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Ice Report

united jigsticker

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Lets use this thread to report ice-up's for any area, and thickness reports.

Even if it's just a 40 foot skim out from the shoreline, or a 1/2" layer on your backyard pond, lets hear about it!

Locations can range anywhere, in or out of Minnesota.


We must Will the weather to Chill

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Just a couple of days ago we had a thin layer of ice nearly across the whole of Gull Lake up here but a bit of rain and wind knocked that out. Old Gull here has been trying for a month to get on to freezing but just over the bull rushes and along the edges has stayed. Our forecast is looking great for ice making, though. This week you can just feel it. Will keep you posted here and in the Blackduck forum.

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some of the ditches and small ponds have been froze and then reopened about three times. last night the ditches and small ponds froze again.

hope it sticks this time. the lakes have to be close to freezing, but havnt had a chance to check the smaller lakes.


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I've got a couple spots I'm eyeing up while up in NW Minnesota this holiday weekend. Walked out about 5 yards with the ice chisel and had about 2 inches. Still a little sketchy for myself but if I had a pair of snowshoes, I might consider it.

Its so cold up here right now that I'm hoping by Saturday, it might be good to go by foot if I can be patient.

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I'm gonna err on the safety side, especially with Friday getting up near 40°. I'm gonna wait another couple weeks for 4 inches of ice. I'd feel much better if I waited until it was 6 inches.

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