pinkfloyd4ever Posted May 14, 2009 Share Posted May 14, 2009 that was an awesome finale! I liked the Jacob flash backs that he has met many of the characters and the question on why Hurley went back is finally answered, it was Jacob! I think that rules out our theory that Jacob is Jack's grandpaSayid took a nasty shot there, kind of funny the whole part that he is bleeding out but Jack is gonna take 5 to talk with Sawyer, makes you wonder. The Locke in the crate thing was cool, but I kind of thought that when they showed LePedus getting to look in, in a way it would make sense a kind of reincarnation. The bomb was not the EMF, so now we wait what will seem like a year to find out what happens next. Jack telling Richard to give Locke a chance or whatever was cool too. And we saw the ship arrive that is buried in the back lake or whatever from way back in season 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mrklean Posted May 14, 2009 Author Share Posted May 14, 2009 hmmm it was interesting, when they kept showing that guy (who was Jacob) i knew it was him, just this feeling made me think its gotta be him. The statue was complete at first then all busted, could that have been from the bomb? Interesting to see Jacob say do what locke told you or leave, did he know what locke told him to do, was it a test? My guess was you cant kill what isnt alive, or is immortal. Funny to see alive locke and a dead locke as well, who are the "good guys" they knew richard so thats interesting. My guess for the final episode of lost im calling it here Sawyer and blondie are gonna do like a pass by someplace and be like i feel like we have meet, that junk, if its true if they make sure they never go to the island i think the relationship will somehow happen for someone Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pinkfloyd4ever Posted May 14, 2009 Share Posted May 14, 2009 Ya, I loved the "good guys" reference, besides messing with people at work asking if they "are him, brotha?" I'll use Ben's line of "we're the good guys" so I was getting carp from people today about the "good guys" line last night. Once I started watching, I have been wondering with all the weird things that is everybody dead? I don't know. Cool to see the older married couple and their beach front cabin that was good, especially after she first sees Sawyer and "oh no" LOL. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
McGurk Posted May 14, 2009 Share Posted May 14, 2009 Favorite scene: Rose, Bernard, and Vincent vacationing on the island for the last 3 years. I had hoped all was well for them, and now we know. It really clarified the series, to me, in that the losties are always running towards or away from something, but rarely look around at where they are. Makes for good TV, though.I also enjoyed the Jacob story, at least what little we got. It seems he was at work in the losties' lives for some time, as they seem to have been chosen. And we now know Richard isn't the only non-aging person on the island. I missed parts of the first scene on the beach (had to get the little one to bed) so I missed enough of the dialogue to be kinda clueless on the relationship there, other than he REALLY wants Jacob dead. So Locke wasn't Locke after all, and that tells me that Jack's dad Christian and Eko's brother Yemi (along with Ben's daughter Alex) weren't either. I think we all thought that in some form, but now it has been confirmed. These forms can be assumed, and the link between the 4 of them is that none of them was formally buried. Anyways, Locke just didn't seem like the same guy this season anyways; too sure of himself and too island-aware. Now we have shape shifters in the mix of all of the crazy stuff already there.Frankly, the losties in the 70's are getting to be almost backstory for me, as there are so many other characters and groups and relationships out there that I don't even care about them anymore. "Jack and sayid get the bomb. Sayid gets shot. Sawyer, Kate, and Juliet leave and come back. Some try to help Jack. The rest try to stop Jack. Juliet helps Jack. The rest try to help Jack. Jack gets the bomb there. It doesn't go off. Juliet goes down the hole and sets it off." And I am done with Sun; her character is awful this season and she pretty much just repeats the same line over and over, unconvincingly none-the-less.Well, now we know the basis of the 2 original conflicting parties; Jacob and the other guy (Fake Locke: Flocke?). White vs. Black. Light vs. Darkness. Good vs. Bad. Apparently the "statue" people were another group of people following Jacob unbeknownst to the Others, but are on the same side. Could it be that the Smoke Monster is indeed this shape-shifting bad guy, coercing and manipulating people in some grand sceme to kill Jacob? Were Horace and the Dharma-ites working of sorts for the bad guy, in the way that the Hostiles/Others are working for Jacob? THere might be a science vs religion theme there.Apparently, the bomb went off, and we won't know its repercussions for 9 months. Is the island still there, are the Others and Dharma-ites all dead, is the EM disturbance destroyed, and will Kate pick Jack or Sawyer? And where's Desmond? "Are you still there, brotha?" Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CodyDawg Posted May 14, 2009 Share Posted May 14, 2009 I wished they would have given us just a tiny bit more on next year. Quite a bit of blood last nite, it seemed everyone but hurley had a blood on them. And how could they all be such crappy shots? I mean c'mon, they were shooting rifles with open sites at people 15 yards away! I am glad that annoying little dork got impaled. 'Bout time. No way, no how am I gonna try and explain last nite to a non-watcher. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Duffman Posted May 14, 2009 Share Posted May 14, 2009 Hurley had blood on him, he just thought it was ketchup and licked it off. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mrklean Posted May 14, 2009 Author Share Posted May 14, 2009 its hard enough to explain episodes to people who do watch it sometimes Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ZapBranigan Posted May 14, 2009 Share Posted May 14, 2009 Wow 3 hrs was plenty. The last two did fill us with plenty of background. Jacob is no longer a mysterious enigma. As from the opening scene thought all his scenes it appears he welcomes and seeks outsiders to the island while the other does not. So the guy with Jacob at the beginning wanted to kill Jacob also but obviously never really could. (Hmm sounds a lot like John). He really couldn't kill anyone and had other people do it for him more than once. So my theroy on the other guy is he is Christan and or John or whoever will be next. So he needs to keep grabbing someone elses identity through death until he could get one strong enough to finally kill Jacob. John wasn't it but using Ben as a pawn he got the job done just like John did with his father. The 70's characters may be done. Good riddance. I don't think this will change any other time period much. And those characters were getting boring. So what's next. I believe the ultimate struggle between the two at the begginning. Is Jacob really dead if so then that sure isn't it. They still need to do something with a season 6 still to come. So either this stuff didn't effect 2007 characters or the writers are going to end all the stuff from the 70's fwd and fill in the from the beggining through to the 70's for us. but if we know nothing goes past the bomb that may not be as satisfying. Any other theories? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pinkfloyd4ever Posted May 14, 2009 Share Posted May 14, 2009 does make you wonder with the bomb going off is that the last we see of the 70s and we deal with 2007 people for season 6 until the end? On the flip side if the bomb was detonated over an EMF will the EMF absorb most of the blast/radiation? The "good guys" reference has been thrown out there now twice, coincidence? Ben said it as Michael was leaving the island and then the other 316ers used it last night. Good vs Evil? I don't know, that would make Richard appear neutral wouldn't it? He is the link between Jacob and the others, but knows what lies in the shadow of the statue, which he replied in spanish or something right? Anybody have that line translated yet? LOL Its gotta be on the net here somewhere. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MedicineMan Posted May 14, 2009 Share Posted May 14, 2009 Richard response was in Latin, not spanish. It translates to... "He who will save us all". Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pinkfloyd4ever Posted May 14, 2009 Share Posted May 14, 2009 awesome medicine man, thanks! So where does that lead us? Is he who saves us all Jacob? Or does it go further? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rosspj59 Posted May 15, 2009 Share Posted May 15, 2009 Who was the little boy named Joe? He was the little boy writing the letter to Mr Sawyer after the funeral for his parents. Is that Jacob as a child or someone else? I'm curious to know why Juliet changed her mind as well to help Jack. I thought it was interesting when the guy who listens to dead people asked what if what they are doing causes the future, IE detonating the bomb. Hmmm. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mrklean Posted May 15, 2009 Author Share Posted May 15, 2009 Thats Sawyer he changed his name Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
fishlips Posted May 15, 2009 Share Posted May 15, 2009 Like someone said...I'd hate to try to explain Wednesday's season finale to anyone.The good versus evil slant is pretty interesting. Is Jacob good or evil? He seems to be evil to me. For example, he knows the future and therefore held up Sayid on the curb, be he allowed his fiance to get creamed by the bus/car.Does anyone recall who was using ashes in a past episode to keep spirits out or confined?Ben seemed a little nervous when someone asked who had toppled the statue. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pinkfloyd4ever Posted May 15, 2009 Share Posted May 15, 2009 i'm only guessing about the ashes question- sounds like something Locke would have done, maybe Ecko? Were one day closer now to learning the rest of the story huh? LOL Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mrklean Posted May 15, 2009 Author Share Posted May 15, 2009 it makes you think, in the ends its probably gonna be like some twisted weird dream hurley was having in the nut house or something weird like that. I still think the ben jacob locke thing is one big test Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pinkfloyd4ever Posted May 15, 2009 Share Posted May 15, 2009 A dream would be a carpy ending to the series with everything they have done so far LOL, that would be something though huh? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mrklean Posted May 15, 2009 Author Share Posted May 15, 2009 i did catch a tiny bit of the first episode other night and they said the last one will make you go holy you know what so probably not a dream, something messed up Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pinkfloyd4ever Posted May 15, 2009 Share Posted May 15, 2009 The good and the bad is that can't wait for it to all be revealed, the bad is the end of it all is when it is all revealed, wished it could go a few more seasons Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ZapBranigan Posted May 15, 2009 Share Posted May 15, 2009 I can't stand it any longer. I'll crack. The flash at the end is NOT the bomb. The bomd is exactly what its always been a dud or a decoy or dead either way. The flash is Ellie or Widmore moving the island to save it. Sorry I couldn't hold up any longer. We no they have to leave we never did know why. So one of them or both. Richard knocked Ellie out becasue he had to save their leader. Why? Well becasue only the leader can move the island. So next year everyone who travels through time will travel all the rest will set up the the hatch and the pressure release system every 108 minutes. The ones who travel will probably end up in the same time frame as the newly crashed. Too simple too easy but most likely. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ZapBranigan Posted May 15, 2009 Share Posted May 15, 2009 Heres a question I need to throw out there somewhere back in time they went to a station way out away from everything all I vaguely remember was that one of the observation stations were sending timely reports through a vacume tube. And they stumbled upon a tube jetting piles of these capsles into a mountain like no one was ever suppose to really read them they just heaped them there. What was all that about? They never revisited that. Weirdest scene that they put in for no appearent reason I could think of. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mrklean Posted May 15, 2009 Author Share Posted May 15, 2009 My guess it was another one of those things to keep them busy in a way, one of the studies thats the only thing i can think of. Does that ship come into play at all???? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pinkfloyd4ever Posted May 15, 2009 Share Posted May 15, 2009 Interesting theory there Zap, seem to have some inside info huh? The only stations I can think of was that underwater one, but twitchy said he was at a station in Ann Arbor. I don't remember that scene to be honest, but so many things to keep track of Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ZapBranigan Posted May 15, 2009 Share Posted May 15, 2009 MrKlean I'm thinking Richard (ricardo) is timeless and has been on the island a very lonnnnng time. He was on or was the Capt of that "Red Rock" is that right? anyway that's how far back he goes. He has a pirate look to him. From the opening scene we're left with the feeling Jacob summoned the "Red Rock". It was just another thing that annoyed the other guy. I still stand by my belief the other guy is timeless but only by taking the persona of the newly departed. Christain/ John and probably countless others before that may be why Jacob brings in new recruites. Any way that other guy looked old while Jacob looked the same through time. We never really see that guy again but I think he's there in Christain. Do we see Christain again after John comes back from the dead? Or do you think like me he moved from Christain to John. Hmmm maybe too deep but tha's where my brain is pointed for now. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CodyDawg Posted May 15, 2009 Share Posted May 15, 2009 Zap, good theory on the bomb. But what happens to Juliet? She is a time traveler, so does she get saved by the movement of the island? I thought she was gonna get herself kilt? looked that way.I dont know about all this where some guy takes the form of another guy. I am gonna be disappointed if it turns out that way. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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