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Plus he is that blonde girls father i cant remember her name off hand the one with the baby, so i dont think jack is christian, i see more christian in the toward the end of the series not as much we are just building up to it. MAYBE just maybe we will see christian as an other, or maybe as a darma folk at one point, seems like all of these main characters have some family that was on the island at one point

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I am talking about Jack's grandfather Ray Shepard, not his father Christian Shephard. Ray is the guy in the retirement home who Jack was called into to help settle him down, and then he gave Jack a pair of shoes (Christian's shoes, actually) to put on Locke's body for the flight 316. His part was small, but not unimportant, in my opinion.

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Or maybe they all are around, but on the island. Imagine: the grownup 1977 versions of Kate, Sawyer, Miles, Jin, Juliet, and Hurley as members of the Others in 2005 when 815 flies right on by the island with the 2005 versions of themselves inside, without crashing?

Now that would be the way to close the show out! Just hope we get a few more years of this trippy stuff!

Mis-understood your reference Jack/Christian/Grandfather. I agree that no one just has a reference on the show without more to the story, his only part has been the shoes for Locke, Quint you may be on to something, or on something as Common would say.

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"Are you him, brotha" has become my favorite on the show. Kate has morped into my least favorite over the years, not sure why but her chicklet teeth always annoy me?

I tivod seasons past this year, had never watched it. Took awhile to get into it but its an awesome show...

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So did Daniel die or not? I thought I saw his eyes gloss over and he is wormbait. Do people think he is still breathing?

I could tell he was gonna get shot. You dont go into THE MIDDLE of a camp of hostiles and hold a gun on someone. that just aint a-gonna work out well in the long run.

Oh, and would someone put the smack down on the security guy that now has Sawyer and Juliet? Someone needs to kick his arse but good.

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Ok let's start to analyse. First the last set of theroies were really great. Grampa Ray being actually Jack (2) really imaginative stuff. 815 flying right on by the island because the whole breach of the energy feild was averted and all is well when they flew over really great. However that leaves some questions like what about the other original 815 survivors still on the island and presumably in 2000 era? If they didn't zip back in time then they probably cannot fly over themselves. Hmm? Is it Daniel who seals up the disaster and createds ths button pushing pgm that keeps the breach from devestating the ?? or is it the Dr (Miles' dad). If Daniel is to die nothing says they cannot bring him back. In fact as I recall he was one of the only ones who didn't suffer the headaches and internal bleeding durring the time skips. Part of dying and coming back he may have cycled may times who knows. This is definitly moving at a better pace now. Ya gotta love it.

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Thanks Zap. First off, they are just my wild hypotheses; if they came true I'd be more suprised than anyone. Next, it has been accepted that 2 versions of a person can exist at the same time. Adult Miles looked right at infant Miles 30 feet away.

I think Daniel is indeed dead, unless the island intervenes as it did with Locke. He did the eye flutter thing and then froze, implying death. That does not mean he is done with the show, though, and actually I hope that is the case as I really like his character and the way the actor portrays him.

I think Eloise is really the grand scheme person of the show now, even more than Ben and Charles. She is the one actually trying to get the island's "incident" and time-skipping to not actually happen. In her life, she has met her future adult son twice, killing him during the second meeting. After realizing that she did that, I think she started doing everything in her power to stop the events from happening that sent her son back in time to begin with. Somewhere along the line, she gained the gift of foresight, and from then on used it to persuade people into obtaining her ultimate goal; stopping the "incident" from happening at all, and allowing her and Charles to remain on the island without Ben gaining a leadership role.

Comic Book thought of the day: the Jughead hydrogen bomb was leaking when Daniel first encountered it, and in the 50's the whole nuclear program was still in it's infancy with random testing occuring on small uninhabited islands. Daniel said they needed to bury it because it could kill them all. I think they buried it in the 50's at the future Swan station's location (in Hostile territory according to Miles) and Dharma is digging it up not knowing what it is. In doing so, Dharma makes it leak even worse, and somehow started the whole electro magnetic issue, and the necessary 108 minute timed release sequence that the Swan station provided. The now leaking bomb and radiation exposure was what gave the infants on the island (Miles and possibly Daniel) their Comic Book hero gifts, and the other island healing properties.

Oh yeah, Radzinsky does need his arse kicked. He flies off the handle at the smallest inconvenience and is pretty gun happy for a scientist. Seeing him as he is now only cements the fact that he ends his own life with a shotgun in the mouth in the Swan station.

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Ok, I have to challenge the jughead theory though. The bomb is buried in hostile territory in the 50's. Daniel referenced that the drilling Dharma was doing would drill into an energy pocket, killing many and it had to be sealed off, and the 108 time interval. Daniel was wanting to get jughead to wipe out the energy field.

On the taking guns into hostile territoty, I thought the same thing. Bringing guns into their was not going to end well. If Daniel wants to get to the hostile's camp, I thought he would be better going in un-armed.

Is Penelope "special" too? As the daughter of Charles, her 1/2 bro would be Daniel. Although i assume she was born off the island.

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I understood it as he was going to use the bomb to destroy the EM disturbance, but moving a bomb like that isn't easy when it's above ground, let alone already buried after encased in lead. I've got to think the Hostiles buried it, and then moved camp away from it and don't ever go back due to it's instability. Dharma has no idea that Jughead is on the island, and therefore don't know where it is.

A bomb like that weighs 20 tons, so I doubt Jack and friends have the ability to move it, with or without Hostile help. My thoughts are that Dharma is inadvertently building the Swan on top of the buried Jughead, and the Swan's initial duty of studying the EM properties was changed to become a way to routinely release it in small amount so as not to damage the rest of the Dharma stations. They further encase Jughead in more concrete, and set up the 108 minute button pushing protocol. Way back in season 2 when they were first looking around the Swan station, Sayid said that there is way more concrete in a certain area than was necesssary for a normal wall.

Interesting read here from wikipedia on Electromagnetic pulses, and it's relationship to nuclear explosions. Look for Faraday in there, too!

EMP from wiki

Daniel wants to set off Jughead to stop the "incident" and the resulting EM issues. Buried and stable Jughead= small problems over a long time. Detonated Jughead= a HUGE problem all at once, but no plane crash in 2004!

I think Penny was born off-island. Ethan and a significant segment of the Hostiles/Others were also born on the island, and may also have special gifts that we do not know about. Alex, Karl, and Walt are the 3 that come to mind, but Walt was born off-island (as far as we know).

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Now as far as only two more years. Well, ABC told them during the third season that they were going to give them three more years. So thats why there's only going to be six seasons.

As for Claire, she will be coming back. But not until season six.

yep, May 2010 is last episode. Total of 120 episodes, 17 next season so 3 more this season?

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So do you think they wrote out the whole story from beginning through the 120th episode at once or are they kinda doing this on the fly?

There are so many good characters. List your top 3.

1. Mr Echo

2. Kate (her uhh, physical attributes move her up the list a litte)

3. Juliet

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from what I read, the scripts are done and only the producers know the ultimate ending, though there was some mention that Matthew Fox/Jack, knows what the outcome is.

Top 3


Are you him brotha


Honorable mentions to the hot blonde that was with Sayid and shot by the hot cop chick

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Top 3

Sawyer (He is the epitome of a survivalist in ALL ways)

Juliet (is able to contol almost any situation in her calm and civilized manner)

Ben (I know...I know...but without him the show would be pretty bland)

Least favorite

Locke (but getting better)

Jack (getting worse)

Sun (sick of her spoiled little rich girl story)

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Ok so something has to happen with this up coming "incident" that kinda mixes the Darhma and the Others together or unites them. I'm thinking the group from the newest plane crash. They speak of what "dwells in the shadow of the statue" (same as the guys trying to get Miles to join their cause). Did anyone else note that it is a three toed statue? They were on that plane for a reason. They are like desendents from a previous group before the others looking to take back the island.

Anyway if you remember back Horace appears to John to help him find Jacob's cabin. Which is Horace's Cabin. Others / Darmah mix. Eathan since first year was an "Other" but we know him now to be born while in the Darmah group.

Or is it just when Ben Kills off Darmah Eathan is recruited (saved) because he was in fact born on the island? The fact that Jacob would use Horace's cabin always stuck out as weird in my mind. Anyway another one coming. WeeHa.

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Wow I did NOT see that coming. Did John say he was going to kill Jacob? Why take everyone with him to do that? Sorry but that really threw me. I'll have to check back I'm just too stunned right now. Pretty cool that John directed Richard to help John and tell him what to do. Hmmm.

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Awesome show last night, I was blown away also by John saying going to kill Jacob. Being he is the leader and the others basically follow the leader, he invites them to come and they go.

Interesting twist now with Richard Alpert, now known as an advisor and been on the island a long time, but does not agree with Locke's plan however Alpert may disagree but he continues to follow right now.

Hugo and the scientist interaction was funny- so you fought in the Korean war? There was no korean war LOL. Oh alright we're from the future!

Most of us had it that the bomb is what the Dharma group drills into.

The finale next week, even though Sawyer and all got off the island, they are back there in next weeks episode, I assume the sub gets called back, speaking of, the show and special effects are awesome, but the scene of the sub sailing off was pretty bad special effects wasn't it?

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Your mention of the sub scene cracks me up because it's exactly what I said to my daughter when they aired it. My exact words were "surely they could have found some stock footage that looked better than that". It looked like a plastic model in a swimming pool. Crazy bad. John sure is confident now isn't he? for weeks his wandering around aimless now he has all the purpose in the world. I love the way he called Ben out on ever seeing Jacob. The look on Ben's face like he was caught in the cookie jar. Ben is just a pawn now. He now knows the way John is acting and moving that he (Ben) is loosing any chance of regaining anything. He tried to even shake up John by telling him Richard is concerned with the way he is acting. Ha it didn't even phase him. Classic. I still have no idea what Jack is doing. If they move Jughead then Dharma won't drill into it. But it sounds like they are going to detonate it. Not sure if that's the right thing to do. I'll bet John will stop that action. I still don't completely buy into the idea Dharma was going to drill into the bomb. I mean then wouldn't it just go off. Hmmm there's more to it than that. That bomb getting detonated sounds like the season ending cliff hanger.

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Lost is getting pretty good again. Lots of new good info again last night. Last night when they made it look like Kate got shot I almost believed it for a minute. That would have been HUGE.

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My wife and I laughed at the sub scene too.

Where did Locke get all this confidence and wisdom?

I told you Sayid would make a big comeback. I think Kate was gonna get drilled too. Oh, and I really, really want someone to kick that guy who was beating Sawyer's arse. Where was Sayid when they needed him? And that little, evil accomplish. What a twerp.

I thought Sawyer made a pretty drastic change. He basically looked like he threw in the towel.

Next week it starts an hour early and I have to got to Tball....nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.

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Not much to add, but I have been wrestling with the big picture mentally. I think that everything that everyone is doing right now in 1977 may have already happened to lead to the future as we have seen it. Think about it: everytime we see something seemingly big happen in the past, it has been to make sure that the future occurs as it has been seen already by us. Ben survives, but turns evil(er); Faraday talks to Charlotte after all, Miles makes his father kick his mother and himself off of the island, even Faraday's whole Jughead explosion theory may have to happen in order to keep time moving to our expected future.

Maybe Jughead NOT blowing up is the history changing event, how do we know? In the eyes of the 1977 Losties, there have been no changes in the future that we yet know of. The closest we came to a future change was Sayid killing Ben, but he ended up surviving due to Kate and Sawyer's intervention, and that may have needed to happen to make Ben "Ben".

More coming.

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i think something really happens in the love triangle, jack is gonna lose it and go nuts something big is gonna happen and then were gonna have to wait 6 months to see what happens next

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So, what are everyone's thoughs on the final? In typical LOST fashion it created more questions than it answered. But it was pretty awesome to finally see Jacob. Speaking of Jacob, anyone have any idea the other guy was in the opening scene? I really like the idea that that other man was Jacob's brother Esau.

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    • got this tackled today took about 3 hours to get both sides done. Didnt even get to use a torch....   Thought I was golden with just jacking it up and I could get to everything but no luck. Had to remove the entire axle hub and brake assembly to get to what I needed. Was a pain but still better then taking off the entire pivot arm.    Axle bearings were already greased and in great shape thankfully. Got both leaf springs installed and its ready for the road again.   Probably going to have my electric brakes checked, I am not touching anything with the brake drums. Based on what I saw it doesn't look like my electric brakes have been working anyway. Brakes are nice to have if its slippery out
    • By The way that didn't work either!! Screw it I'll just use the cellular. 
    • It’s done automatically.  You might need an actual person to clear that log in stuff up.   Trash your laptop history if you haven’t tried that already.
    • 😂 yea pretty amazing how b o o b i e s gets flagged, but they can't respond or tell me why I  can't get logged in here on my laptop but I can on my cellular  😪
    • I grilled some brats yesterday, maybe next weekend will the next round...  
    • You got word censored cuz you said        B o o b ies….. haha.   Yeah, no… grilling is on hiatus for a bit.
    • Chicken mine,  melded in Mccormick poultry seasoning for 24 hours.  Grill will get a break till the frigid temps go away!
    • we had some nice weather yesterday and this conundrum was driving me crazy  so I drove up to the house to take another look. I got a bunch of goodies via ups yesterday (cables,  winch ratchet parts, handles, leaf springs etc).   I wanted to make sure the new leaf springs I got fit. I got everything laid out and ready to go. Will be busy this weekend with kids stuff and too cold to fish anyway, but I will try to get back up there again next weekend and get it done. I don't think it will be bad once I get it lifted up.    For anyone in the google verse, the leaf springs are 4 leafs and measure 25 1/4" eye  to eye per Yetti. I didnt want to pay their markup so just got something else comparable rated for the same weight.   I am a first time wheel house owner, this is all new to me. My house didn't come with any handles for the rear cables? I was told this week by someone in the industry that cordless drills do not have enough brake to lower it slow enough and it can damage the cables and the ratchets in the winches.  I put on a handle last night and it is 100% better than using a drill, unfortatenly I found out the hard way lol and will only use the ICNutz to raise the house now.
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