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late season/cold weather gear.


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Just wondering what ever one uses to stay warm looking to ungrade to try and stay warm sit longer. What are some good boots gloves jacket bibs ect.... mainly have a problem with feet getting cold. I don't like to wear gloves cause the feel uncomfortable any suggestions? Anyone try heater body suits worth the money? Easy to shoot out of?

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Ive never tried the Heater Suit but ya hear good things about it.

I wear the pack boots and never leave without the muff! Stuff the Heat Factory Handwarmers in them and its go-time!

I dont care what you do, to me when it gets below 10 degrees or so, it just plain tough to sit for a long time.

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Layers and layers, make sure one of those layers are Merimo Wool.

Another thing I started to do and works wonders is keeping my kidneys warm, remember that all your fluids in your body cycle through those organs.

Kind of like a block heater on your vehicle.

2 ways I do it;

1. Wear a "Slimming Exercise belt" or something equivalent to keep that area warm on days down to @30 degrees.

2. Wear that same belt and stuff 2 hand warmers between the belt and my body at my kidney level at days where I need that extra warmth.

I normally wear that on the outside of my 1st layer of undergarments.

Works well for me and I am not a person that could take a lot of cold for a long time before I started doing this.

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Here is a tip Cabelas has there tree stand hunter wool on super sale now ! $300 jacket for 150 and the bibs are 130 reagular price 280 ! I just got the bibs ! They are like a wool sleeping bag around ur legs ! But I don't think u would want to walk very far

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For feet the best thing I to do is wear two pairs of socks. The first layer use a nylon type sock "dress sock" also know as boot liners, second layer wool or synthetic wool. Remember to keep good circulation in your feet, might think about buying boots one or two sizes bigger than normal (as long as you are not walking too far).

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If you're considering the HBS, I'm assuming you're a treestand hunter.

There is as much strategy in what you where as there is how you use it. I great set of heavy outerlayers is good, but not if you wear them for the march out to the stand. If you do that you will get hot and sweaty and your liners layers will get damp and you will get cold and your layers cool and you're left with cool damp clothes.

If I know I'm hiking it to my stand, I carry my outer layers and then get dressed 50-100yds from the stand. This is where having all your hunting clothes washed in scent free soap. I've hiked a mile back wearing just long johns with boots and a hat. You won't overheat and your body will love those heavy outerlayers when you get to the stand.

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Last year my wife bought me an electric jacket. If I remember right its made by hilti. Due to sore back the last few days I bought a pack of those therma wraps. It was about 8 little hand warmers in a belt. I am definitely going to use them for my next sit.

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I've done the back heating pads before and they work great. Problem is I put them on before I make the trek to the stand and by the time I get to the stand I'm sweating like crazy! They definitely keep you warm while in stand.

Just make sure you don't use them till you are in stand...

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I love my Heater Body Suit. When it is cold I wear poly. prop. liner socks and wool socks under my boots. Underarmour, merino wool longies, with sweat pants and a chamois shirt (look like a dork but warm) Then depending on the weather I use a heavier jacket with a insulated vest under it. I also ALWAYS have a stocking hat with a neck gaiter with. Then of course my HBS. It might sound like alot to some but it has kept me in the stand when most of my family and friends are long gone. Also make sure you can get the weight off your feet. To me having a good stand with a seat so you can get weight off your feet is a good way to keep your feet warm! I like my Summit climbers...very comfortable! Good Luck hunting!

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I hate gloves except the skin tight early season ones. So I always have a hand muff strapped around my waist with a big handwarmer inside a sock in it. I just keep my hands in the muff until its near time to grab the bow from the holder on the tree. Keeps my hands much warmer than any heavy gloves. Worst case your hands with the early season gloves are exposed for 5 minutes or so.

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That's the one my wife got me from home depot last year. Gets really warm. If you run on the high setting it doesn't last to long, but I like to get out early and sit a long time. Guess I should just buy one more battery. It does work well though.

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I sat all day of Wisconsin gun opener in some pretty chilly temps and made it through because of:

1)Very heavy Walls bibs and a coat - I doubt I' be able to shoot a bow with that type of coat on

2) Down boot covers over my 400 gram thinsulate boots that had chemical toe warmers in. These things are great, but you need a stand big enough to allow for your "large" feet.

3)A muff with a "mega handwarmer" in it, followed up by smaller hand warmers in each of my gloves.

4)A fleece face mask, covered by a fleece neck gator, and a warm stocking cap.

If I can keep my neck and head warm, followed by my hands and feet with chemical warmers I can do ok in some pretty cold weather for gun hunting. But being able to pull that bow back, after sitting for 2-3 hours in cold weather, gets pretty tough.

I'd love to hear Heater Body Suit reviews from bow hunters... I'm still struggling with the idea of being able to get it "open" fast enough to grab my bow if a deer sneaks up on me?

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The wife and I both have Heater Body Suits and love them.

They are a little tricky getting into while 20' in the air, but allow you to hunt all day.

With the new ones no longer come with the boot blankets, not sure why?? I think it makes a big difference.

Also a few other options out there that I have no experience with (IWOM and Warmbag off the top of my head, a couple others too.)

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I have the heater body suit, works good!! Also a pair of the Ice King boots. Those along with the hand warmers usually do the job. Should have had them on last Friday morning, ended up leaving the stand early because I was cold. Did see a nice buck though!!! As the season evolves I just keep adding layers, always carrying as much as possible to my stand, then putting them on. Also leaving more time on the walk in so you can stop and cool down before you sweat.

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I'd love to hear Heater Body Suit reviews from bow hunters... I'm still struggling with the idea of being able to get it "open" fast enough to grab my bow if a deer sneaks up on me?

They sell a bowhanger with the body suit, that helps, puts your bow within inches of your hands - that are tucked down into the suit. With practice it slides off your shoulders, you grab your bow, and are ready to shoot.

As someone else mentioned, I really like the neck gaiters, combined with a wool face mask, and another hat on top, keeps your head and neck warm.

Biggest problem I have in the cold and on stand is a runny nose, I have to keep blowing it or I end up coughing.

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Well thanks everyone time to do some experimenting. Anyone hunt in cold like we are going to experience later this eeek?

There was a MN rifle opener a few years back when the temps were in the -10 to -20 range. Trees were popping and it was COLD, sat all day with one short walk around 1:30 to get the blood pumping. I was packing lots of layers, toe, hand, and body warmers placed all over.

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