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It is hard to beat


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I know this has been discussed before, but my 25 year old Jiffy Model 30 seemed to run better and cut holes quicker than the shiny new ones on the lake yesterday. It may be heavy and it may be cranky at times, but I sure can't see replacing it.

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what I noticed yesterday was most people's jiffys run for a second die, run for 8 seconds die, then cut and idle fine.

I love my jiffy but my SM solo will run circles around it, and not having a chipper blade has made my life easier. The weight of the model 30 my biggest gripe, but im weak !!

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I sold my Model 30 to a buddy, it is a great cutter for sure, but heavy as all get out. I have a Mag III that runs and cuts great as well, but the trade of the Jiffy was for a shiny new SM Lazer Pro. Only used it twice so far, but I like it smile

My Jiffy always started, but you kind of had to know and follow the process, and god forbid is someone flooded it. The SM just seems to start no matter what on second pull.

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+2 on the strikemaster. '97 model, never given me problems, and works great.

2000 model SM laser xpress here. Run an ice gator now, but start the Strikemaster a few times a year. Still fires 1st or 2nd pull every time and idles beautifully.

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I hear ya. My 25 yr old jiffy cut like mad. However I sold it last year and bought a new strike master. I knew how to start the jiffy. But if anyone else grabbed it was near worthless to them. I bought the new Strike lite 2 for 2 reasons. I got sick of the sore back. And I wanted something others could use when we were on a trip.

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Brand new strike masters seem really nice, its the middle aged (5_10 years) that I don't like. I don't ever want a 4 stroke. Anytime "light" and 4 stroke are used together it also means "expensfix". current auger is around 20-25 year old, strikemaster, starts hard but runs perfect.

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I still have my StrikeMaster Mag 3 Plus. Bought it new a long time(20+years)ago.

I've rebuilt the carb a handful of times, rebuilt the recoil once, and sharpened it when it needed it. I run it from time to time just to be sure its ready to go.

I've owned Nils Masters since around 2005. The SM has been to places a lot of ice fisherman could only dream of. When I see it sitting there it brings back some darn good memories.

I guess that is the only reason why I've kept it around, because of the all the memories it triggers from over the years. I'm going to let the old gal go. Its got to go to a good home though. I don't want it to be used one season, act up and then get thrown into the scrap pile. In the right hands that auger will be running in another 20+ years.

The difference between the old SM and the Nils, well there isn't any comparison, they are what they are.

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I happen to own one of the very first SM Mag Lazer augers ever produced. Happened to be a buyer for a local sporting goods store at the time. I bought the first one to cross the threshold, salesman sample. It is lightning fast, have not found ANY production unit that can beat it. Have to say I never really pampered it. It ran great no matter if I summerized it or not.

Well this year the recoil went out and I need a carb cleaning.

I scoured the local web and found a similar but one generation newer as a back up/replacement. Runs great as well. Gonna drop the old girl off at D rock next week, then pack it away for my boys to own one day.

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