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How many?

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Total of about 8. Fix up cabin in Chisago County and my basement finish project plus a 2 and 4 year old boot hunting out tha door for me these days until my kids get into it.

On a great note, the 4 year old ice fishes like a machine!

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for deer, day before gun opener, all day, gun opener. Then went to SD and had 3 mornings and 3 afternoons. I am going this weekend with a muzzy for a day trip, but that is it. Sure wish it could be more, but DARN thankful for the days I get.

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how many times did you go out hunting this fall?

Are you counting days or each time you go out(morning and evening hunts)?

I have hunted 33 days so far this year and have a few more to go. Would have been more but came down with strep and missed 4 days during rifle season.

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Never can get out enough.....

Probably 10 times duck hunting

15 or so times with the beagles for hare

a handful of sits bear hunting

maybe 10-14 days bowhunting (4-5 were dark to dark hunts)

7 days or so with the rifle (4 were dark to dark sits)

Only once out with the muzzy so far...... frown

But for as much as I get out I get pretty lucky grin

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4 kids a wife and a job and I hunted 49 times so far this year. I am lucky that I can duck and deer hunt a couple of spots close to home. Several hunts for me are 1 - 2 hour sits before or after work. I plan 2 more sits for Muzzle Loader, and a grouse or phesant trip.

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