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Anyone here a Boogaard fan?


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I was wondering if anyone is as happy as I am that Boogie is now with the WILD for 3 years. I just love it when he is on the ice I know he's not the most gifted skater blah, blah, blah. but when he's out there it sure is a he!! of alot of fun to watch and see what may happen I still get goose bumps when I watch the replay of game 4 of the Ducks playoff game after all the B.S. when the crowd started chanting Boogaard Boogaard and he skated out on the ice

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I would not have been a happy fan if they would not have signed Boogaard. He is awesome to watch on the ice. He knows his role and what I like about him is once he has a guy hurt he will hold back(usually) and not totally destroy someone when he has a clear shot to do some serious damage. What does bother me is when several players from the opposing team will surround him and start pushing him and if he retaliates in the slightest he gets called for a penalty. Can't wait for fall fishing and watching the Wild again.

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I agree with you on that. Most enforcers are goons, not him. He was coming around towards the end of the season, getting more scoring chances and getting in front of the net. Going to be fun watching him the next 3 years

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He is needed so other thugs don't run our guys and leave them splattered all over the plexiglass. Believe me, other guys think twice about doing the above because they know they will have to answer the bell with Boogey.

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Some may not agree with me but for an enforcer he is actually a pretty good player.

I also like the fact that the other team is usually so focused on taking a run at him etc. that he either draws a penalty or we make a big play.

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Why does LeMaire not seem to like the guy though? Every time you read something in the paper from Coach about Boogaard it's always "He's got to get better." This was even last week.

I guess he doesn't want him for just the enforcer role, he wants him to produce. More like old Basil McRae used to be for the North Stars.


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Dont get me wrong, I like watching boogaard skate, its kind of comical and he makes the kind of boering minnesota offence a little more fun to watch.

But when it comes down to it, he is nothing but a GOON.

Most people in Hockey know it exspecially Lmaire.

He only plays like 3 to 5 minnutes a game, But somehow he is a good player? Not sure how that is possible.

Hester crazy.gif

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Now I agree he is not in the running for League MVP, and I see LeMaire's point, but he is good for one other thing: He sells a few more tickets. Has to be considered in this day and age.


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Just like back in the day with Basil Mcrae and Shane Churla. Any team messed with Broten, Modano any of the good players back then they would have to answer to these 2 guys. They arent the best skaters or puck handlers but they protect our best.

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Once again, I agree for the most part. All Im saying is if He is your favorite wild player, your more of a UFC fan than you are a Hockey fan. I love him, but as far a skill, not to sure about that.

Also, now I wish the old stars did not have a couple of those tough guys when madano was playing. Let guys rough the old rat face up all they want. grin.gif

(Yeah, Im still a little bitter about the whole thing, norm green and every thing else).

How about that Burns? He is going to be one fine player for years to come.


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I love Boogie, but I would trade him for big Georges Laraque any day. Georges has skill and toughness. I would REALLY like to see the Wild make a run at Dion Phaneuf next year when he is a free agent. That kid is a great skill player and tough as nails. He made Boogie look like a fool a couple times last year.

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Hockey Guy- I agree that the Wild should go after Dion Phaneuf. He is a very good hockey player. Big shot, heavey hitter, and no one messes with anybody when he is out there. Plus he is young. Very fun to watch him when he is on TV.


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