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It occurred to me that it might be appropriate for many of us on this board to sort of introduce themselves. We've become a fairly tightly knit family here on the "photo sharing" board, with not a really large number of participants, but many qaulity people. And it's a friendly and supportive place, where critiques certainly can be given when asked for but are positive and helpful.

So I thought it might be interesting to get to know each other just a bit more, as long as folks are comfortable telling a bit about themselves. And post a picture of you if you'd like.

And so I'll start this out, even though most know a fair amount about me. I, Steve Foss, an in my mid-40s and live in Ely. I am married with three grown children. While nature photography is my passion, I pay the bills with weddings, portraiture and guided nature photo excursions into the BWCAW and surrounding areas. In June, I quit my 15-year newspaper career (which spanned Harvey, N.D., Grand Forks, N.D., Aberdeen, S.D., Duluth, Minn., and, most recently, here in Ely as editor of the Ely Timberjay) to pursue photography full time, and business has been steadily increasing as the word gets out. I have been a Canon shooter for more than 25 years, owning the 30D, 20D and a Digital Rebel XT as well as a number of wide angle, mid range and telephoto lenses.

While we have vague plans to open a gallery at some future date, my only gallery space is a large permanent showing of framed images in the public spaces and matted and mounted images in the gift store at Grand Superior Lodge, right along the shores of Lake Superior about 10 miles up from Two Harbors.

Here's a shot or two, courtesy of excursion client Don Kates.


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I'll go next. I am Mike Meyer. I am a husband and father of 2 young children. My son Cole is soon to be 6 and my daughter Molly is 3. We live in Hutchinson.

I have recently purchased my 1st DSLR and am having a great time with it. I have been interested in photography but never seemed to find the right time to jump into i t. I enjoy nature and photographing it. I try to get out once a week or more to shoot anything I can. Since I bought my Nikon D50 the end of July I have probably taken 3000 pictures. Most end up in the trash but I usually end up with a few keepers. Hopefully the ratio will get better as I learn more.


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My real name is Tom Dobbins. I have a little boy who is 16 months old and he is demanding the majority of my time. I live in Blaine and work downtown for an Architecture and Infrastructure firm as a CAD designer. The majority of my free time this year has been spent on the water so I haven't been able to shoot as much as I like, but rather using my time for my #1 hobby.

I have been shooting for about 6 years now. My first camera purchase was a powershot G2 and it really got me started. I soon realized I wanted to go bigger and better and picked up a Digital Rebel. Then I became a member of this site and noticed the great images being posted by Steve and a few others and really started studying the mechanics of photography. I picked up a few nice lenses and have been shooting as a hobby, and occasionally I get a wedding or portrait gig and have shot a few car shows for magazines and websites. (If anyone has any tips on marketing, I am all ears.)

I will be taking a trip to Arkansas over the Thanksgiving week and I am pretty sure I will be able to get out for some photography while I am down there. Hopefully get some fall color shots in the bayous and backwaters.

Here is a photo courtesy of fishing partner for a day Perch Jerker.


And a second courtesy of a friend.


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I am a 21 year old (today) student who doesn't know what he wants to do for the rest of his life yet. I like to take pictures of things outdoors, I like to capture what I see when I'm out in the woods. If the rain wil ever stop I might go out and sit in my stand to get some pictures but I'm thinking cameras don't like getting wet. I guess nature fascinates me. Too many people out their get stuck in their offices and I like to go out there and see what hasn't been seen by other people before. I have a Canon S3 IS right now and would like to get a bigger better badder camera, but money doesn't allow it at this point.

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Everyone knows me here as Johnny Redhorse(guess because I get a kick outa fishing for redhorse suckers grin.gif)...name is actually John Sikkila and spent my 59 years on "da range" with a stint in the Marine corps and did the "Nam' thing back in 69'-71') also mid 80's in New Hampshire with my wife of 20 years, Carolann...kids are grown up and spread all over the states.oregon ,wisconsin twin cities...I'm a assistant weld shop foreman for L&M Radiator here in Hibbing been there for almost 19 years..dabbled in a few things in my past as the designing of camp fire rings for the state and federal forest people (universal adjustible, square cast iron grill,still in the campgrounds through out the state (this was years ago of course)...I also designed and sold the "Ice Molly" ice fishing rod holder years ago through L&M supply a few years back (saving that for retirement grin.gif)...I'm one of the "point and shoot" enthusiasts trying to keep up with the big guns but getting harder every day grin.gif...shooting an older fuji s5000 and a 9 meg fuji s9000...both pretty decent cameras considering they are point and shoots....taken almost 10,000 images with the s5000 and almost 5,000 with the s9000...things are wearing out tongue.gif .. grin.gif having fun anyways! smile.gifalso incorporate various filters macro dioptors t-con 17 teleconvertor for that x-tra zoom...I take both cameras on my week-end excursions in the field... here's acouple pics...my young marine corps days and a pic that my wife took this morning grin.gif

back in 69':have we changed much grin.gif




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My name is Trent Wolter and am from Chatfield, MN. I am married and have 2 children that are the subjects of most of my photography. I enjoy sports photography most of all, but also like outdoor portraits, landscapes and birds around the yard. I also enjoy trout fishing, deer hunting and playing baseball. I use a Canon 30D with either a Tamron 17-50 2.8 or a Canon 70-200 2.8. Here are a few photos that tell a bit about who I am.

Swinging for the fence....and succeeding. My wife Lorrie took this shot of me sending one to the cheap seats.


I take a lot of pics of the kids in their sports. Also like playing around in photoshop cs2.



Here are some outdoor portraits of the kids.


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My turn. I live in the dull town of Marshall, MN in boring SW MN. I've been living here for just over 30 years. I know I won't retire here. There isn't much for scenery or wildlife around here, which is why I've decided I'm going to have to start traveling for photo ops. I also shoot with a lowly advanced point and shoot, but have been exceedingly pleased with some of the shots I have taken. My camera is a Panasonic DMC-FZ7. It sports a 12X optical zoom and when combined with the Tcon 17, I can reach 734mm. Sometimes that isn't even enough. However, the camera does have the features to give a person complete control, which is necessary.

I've been wed for 30 years, have 2 daughters, 1 grandson and 2 son inlaws. My one daughter lives in Sioux Falls and the other one in Plymouth. The S.F. gal is a co manager at Victoria's Secret and the Plymouth gal works in marketing for Land O Lakes in Arden Hills. I believe we've raised them properly. My main gig is sales for a credit card processing company. I set up small businesses up so they can accept credit cards or switch them from their present company to the company I represent, thereby saving them quite a bit of money, normally. Since I'm a little burned out from merchant sales, I basically just maintain my accounts and do some part time driving for a couple local businesses. This does give me quite bit of free time for fishing and photography. However, the weather just doesn't cooperate all the time. The reason for my handle is, I used to manufacture and wholesale fishing tackle. It was a pretty small business, but I enjoyed the customers and the drives up north, just couldn't make much money at it.

BTW Jonny, I don't think you've changed a bit. smirk.gif

Here is a photo of my family. Of course, I'm the old man sitting down with my wife next to me.


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I'm one of the new kids on the block, so many of you don't have much info about me. I'm 55 years old and between my wife Beth and I have five grown kids. Beth's oldest daughter has blessed us with two grandchildren.

I have lived most of my life in northern Minnesota, growing up between Bovey and Bigfork on the Scenic Highway and spending the last thirty years living between Babbitt and Ely. I am a teacher in the Ely school district, teaching physical education, health and driver training. I have coached at the varsity level many different sports including gymnastics, volleyball, baseball, football, hockey and golf. Much of my photography revolves around sports. Keeps me in the game, so to speak, now that most of my coaching is done.

I have led a pretty special life. I've spent much of the last 25 summers guiding in the BWCA. I work with several outfitters and had my own guiding business for a number of years. I did a lot of winter camping in the BWCA from about 1979 until the mid-nineties chasing lakers on Knife and Thomas and northerns on Basswood. I've had the opportunity to fish all over the world - from marlin and tuna off the bottom of the Baja Peninsula to spending several weeks one summer chasing king salmon from Glenallen to Soldotna, Alaska. Speckles in northern Ontario and hauki in Finland (greatoutdoors will know what they are). Try to hit the north shore flyfishing for brookies at least once a summer and the Brule in Wisconsin for steelhead in April. Also try to catch the hex hatch on some other south shore streams for browns (which I'd identify, but my buddy Tom would have to kill me). Oh yeah, and carp, bullheads catfish in Nebraska. Had a good friend that invited me for several years to his duck camp at Delta Marsh. And in the summer of 2006 got to take the trip of a lifetime paddling 500 miles of the Albany River to Hudson Bay.

I published a twice monthly online newsletter about NE Minnesota called BdubNEWS.com for about three years until I picked up a camera and started shooting 4 years ago. As I mentioned before, most of my time involves shooting sports, but have gotten more into studio photography and am doing grad photos, portraits, weddings and family reunions. I built a small studio off the end of my garage this summer. My passion is nature photography, although I've been so busy with the rest of it, I haven't had much time to pursue photos tromping through the woods. Hopefully that will change when I retire in a couple of years. I shoot with Canon equipment having a couple of 10D's and two Mark II's. Lenses include a 17-40, 70-200 2.8, 100 2.8 macro and a 300 2.8.Here's a few photos to let you see what it looks like around here.

Great idea for this thread, Steve! Thanks! medium.jpgmedium.jpg


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My name is Joshua Baklund and I live in St. Louis Park. I am a land surveyor and spend the majority of my work time on projects at the MSP airport. Just finishing up the reconstruction of one of the runways so hopefully more free time will be had. If the weather would ever cooperate.

I am fairly new to the photography thing as I got a Nikon D50 from my wonderful girlfriend for Christmas last year. Seems like I am always learning new things. I really enjoy shooting wildlife. After I go out taking photos, then look at them on the computer. To see that one awesome photo is better than taking that duck with a shotgun. Which is a new feeling for me. Don't know how I feel about that yet, but time will tell. smile.gif

Photo of me and the turkey I took this spring. 23lbs 9 ounces. 9 1/2" beard.


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Nice to meet you all!

I'm Cheryl, married to Rick. We have two daughters at home, aged 14 and 8, and they keep us pretty busy. And Paris the black lab is the fur child of the family.

I worked on and off at the local newspaper for a few years as a reporter and news editor but quit in 2004 when the crazy hours got too much. I took up photography then and now sell microstock. Also getting into kid and pet portraits. I like nature shots but love shooting people more than anything.

Here's the family:

The 14 yo at cross country yesterday:


The husband:


The wild child:


The poor dog with the really hard life:


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My name is Jim Schmitz. Friends all call me Jimbo though. I am 53 and retired from the USAF with just over 20 years time in service. During that time I got to 13 different countries and every state of the nation. I grew up in St Peter MN and left there in 74 to join the service. In fact I am the current Commander of the St Peter American Legion Post. We, Cheryl my wife, and I have lived in Lonsdale MN now since Dec 2000. In that time the town has more than doubled in size. I work for a compay called BT (British Telcom) and I over see the cable and equipment installation in a major Minnesota electronics retailer's new stores.

I love the outdoors and love to hunt and fish. I have been doing it long enough now that the main thrill is the quality time that I get to spend with the person that I am hunting with and should we harvest something, well, that is a bonus. We have three boys between us ranging from 29 to 23 years old. The youngest is the one that likes to hunt with me and he is the one that is in the picture below. I regret to say that I lost the dog last fall. She was in to much pain for me to let her keep suffering but we had 12 great years of hunting. Sure do miss her!

Cheryl, you forgot to put your picture in the line up!

Take care and N Joy the Hunt


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My turn. My name is Paul Hagen, 34 and live in Moorhead, MN. I have been in Moorhead since 1991 when I came from Montevideo to go to College. I have been shooting since the mid early 80's started out with a 110 camera and graduated to a Minlota 35 mm SLR fully manual when I was shooting for 4-H projects. I am a proffesional Emcee doing weddings, coroprate gigs and large school and college dances as a video jockey. I currently shoot with a 35 mm canon EOS rebel and a digital Canon XTi with a small selection of below par lenses. A majority of my original lenses disapeared during a nasty divorace, I like to take pictures of Dogs and peopel with dogs. I like the occasional nature thing and love to shoot Fireworks. Next October I plan on getting remarried to a wonderfull gal who puts up with my many many hobbies, Fishing, Ham Radio, Geneology, Atv's, and dog training, 2 full time jobs, and a internet junkie at times. I have to dogs, Elvis and Morgan that are both rescues. I picked up Morgan when he was 8 weeks old and Elvis was 1 year old. Here are some pics:





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Hello All!

My name is Michael Cary. I am a 30-year old high school science teacher (biology) in the Duluth Area. I'm married, no children--yet. I was bit by the photo-bug about three years ago and purchased my first SLR a year later. I have been shooting a Canon Rebel XT for the past two years, but am awaiting a new 40D that I have on order from Steve's favorite retailer. I own a 17-40L, 70-200 f/4L, and the 100-400L. I spend most of my photographic time (which has been far too short as of late) searching for wildlife to shoot. I also try to spend a few weeks of the year backpacking and taking pictures in the backcountry of our national parks. I have been published a handful of times in conservation and hunting mags and am working on making a few more contacts in this market. I mainly shoot for the fun of it (but why not make some cash for new gear). I would love to become semi-retired at a young age and transition into becoming a wildlife photographer - something to shoot for I guess. I love visiting this site and seeing all of the beautiful work all of you do. I'll be looking forward to more in the future.

Shot from this summer of me in Glacier NP.


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Hey all,

My name is Matt Lee, I live in Minneapolis but work on the east coast. I have been active off and on on this site for a couple of years most of my activity lately has been on this board. I like fish, hunt birds, ride bicycles, kayak, be outside and of course take pictures. I have always been interested in photography, and I got my first DSLR last Christmas. I enjoy taking outdoor and sports photos but I don't have much experience with either. I'll keep working on it though and with the help and coaching I get you you all, I know I will improve. Here is a picture of my enjoying some cerveza in Cabo back in January. This was the nicest day and off course the last one as wellconfused.gif


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Hello my name is Kurt Johnson, I live in the Cities and have a place up near Cross Lake. I have two kids in college, but I am happy to report we are getting close to being done with that phase of our life. I am a Sales Representative for a small Rep Firm handling Engineered Hardware type product lines.

I have always loved to be outside, I fish summer and winter (especially since hockey ended), hunt upland birds, waterfowl, deer - usually out west, and the occasional antelope or elk. I do have a very understanding wife. I have always been interested in photography. With the ability of even a relatively low priced Cannon S3 IS/12X optical, and due the advent of digital age I have had a lot of fun in the last 9 months taking some shots and learning as I go. If the bug gets any worse I will may to upgrade the equipment when I feel I have the time to use it. This forum has taught me a bunch, including how much I have to learn and really just how much can be involved in this hobby. I also learn alot about a variety of plants and animals that I never used to pay that much attention to.

Anyhow I visit this part of FM the most and really appreciate the contributions of all the regulars who consistently take the high road with their quality intput.



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I'm one of the "point and shoot" enthusiasts trying to keep up with the big guns but getting harder every day
...shooting an older fuji s5000 and a 9 meg fuji s9000...both pretty decent cameras considering they are point and shoots....


I think your posts show that photography is less to do with having a point and shoot or a DSLR, than who's behind the camera. You could be a poster boy for Fuji.


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I started coming to this site to find out what the walleyes were biting on on LOW. I really enjoyed looking at the pics so I thought I would give it a try and realized that my digital Kodak might be fine for stills but it would never capture anything fast.There was also the " boy sure wish I had a camera for that one " when I was out hunting or fishing when there was just a great sunset or that eagle that just picked up a crappie out of the water shot. So after seeing all the great outdoor shots posted here I decided that I was going to get rid of some guns and other unused toys to finance a new type of shooting grin.gif Because of all the time I spend on this site now my wife Lisa is hooked too but she still will not comment on the photos or birds(she just informed me that she helped ID a bird not that long ago with our Sibley guide-WELL OK THEN). For a job I am a business communication tech or telephone guy. The reason I put both Deer River and Carlton as our towns, is because when we got married,I lived in Deer River and she lived in Carlton. We kept both houses but will someday make Deer River our only home. The picture is of me and Lisa and my stepson Dylan. IMG_0615.jpg

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Excellent post. I have been on the FM site for many many years. I mostly post on the Vermillion, metro, bass, and a few other forms. I must say I always am drawn to the picture section to check out the outdoor images that everyone brings to life on the site. I enjoy everyone's picutures but I must admit I am a bit partial to Johnny Redhores pictures. It was great to finally see the man behind the lense.

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Hi Guys and Gals:

My name is Joyce, I am a former Ely-ite. I'm a Fin

like a few others in here. We all love nature it seems.

I now live in Detroit Lakes with my husband Richard.

We have two grown sons, the oldest in California

and our youngest lives in St. Cloud. We own a salon.

I'm mostly a fan of all you wonderful photographers.

I have dabbled in photography on and off for years,

but I have a bad habit of breaking cameras and never

developing my film. I just recently managed to break

my digital, I can't even get it to turn on. I only

had it for six months!

I am a writer and artist, I specialize in colored pencil

drawings on black paper. I love nature and fishing, though

I don't fish anymore because my city boy husband hates it.

I'm slowly working on my book, a lot of my writing is about

the same things you all take pictures of. I love hiking,

my favorite season is Autumn. My favorite trail is Gooseberry Falls or any trail on the North Shore.

If you want to see my writing just google Joyce Chelmo,

I'm all over the place. I'm a Narrative Poet.

I love to come in here and look at the photos, some

of the pictures have inspired drawings from me. I

tend to think you guys are really amazing with your


I don't have any recent pictures of me and my husband

but thanks to my sons I have pictures of them.

My son Brook with the Goldengate in the background


Derrick at Christmas


This is one of my drawings


I love this thread!

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I'm sure a few of you have seen alot of my fishing pictures on here as I tend to post alot..

Alittle bout me.

Teng Xiong

Network Engineer.

I do photography on the side as a hobby.. Most of my work, I can't post on here but the ones that I can, I do, like flowers, bees, animals, landscapes etc grin.gif


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My name is Carolyn Olson. I live near Cottonwood in SW MN. I am married to Jonathan, who is the 4th generation to farm where we live. We have 3 teenage daughters, ages 16, 15, and 13. They keep us hopping!

I help out on the farm where needed, and work in town during tax season (doing data entry).

Other than that, I am a mother, a wife, a daughter, a sister, a friend, a maid, a janitor, a garbage collector, a personal chef, a postal worker, a contractor, a coach, a dictator, a dry cleaning service, a laundry service, a plumber, a computer technician, a landscaper, a gardener, a mechanic, a carpenter, a mediator (with all the horomones around here, that can be a full time job), a chauffer, a delivery service, a doctor, a nurse, a veterinarian, a photographer, a painter, an electrician, a personal shopper, a seamstress, a teacher, a tutor, a Sunday School song leader, a Meteorologist, and the queen of my charming castle.

The first picture is of Jonathan flaming our corn. We are organic farmers, so we get to play with all kinds of fun tools! June2007022b.jpg

This is our family, taken on Liberty Island in July. My brother is stationed at West Point as an instructor, so we had our family Christmas out there this summer. NewYorkChristmas193b.jpg

I usually post pictures that my youngest daughter has taken, since I think she has so much more talent than I! She is also my fishing partner most of the time. Her name is Laura, and she is the blonde on the right. smile.gif

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Other than that, I am a mother, a wife, a daughter, a sister, a friend, a maid, a janitor, a garbage collector, a personal chef, a postal worker, a contractor, a coach, a dictator, a dry cleaning service, a laundry service, a plumber, a computer technician, a landscaper, a gardener, a mechanic, a carpenter, a mediator (with all the horomones around here, that can be a full time job), a chauffer, a delivery service, a doctor, a nurse, a veterinarian, a photographer, a painter, an electrician, a personal shopper, a seamstress, a teacher, a tutor, a Sunday School song leader, a Meteorologist, and the queen of my charming castle.

Carolyn, you would be one rich lady if you were paid for each of these professions. wink.gif

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Someone figured it out once, but I couldn't find it. It was a pretty good figure, though. Instead, I get paid by hugs and kisses from my kids and hubby.

We all have a pretty good time at our house. A good sense of humor has gotten us through some tough times.

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