Dark Cloud Posted June 30, 2008 Author Share Posted June 30, 2008 Well Tank and I are back from 3 days down the river. We fished for a few hours friday morning. We ended up catching a dozen eyes. Heres Tank down river on "his" rock netting one... Things were winding down and the heat was cranking up. We were getting ready to head out and I got on the rock for a few more cast. Nailed this 27 incher Fat, healthy, and released! Tank is getting better with the camera but clipped the top of my head off... After that we headed down to camp. 6 other guys were there and we had a nice lunch then hit the beverages and started throwing horseshoes. Tank with his softnball pitching form... Him and I teamed up and won about 10 straight then I believe the drinks kicked in and we lost 2. This momma and bambi made and appearance and the little one needed a drink... We had a big supper, went down the river for a swim, then hit the hay. After a solid breakfast we loaded the gear and were off... My cousin Steve with the first fish of the trip... Shortly later I got the pool winner at 22in. We put in 2 bucks apiece on the biggest fish. Easiest 14 bucks I ever made, lol... We canoed and fished down to where Dad and another guy met uswith the food, the grill, and the rest of our gear. A quick lunch and we were off another few miles to where we cammped for the nite. Fishing was kinda slow as the river was low clear and warm. We did get enough eyes to have a big meal riverside though. Also caught a bunch of bass and chubs... After a bad night sleep on some hard ground and big breakfast we pushed off again and fished our way down to the pick-up. Caught some eyes, bass, and chubs again. Ate, drank, fished, and laughed a ton - had a ball . Got a tad too much sun also... Heres a shot of my cousin Randy up on a large rock. He caught 2 nice smallies from up there. As I was ready to take a picture of one the fish made a last ditch wiggle and made it to the water... Nice fish and reports everyone!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CNY Tim Posted June 30, 2008 Share Posted June 30, 2008 Now that's a great weekend Jay, those walleyes are gold and buttery... I am taking tomorrow off, we got a call and Karen's water broke so I should be a grandpa in a few hours or so... I'll post some pics from the hospital tomorrow. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CNYFrank Posted June 30, 2008 Share Posted June 30, 2008 Canaderago was tough . . .especially since my engine decided to act up. Got an oil alarm about 2 minutes after taking off. Knew I put the boat away with a full 2.5 gallons . . . hmmm barely any in the reservoir. Finally found a guy on shore that had a gallon to spare and went on my merry way . . . kind of. Could not go faster than 10 mph without getting the alarm. So fished the best we could. Weighed in a limit eventually but not much weight . . . ended in 6-7 place out of 20 . . . no money though. Most fish caught on a chartreuese XPS rattletrap type crank. Biggest just under 4lbs. They were spread out all over . . . no pattern really. Also caught a nice walleye on the northeast end on the edge of the channel. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dark Cloud Posted July 6, 2008 Author Share Posted July 6, 2008 Real quiet in here guys!? Any reports from the 4th? Beth and I spent the day/ evening at a buddys cottage on Cayuga. Just relaxed, ate, drank, swam. ect. No fishing till me friends 3 year old asked me to help him catch a fish. First cast with his "spiderman" light up rod I hooked a rock bass for him to reel in. Messed around a little more and got a few gills and perch... Heres some picts... Not the best picture but wow was he excited. At first he wanted to cook it on the camp fire but then I convinced him to let it go to get bigger... Beth and I... Some fireworks... Not a very easy thing to photograph as I discovered... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Thunderman Posted July 6, 2008 Share Posted July 6, 2008 Nice pics Jay looks like you had a good weekend .Timmy should have a couple of sunrise pics from yesterday morning that should look cool.We went out on the Big O and it was slow very slow. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Otis1 Posted July 6, 2008 Share Posted July 6, 2008 Been out on the boat a couple times, but haven't fished much. Coming back home from the lake on the 4th, we had an encounter with a deer. What a mess the van is! Man those things can do a number on a vehicle. Heading out today, hopefully we'll get into some fish.Great pics Jay. That looked like a fun trip!Tim, hope all's well with the grand daughter.Todd, heading out today?Cheff, where the heck are you!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CNYFrank Posted July 8, 2008 Share Posted July 8, 2008 Well my two youngest daughters were up over the weekend and after a long drive from New Orleans, they wanted to give Dad a belated Father's Day gift . . . so they got one day licenses and we headed to Delta. Yes the old dead sea . . . NOw you would think that after putting over $500 into the boat it would be good to go . . .but NOOOOO. It would not go into gear! So I used the trolling motor and batteries to their optimum capability. The "girls" (27 and 24) were good sports and said it was all about the people. Awwww, yeah I know they were looking for money. Anyway, we trolled off to the back sets and on the way found a couple of perch and then . . . a nice school of Delta craps!! Between the three of us we C&Rd about 30. So a succesful day and fish were caught too. As for the boat . . . I will shortly be the owner of a new ZX190 Skeeter with a Yamaha 150 4 stroke. Thought I would go green and maybe even save some money eventually. Pictures in the next couple of weeks. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CNY Tim Posted July 8, 2008 Share Posted July 8, 2008 Wow Frank nice boat and good story about the craps, they should be fun this winter and I hope there growing. Frank came down and showed me the pictures of it and with that Yammy on the back it should be a good runner for a long time.Jay nice camera shots horizon and fireworks. I still have to find time to post the pics from Todd and my trip this weekend, unfortunately I have been very busy with other things had to run out and pick up a car for my daughter last night in a villa between Seneca and Cayuga lake and didn't get home til 10:30 p.m. last night. Have the late game tonight in Floyd and were still in 1st with a 7-1 record just registered our team for a wood bat tourney in Ilion in August. Got my umpire schedule and I am working from Wednesday straight through til Sunday. On the the way back from picking up Karen's car I talked to Scott Brauer and Maki's site has gotten a facelift, check it out, the ordering has gotten very easy. Scott say's hello to all the crew here and thanks for your support. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Otis1 Posted July 8, 2008 Share Posted July 8, 2008 Congrats on the new boat! The four stroke will make a big difference on the wallet. New Orleans! That’s my old stomping grounds. I sure do miss what it used to be. Got the bad news on the van $3K! OUCH! I’ll have to harvest a lot of deer this season to break even on this one! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CNY Tim Posted July 8, 2008 Share Posted July 8, 2008 Here's the pics from Saturday morning. Fish weren't on for us so we got off the water early, lots of boats naturally... Sunrise on the Big O.. Fish On! Nice 22" Todd.. Nice eater released.. Here's a couple of small craps released.. Good time as always Todd! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CNYFrank Posted July 9, 2008 Share Posted July 9, 2008 Yep the 4 stroke will help the wallet . . . once it is paid off . . .actually nothing to getting it ready after winter either . . . change oil filter and oil and off you go! Looking forward to it. Nice pics Timmie. Good catch Todd!Sad news . . .Wayne has left NY for sunny Florida. However, if you are good to him, he might let you visit and fish with him or play a round on the golf course he lives on. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dark Cloud Posted July 9, 2008 Author Share Posted July 9, 2008 Thunder - looks like haircut time again, gettin raggy. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Thunderman Posted July 10, 2008 Share Posted July 10, 2008 Jay, Im getting it cut the same time Doug gets his cut .Did anyone see any white moths in the early morning time . Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dark Cloud Posted July 13, 2008 Author Share Posted July 13, 2008 Todd - I'll gladly make the trip up, clippers in hand if I can cut your and Dougies hair. High and tight! Had a very nice day yesterday. Beth and I spent the day down the Delaware. We kayaked our way down river for about 8 miles 5 hours. Heres the picts and story... She is not as amphibous as I and its clear in this picture she was quite scared... After a bit she settled down and had very good control of the craft. She was still edgy through the faster rifts... Myself, very relaxed I tried, but could not convince her this te-pee was an ancient tribal love shack we needed to check out. We paddled at a moderate pace and enjoyed beutifull scenery and almost no people... We finished the float and went for some lunch then headed to Skinners Falls. Lots of people as its public... Folks tubeing the rapids... "I really wish I had a kayak, I could probably get hurt" I had to settle for a dip in one of the many "red neck" hot tubs formed in the rocks there... We headed for home and got there right before dark. A shower and passed out, that was a long day... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CNY Tim Posted July 14, 2008 Share Posted July 14, 2008 Jay - Incredible pictures and I enjoyed the commentary also. Good stuff! Still working here, can't wait for the end of the ball season. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
potbellyperch Posted July 15, 2008 Share Posted July 15, 2008 kool pics thanks for shareing Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dark Cloud Posted July 16, 2008 Author Share Posted July 16, 2008 Did another PodCast this week, heres the link to it...http://www.fishingminnesota.com/forum/ub...or_#Post1460675 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kirkville1 Posted July 17, 2008 Share Posted July 17, 2008 Nice recipe DC pretty soon you'll be along side of chef up in town here Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dark Cloud Posted July 17, 2008 Author Share Posted July 17, 2008 Kirk - I'd love to learn from Iron Chef Madison County. Probably if it wasnt so far away it would have already happened. I wont eat it but tonight I made liver and onions for Tank. He said it was the best he ever had and he's a tough customer. Onion and bacon sauce made with brandy and stuff!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kirkville1 Posted July 18, 2008 Share Posted July 18, 2008 lol everything sounds good except the liver Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CNY Tim Posted July 18, 2008 Share Posted July 18, 2008 I love liver... Full plate this weekend boys starting this afternoon with Rosa's work picnic, Utica Mennachoir tonight for the Oktoberfest, 3 games Saturday and two on Sunday. Catch and release one for me if you get out.... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Otis1 Posted July 18, 2008 Share Posted July 18, 2008 Venison liver is very good! Beef liver I could do without.Fuel filters came in for the boat. Hopefully I'll be able to get that up and running again this weekend.Lee, sorry to hear about your insurance troubles. I think DC is right, they need someone to lean on them a little. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dark Cloud Posted July 26, 2008 Author Share Posted July 26, 2008 Real quiet, anyone out at all? Lee, whats the latest with the boat? Not much fishing around here lately either. Needed some "mental health time alone" so this afternoon I threw the waders, vest, and flyrod in the car and headed down the West Branch. Had one of our favorite rifts to myself all evening. Real quiet to begin with. Missed one after a bit then had one break me off! Fealt the take, tightened up and we parted ways. Was a solid fish but not sure what happened. About this time a small and short lived hatch of blue winged olives and sulphurs started up. I rerigged and was into and landed a nice 13-14 inch brown. Lost one soon after then was tight to a very acrobatic rainbow. Got her under control and to the net - about 15 inches, fat and healthy with very nice spots and prety pink cheeks. And just like that it was over. Fished till dark without another bump. Got one on a size 18 BWO wet and the other on a #16 sulphur emerger... A very nice evening on the water. Had a mature bald eagle around me most of the time. He kept alternating between a tree above me on the other side of the river and my side below me. Also got to see him take a stab at a fish and come up empty maybe 75 yards away... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fullmoon Posted July 26, 2008 Share Posted July 26, 2008 DC, great pics, thanks!! If I had your locale,skill and knowledge, I think I'd be out even more than you. lol Some of us have to dream. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CNY Lee Posted July 26, 2008 Share Posted July 26, 2008 Well I'm fishing the big Cabela's Walleye tournament coming up Aug. 3rd and have been doing a lot of walleye fishing the last week. I'm into fish and we'll be able to get our 5 fish limit but we'll need one or two mid 20"ers for kickers. My buddy Rick has been fishing the deep water trolling with boards, bottom bouncers and dipsey's and he's got some fish out there for us and I'm concentrating on the 20' and shallower bite. I can't believe the walleye's that I'm pulling out of the shallows in weeds all day long. Fished today from 7am till noon like it was a tournament and ended up with 5 fish just over 10 lbs, sorry no pics but here are some of my buddies that went out with me on Thursday night. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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