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Looking for your opinion on etiquette


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Just remember, it was someone in one of those “big trucks” that initially broke that path for you.

I haven't been out on the lakes at all this week because i know that i wouldn't be able to get off the main path. But, thanks to a few people suggestions, i will shovel out a parking spot off the main drag and walk from there! Never though of that one confused

Had to laugh at the irony of the quote from dtro. well said.

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Wow, this is a hot one isn't it? My OPINIONS...Take em or leave em.

You should have a shovel with you. Cardboard or a 2x4 or something for traction isn't a bad plan either.

You shouldn't park on a path if you can avoid it. If you can't avoid it or don't want to shovel, drag out?

The world (Sporting, at least) would be better off without this guy. A comment about path parking is one thing, but if it was hostile, [PoorWordUsage] off. Buy a private pond if you want to run the show. And if you want to fish in private, move or drive away from the metro. Or wake up earlier or stay out later. Not one gram of sympathy for him here.

One more quickie(And I realize this was not the case here): Not all trucks have 4x4 so I recommend not assuming that.


An earlier poster hit on this as well, and I'm not meaning to single anyone out, but it IS different in metro MN than the Boondocks or Red Lake or the Gunflint or Canada or Lake Erie. It's just reality. More people, more trucks, more help available, shorter distance to everything. Being prepared is one thing, but accidents, oversight and malfunctions will still happen.

I'm genuinely curious: What do some of you hard-liners on this topic plan to do if your 4x4 goes out on you in the middle of the lake? Or if you dropped a wheel in near the shore on a boonies lake. I have a hard time believing you'd be walking home to get your spare vehicle... Why make it harder on yourself if someone is willing to help?

Unless you're really pressed for time, you'd have to be pretty proud of yourself to drive by someone stuck at the access if you have a 4x4. Ask for compensation if you're worried about burning the gas, but I couldn't drive by.

I've never been refused assistance on the lake. Not once, for anything. IMO Most people that ice fish are very cool. Let's keep that rolling if we can. I think sometimes a few forget that they started out with no knowledge or experience either...even if it was a long time ago.

Ugh, this got long, my bad.

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You missed the point completely .It's not that I wouldn't help anyone in distress or needing a hole on the lake and trust me I help often because I am ALWAYS prepared but things can happen even to me .

The problem is many go fishing with the ASSUMPTION that a hole will be drilled for them or the ASSUMPTION that somebody will help them out .

Driving onto a snow covered lake without a shovel can get you very dead if your the only one on it or the last one off it .

This whole situation could have been very easily avoided and all involved would have been happy . So because there was not the fore-thought to bring a shovel to get off the trail there are two unhappy campers out there .

I find it odd how many think it is there god given right to block a trail because they legally can . You make your problem of not being prepared ie shovel or 4x4 somebody elses . Your assuming alot if you think that is acceptable conduct in the outdoors .

Did Hoffer make a mistake ,yes . Should he be crucified for it ,no . Should he make the mistake again and feel justified just because he can ? Absolutely not . Should be considered a lesson learned .


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This is in reply to Jentz...

I was actually sweating things for awhile. I wasnt sure I was going to be able to turn around. I looked further ahead and could see that there was a "T" where this path and another path crossed. So I drove way up ahead and that "T" was packed down decent enough so I had a little room to inch back and forth and turn around..then I faced the other direction and drove back to where I ended up fishing. i actually did try to inch back and forth where I stopped to see if I could get off the main path a bit. However, with the dang traction control - I couldnt wiggle around much at all with the car - so I just stayed put. I will also admit that I was in a hurry to get out. Got home at 1 - ripped off the suit and tie and packed my ice fishing equipment and took off. So, as I said - next time around I will bring a shovel and hopefully that will help me to get off the path smile

When you look at this issue from a thousand feet up...in reality it really isnt a big deal. However, why I think this thread has generated some comments is that it touched a nerve. I dont think that most people really break what would be common etiquette with a malicious intent. I think what hit a nerve is that there just seems like a better way for us sportsmen in general to react with one another. I know my take from this is that I will try to be more patient with other sportsmen I come accross. Whether or not its someone blocking the boat access or or parking too close to where I am ice-fishing etc...I will try to keep a level head wink

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He did NOT make a mistake. You all miss the point, if 5 other vehicles drove by him wouldn't the new "road" then be beside his vehicle???? So really there shouldn't be any issue which is why most all waved as they drove on by without issue.

Plus water is water, frozen or open. Park and wish wherever you like.

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Yes EXACTLY that kind of attitude is what will get you yelled at out on the lake whether it's froze or open . You think it's your god given right to interfere with somebody elses passage . You just say " p1ss on them . I'm here and that's that ".

Funny how 5 vehicles had to detour for the sake of one and your trying to justify it just because it's legal . The point is etiquette and with etiquette comes respect . Why make others detour just for you ? . Are you something special like the President or Pope that everybody else must detour for your sake ?

As far as there now being a path around the vehicle because 5 have passed what if the first vehicle to come along had been a van the same as Hoffer's .

You betcha it was a mistake or hope it was because if the attitude was held by everybody that " screw everybody else they will " HAVE " to go around or find a way around then things sure have changed for the worse and its time for me to hang up my rods and guns .

I'm quite sure if Hoffer had had a shovel and been able to put some snap into his van's step he would have not parked right on the existing trail or he would not have mentioned etiquette because he consciously knew that something was amiss .

That does not mean the lad in the 4x4 needed to beller because he had the ability to control the situation , but he likely thought just like your attitude says, that this guy parked does not care about anybody but himself just because it is legal . No thought to etiquette . I think the lad was bellering because he felt etiquette was not followed and that is the point .


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So, I know I am setting myself up for some potential bashing but I just have to ask smile

So, this afternoon I decide to head out to do some tipup fishing.

I went to a spot on Tonka that was pretty isolated. I was in my dodge caravan and drove out from the ramp on a little trail that was just a 2 tire track path. The snow wasnt really too deep but I tried going off the main path a little and my tires were spinning and I just felt it safer to stay on the path that was there and then set up my flags a ways off the path. So, anyway a few people had drove by the path and when they got to me they just drove around and kept going. A while later I was tending one of my flags and a big Ford 4x4 truck came up the path and stopped in front of my vehicle. he rolled his window down and was yelling at me that I was parked on the "road". I said very nicely "can you get around? others have driven around with no problem". His answer was " so we all have to go around for you!!". I said again very nicely "well, I have a small van and you have a big truck with 4 wheel drive and like 2 feet of clearance". He then said a few other choice works and proceeded to go go around me in a very simple and easy manuever. Mind you, there were at least 3 or 4 other paths going out in this direction from the access - but i guess I was on the "main path". It wasnt plowed or anything...just a path that looked like it had been traveled on a few more times than the other paths.

So, was I out of line for parking on this path or was this guy having a "moment"??

A path is a path, and a road is a road, you were on a path.

Nobody owns that path, open ice is public use domain, and once you drive on the ice each has there own path to take, it is there individual choice to make.

So, in my opinion and all things considered you were in your rights to be where you were.

Being a front wheel drive van you may have wished to pursue the option to back up off the path into a new path at an angle...repeatedly..taking it easy...to form a parking area off the path....if you felt it feasible....but I would not be too bent over one mans rant over having to drive his 4-wheel drive truck around 2-wheel dive van.

If the man in the truck was so concerned, he could have been a stand-up guy and offered to make a side path for you, in which for you to park on off the path too....not just rebuke you for your vehicles shortcoming in the snow..that you were well aware of already. There is something to be said for offering a good christian hand to others instead of jumping quickly to judgment...is there not?

We all have to keep things in prospective, and that is not worth getting too bent about.

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I think a few others may have said this? But if a few people had gone around you more or less making a new path. I would have backed up and pulled into the new path they had packed down. Then you would have been out of the way for others to use the main path that they all have been using to get on and off the lake. wink

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I find it interesting we basically have two sides on this issue, with both sides claiming, "Nobody Owns the Lake" as their rationale.

In one corner, Group A says, "Nobody Owns the Lake so park wherever you please."

In the other corner, Group B says, "Nobody Owns the Lake, so don't act like you do by parking in the middle of a community trail."

Without seeing the particular trail it's hard to make much of a judgment. But based on the fact that it was fairly busy trail; and Hoffer didn't feel comfortable getting off it without getting stuck, I'm still in Group B.

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There is something to be said for offering a good christian hand to others instead of jumping quickly to judgment...is there not?

Well said Ed. What is happening with this world??????? All I am hearing from most of you is MY MY MY. Your in my way. Your in my path. You are ruining MY fishing. The problem with the world today is so many of you are to worried about YOU and don't care at all about any one else unless it doesn't affect you. We are supposed to be sportsmen/women. I am not seeing the SPORTS in it anymore. How many of you are making a living by going out fishing??? Not many if any. We are out there to have fun. For me fishing is a way to relieve stress not add more to it. If someone appears to be blocking a path get out and talk with them and ask if they can move or help them out a little. Then we hear "Why should I, its not my problem." And that's where I no longer consider you a sportsmen and just less of a man. A REAL man is willing to help out a fellow angler, hunter, hiker, boater, etc... For the most part out on the lake I have run in to a lot of good people just out to have a good time. Fishing is not a stressful sport. Not to me atleast. But this is no different than the "you set up to close to me" deal. I love to be out on the lake on my own also but more times than not someone comes out and sets up right by me. Oh well.

So should the OP have gotten off the path a little more, maybe, maybe not. Should the guy in the 4x4 have said what he did. Absolutley not. Should the OP have brought a shovel. Yes. To those of you getting so worked up about that, get off your high horses and quit thinking you are perfect. Everyone makes mistakes and NO ONE is perfect. How many times in your years of fishing have you gone out and forgotten something? More than once I guarantee it. It happens. Let's bring Minnesota nice back to this beautiful state. If you don't want to be "Minnesota Nice" then do the rest of us a favor by moving to another state somewhere. Good luck to all of you and God Bless.

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There is something to be said for offering a good christian hand to others instead of jumping quickly to judgment...is there not?

Well said Ed. What is happening with this world??????? All I am hearing from most of you is MY MY MY. Your in my way. Your in my path. You are ruining MY fishing. The problem with the world today is so many of you are to worried about YOU and don't care at all about any one else unless it doesn't affect you.

Your statements here could be used to explain the other side of the argument as well. All I am hearing is MY MY MY when I hear you say that the original poster had a "right" to be parked in the middle of the main path. Just like you say above, "so many of you are too worried about YOU and don't care at all about any one else unless it doesn't affect you." If you park in the middle of the main path and make others go around you obviously don't care about anyone else, just yourself. Minnesota nice goes both ways.

I used to have a 2 wheel drive truck for many years, back when every winter we seemed to get the amount of snow we have this year. I NEVER parked on a well used trail. I found a way to get off the trail or I walked out. Ice fishing is the whole reason I bought my first 4 wheel drive truck. I knew that I liked Ice fishing and if I wanted to be able to enjoy it I had to invest in a 4 x 4. I had the truck way before I had a gas auger or a flasher. It was nothing fancy, but it let me drive most anyplace I wanted to go on the lake. I feel that if you want to pursue fishing or hunting or any hobby, you have to have the equipment to do it safely and effectively. Having a 4x4 for ice fishing is just like having a boat for summer fishing, how am I going to do it without one?

This has nothing to do with helping your fellow sportsman as has been mentioned. The original poster didn't need help with anything did he? I'm more than happy to help someone who needs help out on the ice but in this case I would have just drove by him and shook my head. I wouldn't have thought he needed help with anything.

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Yea big dave thats the same thing I said but everyone calls it a criminal act for calling someone out for not having the proper equipment or walk out! Not saying you have to stay home, but walk then god forbid! I compared it to taking a canoe out in the summer on a busy lake. You might not be able to afford a big boat (like the cant afford a 4X4 statement) but in the canoe YOU will have to deal with the deficiency of YOUR equipment...not anyone else. Thats probably why you don't see or hear too much of that problem...someone having to accept the consequences for their own decisions immediately...pretty rare today.

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I read through a lot of the whining but I gave up...big deal, a guy parked on the road. Most of us go hunting and ice fishing to get away from the daily grind and listening to people whine like this.

If it were me and the guy barked at me about parking in the road I would have turned around and dropped my bibs, leaned to the side and smiled at the guy...if he would have stopped and said, hey pal can you move your big truck so I can drive my mini van down the plowed road...I would have ran over and pulled my truck to the side and waved him on his way with a smile.

Simple stuff.

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I read through a lot of the whining but I gave up...big deal, a guy parked on the road. Most of us go hunting and ice fishing to get away from the daily grind and listening to people whine like this.

If it were me and the guy barked at me about parking in the road I would have turned around and dropped my bibs, leaned to the side and smiled at the guy...if he would have stopped and said, hey pal can you move your big truck so I can drive my mini van down the plowed road...I would have ran over and pulled my truck to the side and waved him on his way with a smile.

Simple stuff.

Well said. I would have done the same.

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I sm not saying that the OP did not do anything wrong or did. What I am saying is why is everyone getting so worked up about a simple little thing like this. People were able to go around and some of you are gettting worked up about the what if. PEOPLE WERE ABLE TO GO AROUND, as they did a few times while he was there. Oh no they had to go 10 feet out of their way. Big deal. And this attitude of don't fish if you don't have the proper equipment is [PoorWordUsage]. I know a lot of people who don't have all the bells and whistles but they still get out and go fishing. I also know people who do take canoes out on metro lakes to go fishing. So just because some Jack*ss has a nice boat they have the right to come flying by my friend on a big lake and put him at risk because all he has is a canoe. Well you know what you can kiss in that instance. And I guarantee you will not want him to find you on shore if you were to pull a stunt like that. No need to ever get that close to someone in a canoe. Another good example, We were fishing on a very small lake catching panfish last summer and the boats kept coming in by us and anchored wthin 10 - 20 feet of us until there was about 10 other boats. We could not even cast and had to toss our lines a few feet away to avoid tangles. Then some morons decide they owned the lake and proceeded to weave in and out of all the boats trolling within a few feet of our boats. EVERY boat had to pull lines in for them to get through and they didn't care one bit. So this is the kind of attitude I am talking about. MY MY MY is all that was on those peoples minds that day.

Like I said I am not defending either side as more could have been done to get off the path. But people were still able to pass around and no big deal. But then some of you pipe in and say well he should have moved over so "I" don't have to go around or if you don't have a big 4x4 then you should not even be out fishing. Maybe he didn't need help but you would only have known that if you stopped to ask. But then again it doesn't concern you either way does it. cool

So yes I am saying all I am hearing on both sides of this argument is MY MY MY. When the simple solution, if it was that big of a deal, is stop and ask if he needed help or suggest that he move off the path so people could get through easier. Then we wouldn't have a thread this long with so many people getting all worked up over something this petty. It sounds like he had a dead body laying on the ice next to him by some of the replies. No matter what someone does, good or bad, someone else will always take offense.

And for the record I have a car right now and always try and get off the main path. If I can't drive out on the lake then I will try a different lake. Now I have a snowmobile so it makes things a lot easier.

By the way, unless you own a snowmobile then don't even bother to go fishing (unless you walk out)and taking the chance of ruining MY time on the ice because I don't want a bunch of knuckleheads driving their big 4x4's out on the ice and putting MY life and fishing at risk. (Sarcasm by the way)

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There is something to be said for offering a good christian hand to others instead of jumping quickly to judgment...is there not?

Well said Ed. What is happening with this world??????? All I am hearing from most of you is MY MY MY. Your in my way. Your in my path. You are ruining MY fishing. The problem with the world today is so many of you are to worried about YOU and don't care at all about any one else unless it doesn't affect you. We are supposed to be sportsmen/women. I am not seeing the SPORTS in it anymore. How many of you are making a living by going out fishing??? Not many if any. We are out there to have fun. For me fishing is a way to relieve stress not add more to it. If someone appears to be blocking a path get out and talk with them and ask if they can move or help them out a little. Then we hear "Why should I, its not my problem." And that's where I no longer consider you a sportsmen and just less of a man. A REAL man is willing to help out a fellow angler, hunter, hiker, boater, etc... For the most part out on the lake I have run in to a lot of good people just out to have a good time. Fishing is not a stressful sport. Not to me atleast. But this is no different than the "you set up to close to me" deal. I love to be out on the lake on my own also but more times than not someone comes out and sets up right by me. Oh well.

So should the OP have gotten off the path a little more, maybe, maybe not. Should the guy in the 4x4 have said what he did. Absolutley not. Should the OP have brought a shovel. Yes. To those of you getting so worked up about that, get off your high horses and quit thinking you are perfect. Everyone makes mistakes and NO ONE is perfect. How many times in your years of fishing have you gone out and forgotten something? More than once I guarantee it. It happens. Let's bring Minnesota nice back to this beautiful state. If you don't want to be "Minnesota Nice" then do the rest of us a favor by moving to another state somewhere. Good luck to all of you and God Bless.

I agree 100%.

Give a guy a helping hand instead of a bunch of [PoorWordUsage].

Whatever happened to helping someone else out instead of making their day miserable?

Thats right, in todays world its all about me.

Maybe a little more of this and the whole world might be better off.

"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you"

Seems we do not practice that much any longer in todays all about ME society.

Whats wrong with lending a hand to one instead of climbing all over them??

I cannot believe all the people who felt this fellow was that wrong. I guess maybe he should have stayed home.

Boy we have a wonderful belief in society today.

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I haven't read "the icefishing etiquette book", but here's what I did in a "somewhat" similar situation on Red. My buddy and I were looking for a spot for his house on a plowed spur. We found one we liked, off the road, not near anyone, etc............BUT at the end of the plowed spot was a 2 wheel "track" continuing on . Couldn't tell if that track was occupied by another house farther over or not.....so we DIDN'T set up there, we went to the next one. No tracks continued on that one, and it was farther off road. We liked it better, AND no chance of us blocking someone elses trail. The following day, another wheelhouse did park in it, and we never saw anyone try to return on that trail.....they would have been blocked.

So etiquette? Don't know, but I would try to avoid such a spot.

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Another good example, We were fishing on a very small lake catching panfish last summer and the boats kept coming in by us and anchored wthin 10 - 20 feet of us until there was about 10 other boats. We could not even cast and had to toss our lines a few feet away to avoid tangles. Then some morons decide they owned the lake and proceeded to weave in and out of all the boats trolling within a few feet of our boats. EVERY boat had to pull lines in for them to get through and they didn't care one bit. So this is the kind of attitude I am talking about. MY MY MY is all that was on those peoples minds that day.

Are you kidding me? Here you are saying how everyone has rights to the same area, but your upset when someone invades your space? Talk about a hypocrite. You're the ME ME ME. Dont come by ME when I'm in a canoe. Dont troll by ME.

Back to the original post... You were BOTH wrong. The 4x4 guy overreacted and you were disrespectful of the others on the lake. Sure you have a "right" to park wherever you want. That doesn't make it good etiquette. Do I have a right to park my boat 15ft in front of a launch? Sure, but I never would. Do I have a right to park my boat in the middle of a narrow channel, maybe, but I wouldn't.

You have a "right" to do all sorts of stuff, but that doesn't make it right. Your actions had the potential to limit someone else's freedoms.

How would you feel if another little car attempted to go around you and got stuck? You gonna pull him out? Or are you gonna call upon another good Samaritan?

Grizzly, you talk about people being Me Me Me. Give me a break. How about this. You dont mess with ME. I wont mess with you. And he11, I'll probably even give ya a hand if you need one.

I'm all about giving people a hand, but dealing with peoples ignorance can get a little old. I'll drill a hole for someone any day of the week if I see them with a hand auger. Would I drill a hole every other day for someone who doesn't even bring a hand auger? Should I borrow them a pole too? How about a chair? Bait? why not some mittens? Asking for a favor is one thing, relying on others is another.

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I sm not saying that the OP did not do anything wrong or did. What I am saying is why is everyone getting so worked up about a simple little thing like this. People were able to go around and some of you are gettting worked up about the what if. PEOPLE WERE ABLE TO GO AROUND, as they did a few times while he was there. Oh no they had to go 10 feet out of their way. Big deal. And this attitude of don't fish if you don't have the proper equipment is [PoorWordUsage]. I know a lot of people who don't have all the bells and whistles but they still get out and go fishing. I also know people who do take canoes out on metro lakes to go fishing. So just because some Jack*ss has a nice boat they have the right to come flying by my friend on a big lake and put him at risk because all he has is a canoe. Well you know what you can kiss in that instance. And I guarantee you will not want him to find you on shore if you were to pull a stunt like that. No need to ever get that close to someone in a canoe. Another good example, We were fishing on a very small lake catching panfish last summer and the boats kept coming in by us and anchored wthin 10 - 20 feet of us until there was about 10 other boats. We could not even cast and had to toss our lines a few feet away to avoid tangles. Then some morons decide they owned the lake and proceeded to weave in and out of all the boats trolling within a few feet of our boats. EVERY boat had to pull lines in for them to get through and they didn't care one bit. So this is the kind of attitude I am talking about. MY MY MY is all that was on those peoples minds that day.

Like I said I am not defending either side as more could have been done to get off the path. But people were still able to pass around and no big deal. But then some of you pipe in and say well he should have moved over so "I" don't have to go around or if you don't have a big 4x4 then you should not even be out fishing. Maybe he didn't need help but you would only have known that if you stopped to ask. But then again it doesn't concern you either way does it. cool

So yes I am saying all I am hearing on both sides of this argument is MY MY MY. When the simple solution, if it was that big of a deal, is stop and ask if he needed help or suggest that he move off the path so people could get through easier. Then we wouldn't have a thread this long with so many people getting all worked up over something this petty. It sounds like he had a dead body laying on the ice next to him by some of the replies. No matter what someone does, good or bad, someone else will always take offense.

And for the record I have a car right now and always try and get off the main path. If I can't drive out on the lake then I will try a different lake. Now I have a snowmobile so it makes things a lot easier.

By the way, unless you own a snowmobile then don't even bother to go fishing (unless you walk out)and taking the chance of ruining MY time on the ice because I don't want a bunch of knuckleheads driving their big 4x4's out on the ice and putting MY life and fishing at risk. (Sarcasm by the way)

Looks to me like you are the one getting all worked up.

No one said that a person shouldn't go fishing if they dont have all the equipment. Just that your lack of equipment should not be an excuse to block other peoples way on to the ice. You are not the only 2 wheel drive on the lake who needs to use a trail.

As far as asking him if he needed help, why would I? Should I stop and ask everyone if they need help? A lot of people don't like to be bothered while fishing. If he looked stuck or something then yes I would certainly stop and ask if he needs help. If the guy just appears to be parked in the middle of the trail fishing, I would just drive around him and shake my head, hopeing that I don't get stuck or else we would have to check out his etiquette and see if he comes over and helps me get un-stuck.

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Thats right, in todays world its all about me.

Maybe a little more of this and the whole world might be better off.

"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you"

Seems we do not practice that much any longer in todays all about ME society.

To me this also describes someone who would park and block a main trail on a lake. This works both ways.

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Originally Posted By: harvey lee

Thats right, in todays world its all about me.

Maybe a little more of this and the whole world might be better off.

"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you"

Seems we do not practice that much any longer in todays all about ME society.

To me this also describes someone who would park and block a main trail on a lake. This works both ways.

Another senareo,What if another 2 wheel drive auto came out that same trail, it was blocked by someone who parked on it.The new car parked on that trail also behind the first one Thinking well he blocked it we'll just park behind him.They went hole hopping. Now the first one who parked on the trail wants to leave.Whats he or she going to do? Go get them and ask if they could move? Where they gonig to move to? It was them, the second car that was forced to park there cause they couldnt get beyond the first Parked on the trail.
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Ummm no...the guy who parked on the road next to 2 other sets of tracks was not in the wrong here, it was the angry feller who should do us all a favor and sell his ice fishing gear and stay home and yell at his tv. Hopefully the guy didnt have kids in his car or they will grow up to be pricks just like their old man.

Also, if I were in a canoe and some fellers decided to troll close enough to my canoe so I had to reel in my line I would have tied on an 80lb leader, and tossed a daredevil out until I snagged his line, reeled in whatever he was using and cut his line. If other guys pulled up and dropped anchor and fished near by not much you can do, but trolling through isn't right.

Unreal...there is no argument with either of these situations.

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Ummm no...the guy who parked on the road next to 2 other sets of tracks was not in the wrong here, it was the angry feller who should do us all a favor and sell his ice fishing gear and stay home and yell at his tv. Hopefully the guy didnt have kids in his car or they will grow up to be pricks just like their old man.

Also, if I were in a canoe and some fellers decided to troll close enough to my canoe so I had to reel in my line I would have tied on an 80lb leader, and tossed a daredevil out until I snagged his line, reeled in whatever he was using and cut his line. If other guys pulled up and dropped anchor and fished near by not much you can do, but trolling through isn't right.

Unreal...there is no argument with either of these situations.

But half the people on here are stating "its a public lake, do whatever you want, go where ever you want."

Sure its public and you can, but your an a$$ then.

Duckblind, did you actually read this entire post?

Trolling through isn't right, you are correct.

Yelling isn't right either, you are correct.

Parking on a main path that others have the right to use too isn't right. You are just as selfish as the rest.

Maybe the guy in the 4x4 should have thrown a daredevil at the vans tires, is that what you would do?

If you threw a daredevil at me, i'd give ya a nice little bump on the side of that canoe. But then again, I would never troll by you, because i believe in etiquette and giving everyone their opportunity to enjoy the sport without blocking them (like the van).

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  • Your Responses - Share & Have Fun :)

    • Sorry to hear that Duff. Will give my GSP's an extra scratch behind the ear for you guys today
    • Aw, man, sorry to hear that.  Shed some tears and remember her well.  They all take a piece of our hearts with them; some more than others.
    • yes sorry for your loss..  our dogs are always special...
    • Truly sorry to hear that duffman! I know that feeling.  Keep the good memories  
    • Chamois passed away this weekend a couple days short of her 13th bday. What a great dog to hang out with here at home and on distant adventures. Gonna miss ya big time my little big girl.
    • Sounds pretty sweet, alright. I will check them out, thanks.
    • If you really want to treat your wife (and yourself) with a remote operated trolling motor, the Minn Kota Ulterra is about easy as it gets.  Auto stow and deploy is pretty awesome.  You just have to turn the motor on when you go out and that the last time you have to touch it.   24V 80lb.  60 inch shaft is probably the right length for your boat.  They ain’t cheap - about $3k - but neither one of you would have to leave your seat to use it all day.
    • Wanderer, thanks for your reply. I do intend for it to be 24 volt, with a thrust of 70-80. Spot lock is a must (my wife is looking forward to not being the anchor person any more).  With my old boat we did quite a lot of pulling shad raps and hot n tots, using the trolling motor. Unlikely that we will fish in whitecaps, did plenty of that when I was younger. I also need a wireless remote, not going back to a foot pedal. We do a fair amount of bobber fishing. I don't think I will bother with a depth finder on the trolling motor. I am leaning toward moving my Garmin depth finder from my old boat to the new one, just because I am so used to it and it works well for me. I am 70 years old and kinda set in my ways...
    • Dang, new content and now answers.   First, congrats on the new boat!   My recommendation is to get the most thrust you can in 24V, assuming a boat that size isn’t running 36V.  80 might be tops?  I’m partial to MinnKota.     How do you plan to use the trolling motor is an important question too.     All weather or just nice weather?   Casting a lot or bait dragging?   Bobber or panfish fishing?   Spot lock?  Networked with depth finders?  What brand of depth finders?
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