread, but I do think it has a place in the fishing industry. I am not a physically disabled angler and I can deffinatly see a use for this product.

With that in mind, FishingMinnesota.com is a wonderfull web page where people are allowed to express opinions and such. This page is not free to run.. I would hate to see what it costs to keep FishingMinnesota.com running each and every day. Its becuase of the great companies that support this page that we get to post here everyday. I have learned so much from FM and it has by far made me a better angler.

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"You have got to be kidding!!"

These were the first words out of my mouth when I first saw the Fish-n-Chum.

Rick, Paul and myself were heading out to go fishing and Rick strapped one on his leg. I thought he had flipped and gone absolutely bonkers.

He said that the company had sent him one to try out. I told him I thought it was a joke. He wore it for awhile and to tell you the absolute truth,even in the boat it looked like it would come in handy. He always had a rod holder handy.

I won't say that I would buy one for the boat, But for ice fishing I think it will realy come in handy. You won't be setting your reel in the ice and you can even stick your hands in your pockets when they get cold and keep on jigging. No need to drag a rod holder along with you either.

What I am most excited about, with this holder is for shore fishing. I hate setting my rod but in the mud or trying to squeeze the rod in your armpit when tying up or unhooking a fish.

After laughing at it,I have to admitt I can see that it will be a usefull piece of equipment.

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You know Dennis, I thought the same exact thing when Rick showed it to me. He strapped it on my leg and I was like, "what the heck is this?" but after I played around with it for a while, I really began to see it's plusses. I sat down on the couch the other night with one on just to see what I could make it do with a rod in the holder and I was amazed, especially how easy it was to set the hook and TOTALLY amazed at how I could feel a simulated bite. I'm bringing one with this weekend on the river. Let's put it through the test!

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Like the other guys, I didn't really think much about the Fish-N-Chum either BUT, after I received mine I thought of times when I would usually set my fishing rod down and could the F-N-C help me. I think it'll work great when the kids and I are dock fishing. Strap the F-N-C to the dock post and the kids don't have to set their poles down on the dock and accidently step on the rod, like has happened. Also, I was thinking how well it would strap to the poles inside my Otter Lodge. I'll report back when I start using it!

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augernaut, Your first impression of the Fish'n Chum is pretty much what mine was. Seemed kinda corny. I had to look to see if this was made by Ronco. As time went on I started to think how useful this rod holder could be. I then found myself waiting in anticipation for its delivery to my doorstep. It came today and I chuckled a bit as I strapped it on. Grabbing an ice rod I put it in my Fish'n Chum and sat back and started thinking.

Darn right I'll use it. Is it an essential piece of equipment, not really but I can say that about a lot of the gear I use. It is useful though. Hey if we put rod holders on our boats why not strap on on our leg, its not like your leg is ever going to be out of reach. grin.gif

For the shore fisherman, strap the Fish'n Chum to your thigh. Or to a tree if your bashful. cool.gif

Strap one on, the giggle will be worth it.

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I wish I would have had one the other day when anything I put on the ice was soaked. Its nice having a dry rod/reel and when your eating or drinking you could just lift your heal and jig. Dont sound like a joke to me. Even when Im in the front of the boat slip drifting with 2 rods and I get a fish on 1 I could set the 2nd rod in a chum and attend to bussiness. That sound convenient to me. Like was said I wont pass judgement till I see or use it for myself.

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Great! Now my buddy with the nervous twitch will probably outfish me all the time! I'll have to fish without a shirt so that I freeze and get the shakes. That's the only way I'll be able to compete with his eratic and continuous "jigging"! smile.gif

Hows about making a holder for the Fish-N-Chum when you're not using it? I know a guy that owns an old warehouse which has a bunch of used and broken mannequins. The legs would be great for dead sticking!

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