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The "Dumb" Stuff We All Do


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Admit it gang- there's some dumb stuff we all do, lets hear 'em-------

Here's one of mine:

I used to chew snuff, and quite often after loading up a pinch, my eye would itch- yeah, I'd use my tobacco pinching fingers to itch it- OUCH

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Zamboni...where on earth does a person start? I'm sure I could start tonight, typing the dumb schnit I've done and still be at it next Friday, going non-stop!

Well, let me see? I took my eye off the ball while cutting a piece of sheathing with a razor knife and cut off one of my fingers...thats pretty stupid? Luckily the doctor was able to reattach it.

I got into my dads ammo when I was about 8 years old, put a bullet on the steps and hit it with a hammer...it bounced off some concrete steps and hit me right in the pelvis...I started doing dumb stuff really early!

When I was in 5th grade, I froze my tongue to a metal pole at school....in 6th grade, I squared off with the toughest kid in the class and it didn't turn out well for me!

When I was about 11, I didn't try to run away from home when my dads friend said he would give me and my younger brother a haircut....he must have been from the Bowery, he put a bowl on our heads and cut around it! We looked like the two stooges, Moe and Moe!

When I was in 7th grade, my friend and I built a huge pipe bomb and wound up blowing the back of his house off! I was on my bike headed for home before the yellow and red and green and you name it colored smoke had even cleared...I could hear the cop cars before I even made it to the corner!

I used to chew snoose and I done the same thing as you did..I also did that after handling Japaleno peppers!

So you see, in my case, it would take something about the size of a telephone book to list all the dufus stuff I've been involved with...some of it funny, some not so much?

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1. Walked into a sliding glass door/window at a *wedding* at age 9 --150 people did the old "what was that" head turn.

2. Drove away from the dock without the gas tank waving like Forrest Gump to onlookers who noticed the tank at the dock still

3. Off roading in a 87 chevy beretta.

4. Ate a hot dog in Tijuana

5. Threw a full unopened diet-pop can in a bonfire. (large explosion)

6. Tried to smash in a beehive that was in a rock garden with my foot. The end result: Massive Clouds of bees swarming..and multiple bee stings... at my neighbors house.

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I have done alot of stupid stuff in my life, Hmmmm, lets see...

* Went fishing with thunderheads all around. We were all laughing because our hairs were standing on end!

*Tried to swim across Grapevine lake in Texas, drunk as a skunk, I almost got hit by a speedboat, but could have drowned also.

*Dislodged a huge chunk of ice and floated down the Clam river on it. This got jammed under a bridge, and could have easily drowned.

* Was with someone driving across Green lake on New Years eve (under the influence), when he hit open water. Fortunately, it was only a few feet deep...

*Did lots of drinking/drugs and driving in my past...

By all means I should be dead! I deserve it! confused.gif All I can say is that despite my dumb choices (and I mean DUMB) the good Lord has kept me alive and preserved me for the day I would respond to His Gospel message of salvation! Am glad that God saves dumb people!

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Well last week I went fishing in the snow in Canada. The same morning I was getting the net in the water to get my brothers fish and looked down to see that my new hook removing pliers must have gotten caught on the net. Needless to say no more new pliers.

I met my brother from Green Bay in Hinckley for the trip. About a half hour after splitting up for home he calls on the cell phone and says Don't you need the clothes in this suitcase you left in my back seat?


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I will ring in for my wife. A few years back while I was in the middle of landing a nice sized pike, my wife waited with the net. About 4 feet from the boat the fish jumps and shakes out of the water and my wife proceeds to THROW the net at the fish. I landed the fish with a towel and we both watched as my net slowly sunk into Cass Lake!


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When I was living in Kansas City we rented a brand new Caddy Deville and came back to Minnesota for Christmas. On the way home the Caddy acted up and we had to exchange it for a different rental car in Omaha, they gave us a Mitsubishi Endeavor SUV. At 3 AM we finally get back to our place in KC and realized that our house key was on the Cadillacs key chain in Omaha. $100 locksmith bill later I learned an expensive lesson

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I got a few questions for all you long time married guys as I have only been married 5 months.

Do they ever stop talking? crazy.gif

Can you ever convince them that the only appropriate time to talk is during a commercial? smirk.gif

Can you ever get them to learn that when you are in the garage you don't really want to hear about their girlfriend's drama of the day? confused.gif

Oh yeah, I probably should contribute to the thread....

There was the time I left for a hockey tournament in Brainerd and left my skates in the backseat of mom's car. One of my teamates parents had to wait for my mom to get home to get them and bring them up with them. Those extra couple of hours ended making them drive through a raging snow storm. Now they were not two happy until I set their kid up for a couple of goals that weekend. That was when I was 14. I last heard that story from them 4 years ago when I was 36.

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My hubby will try to talk during stuff I am watching, so it's not just a female thing! That's why we have a Dish DVR, so we can pause when the other needs to talk.

And, no, girls never stop talking! grin.gif Just kidding!

Got married at 20 - 19 years ago! Smartest thing I ever did.

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