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vexilar? marcum, bird?


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After watching a buddy use his vex18 im now shopping lol..BUT..i struggle a bit as im color blind and the reds/ greens look alike.. (why they use THOSE colors is beyond me)..anyw?ay..whats a good unit like the fl18 that MIGHT be better as far as visible separation? Or just try and do the best i can with the fl18 ?

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After watching a buddy use his vex18 im now shopping lol..BUT..i struggle a bit as im color blind and the reds/ greens look alike.. (why they use THOSE colors is beyond me)..anyw?ay..whats a good unit like the fl18 that MIGHT be better as far as visible separation? Or just try and do the best i can with the fl18 ?

I believe Vexilar still offers a color conversion on the FL8 & FL18 for those that are color blind. I would give them a call. 952-884-5291


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Thanks guys..I called Vex and they DO offer a color change. The green lights go to blue to help seperate the red/green problem. 59.00 bux. I am leaning towards vex as my buddy has one and can shorten the learning curve very quickly. BUT will stil lcheck out marcum

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Thanks guys..I called Vex and they DO offer a color change. The green lights go to blue to help seperate the red/green problem. 59.00 bux. I am leaning towards vex as my buddy has one and can shorten the learning curve very quickly. BUT will stil lcheck out marcum

If you don't mind spending more, I would lean the other way... Vex is falling behind and the LX-6, 7, and 9 can all change colors with ease, as well as the Humminbirds.

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I am red-green colorblind, and have a marcum. I have no trouble discerning colors on my flasher or anyone else's for that matter. The colors vary greatly in wavelength, just like stoplights. If your differentiation is really that severe you may want to consider switching to a different type of sonar. I've seen people do really well with the scrolling units like those commonly used for summer fishing. Hope this helps.

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I have a bird. I have 2 buddies (brothers) that are color blind. after they have fished with me they said they really like looking at the bird screen with 6 color display, as its was evidently easier for them to see. One of them has a vex fl18, the other an lx5. My advice to you is to look at them side by side. Let your eyes decide

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why is it when someone asks for opinions we get all sort of Marcum bobo's saying how vex is falling behind?

Fairness in conversation, i am a current vexilar owner looking to upgrade as well. I am seriously looking at the LX-7 or the FL-22hd. My only reason for looking into the Marcums is for the new Digital screen. If they LX-7 were similar to the LX-5 i would be purchasing the FL-22 in a heart beat.

Everyone seems to be saying how much better the marcums are with their IR, however with the new proview transducers Vex is sporting it seems like the IR comparison is no longer valid.

so then we look at either digital screen or standard mechanical screen. i like the idea of the quiet no vex hum... however, it doesn't seem like the digital is as quick of a response.

With all this rambling coming to an end, i guess i am leaning vex. (industry leading, yada yada yada..) but if i find out next year they are coming out with a FL-24dhd (digital high def.) i am really going to be an unhappy camper....

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If you fish with your buddy a lot and he has an FL-18, just be aware that he may have bad interference issues if you get a Marcum. I have an FL-18, and in certain situations, I can not even fish next to my buddy who has an LX-6.

If I were you I would just get the Vex conversion. At least then you know you have the best smile

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Everyone seems to be saying how much better the marcums are with their IR, however with the new proview transducers Vex is sporting it seems like the IR comparison is no longer valid.

so then we look at either digital screen or standard mechanical screen. i like the idea of the quiet no vex hum... however, it doesn't seem like the digital is as quick of a response.

With all this rambling coming to an end, i guess i am leaning vex. (industry leading, yada yada yada..) but if i find out next year they are coming out with a FL-24dhd (digital high def.) i am really going to be an unhappy camper....

Explain in detail your response from the bold quote sentences above...

How can you tell that digital sonar/flasher like the Marcum LX6 or 7 is slower or dont have a quick response when compared to the mechanical flasher?

The proview is a very interesting peice of technology. I like to know how it knocks interference or makes IR obsolete compared to the likes of a 8, 9, 12, 20 degree cone? I like to see the proview as its explain that the gain settings allows it to increase its range from 9 all the way up to 20 degree. How does this affect interference and signal return strength of your tiny jig or fish when compared to the likes of using gain on a traditional transducer?

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why is it when someone asks for opinions we get all sort of Marcum bobo's saying how vex is falling behind?

Fairness in conversation, i am a current vexilar owner looking to upgrade as well. I am seriously looking at the LX-7 or the FL-22hd. My only reason for looking into the Marcums is for the new Digital screen. If they LX-7 were similar to the LX-5 i would be purchasing the FL-22 in a heart beat.

Everyone seems to be saying how much better the marcums are with their IR, however with the new proview transducers Vex is sporting it seems like the IR comparison is no longer valid.

so then we look at either digital screen or standard mechanical screen. i like the idea of the quiet no vex hum... however, it doesn't seem like the digital is as quick of a response.

With all this rambling coming to an end, i guess i am leaning vex. (industry leading, yada yada yada..) but if i find out next year they are coming out with a FL-24dhd (digital high def.) i am really going to be an unhappy camper....

What's wrong with the LX-5? I'd choose Marcum over Vex any day of the week...humminbird comes in a close 2nd.

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IMO Vex has to come out with a Digital unit or others will leave them in the dust. Even vex diehards are eventually going to "see the light" or spend hard earned money foolishly.

1. Is a new Vex digital - NO

2. Can Vex split screens with Flasher look and Digital Vertical look - NO

2. Is a new Vex as good in open water - NO

3. Is a new Vex upgradeable via Software - NO

What else can Vex do with the old mechanical type version they currently offer....not much, make their screens a little bigger or the colors a little brighter? Hummingbird will be next though IMO to come out with an LX-6, 7, 9 type digital unit, they already do a nice job with their 1100 series open water units; and Vex will fall even further behind. Personally I'd like to see another Digital competitor in the ice market, it is all about Software now and we all know when it comes to software anything is possible and if you ask a programmer if it can be done...the answer is always "yes".

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Humminbird already has a digital "flasher". In fact I do believe they had one before Marcum did. I could be wrong there, but I know that Lowrance has had the Ice Machine out for a few years now.

Not a whole lot new here, just different ways to display it. In fact with the bird 385 you even get a GPS with it wink Not sure why Marcum omitted that.

Its been proven many times over that ice fisherman (and the elements they fish in) in general are pretty tough on their equipment and it has yet to be seen how well these "tablets" with a transducer attached are going to hold up. 1 year fine 2 years fine. What about 7 or 8 years or more?

Both evolution and competition is great for us end users though, so I say keep the arguments going. grin

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Something ineresting I observed while attending a couple small ice shows this fall, Marcums were the best sellers, HB sold a couple, not 1 Vex flasher sold at either event...I made the switch from a Vex to Marcum long ago and not desire to return...The LX-7 is truley amazing

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In fact with the bird 385 you even get a GPS with it wink Not sure why Marcum omitted that.

Pro staff from Marcum told me that you can't have you can't have all three (Graph, Flasher, GPS) all in one unit. Now you tell me how Humminbird and Lowrance have done it.

My first choice for a flasher would be a bird if I were to buy one.

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If any of you Marcum guys have a spare FL-20, I'll trade you my LX-5 for it. I'll even buy a brand new battery for it. I have a FL-20, LX-5, and a VX-1. I never use the Marcums. To each his own.

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After calling Vex and talking to my buddy i went with a recon unit . FL18 w color change for 375 w a two yr warranty. My buddy fished w a guy that had a marcum and the interference on his vex was really bad. For me that was the killer as we fish together all the time...all units have good n bad. My choice based on Co.reputation, price, and not screwing up fishing for a friend...

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Google this.

'vexilar cool blue'

Blue Light Conversion

Have your FL Series Flasher colors converted to the unique look of Cool Blue. The bright red color stays the same, but green and orange are replaced with vibrate Blue and Purple. It’s the perfect option for those who are color blind and have never been able to see the colors do what they are meant to do.

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In fact with the bird 385 you even get a GPS with it wink Not sure why Marcum omitted that.

Pro staff from Marcum told me that you can't have you can't have all three (Graph, Flasher, GPS) all in one unit. Now you tell me how Humminbird and Lowrance have done it.

My first choice for a flasher would be a bird if I were to buy one.

If you want a 3.5 inch screen enjoy. That's the best part, this is a conversion of a open water unit to ice. Im pretty sure you wouldn't want to compare the working tactics of each to each other on a open water vs an ice application specifically. If so, tell me what tree grows an apple flavored orange.

I don't know that anybody here is trying to tell you what to buy. Many here will tell you what they prefer. Your best bet is to try or fish with someone who has each and someone who knows all their working capabilities before you decide. People are brand specific by nature. I own both Marcum's and a Ice 55 Humminbird. I have owned a Vexilar but don't anymore. My bird is given to guests. Not because it doesn't work. Because it doesn't work to my liking enough to use it. That is all. I use and have become a Marcum guy because for me, it is my preference. That is my call, and yours is your call. But to compare a full time Ice Sonar to the 385 to me is a hybrid apple/orange. They sound tasty though.

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1. Is a new Vex digital - NO

2. Can Vex split screens with Flasher look and Digital Vertical look - NO

2. Is a new Vex as good in open water - NO

3. Is a new Vex upgradeable via Software - NO

.....Why would you fix something that isn't broken? I believe the vex units will outlast any digital unit. I think the digital units are cool But for me I get all the information I need from that good old spinning wheel with the 3 colors grin

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