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Being a good neighbor on the ice.


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This is a topic that has been near and dear to me a few times. I know what really annoys me out there when I have taken the time to arrive early and get my holes drilled and all set up at least one hour before prime time-only to have someone come in right at dusk and blast 20 holes all round me. Are people who do this just that stupid or am I just trying to live in a perfect world? What annoys you out there? Maybe some of the offenders don't even know what's not cool......What do you do when this happens?

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I understand your frustration, expecially when you have gone threw all that trouble to get it all set up. I too share your frustration, however, I try and be understanding too. Not everybody can get the same time off, maybe somebodys "honeydo" list is a little longer. I can say this, not always in my opinion is this a bad deal, I know on Some of the larger bodys of water, the more the merrier. If you have more lures down there you can often keep a school under you a longer peroid of time and more lures in an area can often bring them in better.. the only thing I can say to you is...

Try to find the spot on the spot, and take a few deep breaths, some people will never "get it", you might as well get used to it.

You see the same deal in open water or fishing tournaments. You just need to fish harder, make your lures stick out all that much more!

Best of luck this up comming ice season!

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The thing that bothers me the most when I'm fishing is when the snowmobiles come across the lake and have to ride around your fish house for a good half hour. Also, people that drive by the fish house in their vehicle doing about 40 mph across the lake.

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When I get in situation like tbone described, I let them know. And I don't do it in a nice fashion either. Yup I'm that guy. I think the law states 10 feet is legal. Think of ice fishing like deer hunting. You get up at 3 am and get in your stand all tucked away and then some jack one-just-like-silly-me comes thrashing through the woods. This has never happened to me, but i've heard horror stories. Would you set up 20 yards from another deer hunter? Don't fish next to me, I'll go postal with you!

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For me, I get frustrated when people set up close enough to interfere with my FL8. Other than that I just accept the fact that no one has taken the time to teach them fishing etiquette. I never hold the sins of the father against the child.

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Fiskynut makes a great point about the generators and I use one for my sleeper. What I did is built a 1/4 plywood box with strategically placed holes for intake and exhaust, lined it with 1" foam insulation. Then I set it in the pickup bed for more noise protection. You'd be amazed at how much this simple weekend project muffles those noisey devels. All of us that own these things should maybe think about muffling them?

[This message has been edited by chiro (edited 10-22-2002).]

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Bigguns3......That's what I expected. Not everyone is tickled pink when this happens. I'll even give you a story about what happened to me last winter....It was later in the season but near the end of the walleye season. I was fishing Lake Minnetonka a few times and had discovered a nice break in about 32' that held some fish. It took alot of hole drilling to locate this spot. One day during the middle of the week, I decided to play hooky and left work early. I had all my stuff with me and headed right to the lake. I got there at about 2:45 and was set up on that spot by about an hour later. There was nobody else out there. As time went by, another guy came out with his kid and set up a respectable distance away on the same break and was very courteous, made little noise and was set up and ready. Just before sundown, another coouple of guys came out and bored about 12 holes in shallower water about thirty yards behind me. They had a really noisy 4 wheeler with a high performance muffler. They set up a couple of tip-ups each and were sitting on the tailgate drinking beer. Just as the fish started to come in at dusk, one of them got on his machine and started ripping around the entire area on that 4 wheeler like it was the friggen Indy 500. This went on for about ten minutes and he was all over the place. Ripped right by me going about 50 one time. Then he stopped. Of course, the fish were gone after that. I gave them about a half hour to return but no such luck, they were gone. Just before I packed up and left, I walked over there doing a slow burn and asked how they were doing. He said they hadn't had a bite. I told him it was no small wonder since he had taken his wild ride right at prime time. He became very nasty and at one point, I thought I was going to have to defend myself out there. I just said that there are some fishermen out here who are actually trying to catch fish. He remarked that he was one of the fisherman-to which I replied "No, you're not!" Then I walked away. I have to tell ya, as I pulled my stuff off the ice, I was preparing for an a$$ kickin. Hard to keep your mouth shut when that sort of thing happens.

Another time me and WallEYES and Gissert were fishing on LOW up just south of Hay Island by Three Sisters for crappies. We had gotten there before dawn and were doing alright. The n along comes two guys on a sled pulling a portable. They stopped right behind WallEYES Otter Skin and took out an old Eskimo that sounded like it had no muffler and it took them ten minutes to drill each hole. We're way out in the middle of nowhere and this happens. They couldn't understand why he was upset. Hello? Anyone home? .........T

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All right heres the plan, Every time you go out on the ice, just drill out a spear hole. AND STUFF THE SON UFF DA BEEE YAAATCH STRAIGHT DOWN THE HOLE. Talk about a poor sportman I'd be. I'd better look into some prozac or something. I don't like it. It happens all the time. I'll be the one to start the revolution if I have to.

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I agree with chiro, I hate it when I go onto a lake and find trash all over the place. Where do they think the trash goes when the ice melts? Either they are ignorrant or they don't care. I don't think they would toss a can off the side of the boat during open water so why toss it on the ice. Same difference.

Another thing that is frustrating is when snowmobiles fly by the portable at night, not only once or twice but several times. I don't mind snowmobiles but I think they should show a little respect and use a different portion of the lake or ride by a little slower.

Most of the time I'm just happy to be out ice fishing and most things won't bother me.

Good Fishin, Matt.

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Tbone, how far is a respectable distance? I think everyone has their own idea of what personal space is, unfortunatly when you're on a public lake you don't have any control over where others set up other then the 10 foot rule. I've had people yell at me for being 50 feet away because I was in a area that they were planning on working next.
The snowmobilers/4 wheeler get me in the winter too, just like the ski boats and jet skis in the summer. I have evan seen people water skiing right after dawn, a time when I think I should have a quiet flat lake to fish.
Personally I don't let people get me down, life is too short, and I have found a few hony holes after moving away from noisy newcomers.
Next time you see someone ride a snowmobile or four wheeler like you dicribed, call the county sheriff and let them take care of it. There are laws about how far away from people they should be.

Have a good one!

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I think that when I'm out for some bobber therapy there is not much that I'm going to let bother me. Some times I'll go to plan two or maybe three but its what I make of it not what someone else does. I grew up farming and then working construction and usually had the winter off so we iced fished...allot there is always tomorrow and plan four. always pick up any garbage for the kids sake .metro

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I'm not trying to sound like a whine a$$ or anything, just trying to get the subject out into the light a little and raise some awareness. If nobody talks about it, alot of people will think it's ok to do whatever they want to. Saying the parents didn't raise the little ones right isn't the answer either. It's just knowing right from wrong. Nothing more. There are more and more newcomers to this sport every year and I'm sure alot of them have no idea what's acceptable behavior out there. They come equipped with all of the best gear but that's where it seems to end. I pick up alot of trash all winter just because it's the right thing to do. Doing that I have also found equipment that's been left behind by the litterers. That's my reward! Now I just hope I don't ever get too close to Bigguns! I never bring my swimming trunks!....T

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For me, the trash thing is the worst. I bring a big green plastic garbage bag, and when things are slow I go around and clean up. I don't want all that s*** floating around and sinking to the bottom when the ice melts. frown.gif

Not that I'm fond of the overly motorized buzzing around at sundown when I've been quietly set up for an hour.

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The trash left on the ice is a big issue with me, evryone should bring off the lake what they take out and maybe even pick up a little extra.
I may be wrong but I think the 10 foot law only pertains to the placement of a fish house in relation to the next fish house. I think anyone can drill a hole as close to you as they want.

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T-bone, Ihad that happen to me to.Got there good and early drilled a bunch of holes caught some nice bunch of perch.I hear a truck pull in and park.I see them walking out.And they head right at me,I'm the only one on the lake at this time.I'm 200 yrds out.They stop about 30 yards from me and drilled about ten holes in a strait line about 8 feet past my hole.Then they set tip ups out and just invite them selves in to the holes that i drilled. Man was I [PoorWordUsage]ed! but I didn't say any thing cause I was in a hot hole caught 16,17 fish in about 30 or 40 minutes.I think they may have caught 3 perch and a crappie.Well this went on for about 4 to 5 hours.Then it starts to rain so I flip up the otter and I see them packing it in. As they were leaveing I says SEE YAS A-HOLES They never said a word LOL Then about 2:00 three guys show up and set up maybe 75 yrds off a point just west and behind me sounded like they were real close. you know how sound travels on the ice.I can hear them talking I heard the name (reelemin) I look over and I see a Two man OTTER(black skin) and a blue fish trap. But I didn't infringe on them.this was on Superior in Sullivan County NY About 2 weeks later up on Mongop pond I run in to this guy with the fish trap pro and I wanted to compare it to the otter that I had bought.Because that was my first choice.But I heard about the tub wearing out in one season so that turned me torward the SMALL OTTER DEN. Sure anough it was Kevin (Reelemin).Real nice guy.Showed me what he used and the TOI jigs WOW! Tony does a beautiful job on the painting. I hope to make it up to CNY this year to the gatherns and meet and fish with the shanty gang.Enough said, Jig Stick!

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Jig Stick......The stories are all kind of alike aren't they?......Good you got to meet Reelemin Kevin. He's a class act just like the other CNY Shanty Gang guys. I have fished with Kevin a couple of times in Michigan as well as the others. Some have even made the trip to Minnesota to fish with us here. Soon, we'll be in full swing again. The circle grows each winter. Just have to shoot bambi now and then, the game is on........T

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I have to agree with T-Bone that many folks need to step back and think about what they are doing before they start to drill holes.

That incident that he refered to on LOW was a classic. No one else within a mile of us, and they set up 5 yards from WallEYES.

Last December I was able to get out on Otter Tail when the ice became walkable. No one was venturing beyond the first break line, as the ice was still iffy farther out. It was a pleasure to be fishing around strangers who were setting up respectable distances apart, and before prime time. About 4 pm, just when things should be getting good, the snomobilers decided it would be a good time to weave in and out of the fish houses. This kept up until I left in disgust. I then noticed they were about 13 years old. What parent will let their kids run sleds unsupervised on 4 inches of glare ice on a 14000 acre lake?

This year, I will have the number of the sheriff and the local CO programmed into my cell, and if someone gets out of hand, I will let them handle it.

If there is only one or two guys fishing where I would like to be, I will go speak with them before I unpack any gear. This usually will undo any tension, and sometimes gain you tips on what is working that day. If they are stand-offish, I move on to my next spot.

When there is a large amount of fisherman, then the situation is not as easily approached. I try to avoid big groups anyway.

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Ya sure sound like a whine a$$.... grin.gif

It's just a reflection of society, most people couldn't give a rats a$$ if they impede on your space or ruin your recreational activity. There is only one person that matters to them; themselves or the think alike buddies they are with. Me , Mine, Now and the almighty Greed are the problems that plague us.

When it comes to ice fishing, there are different cases when it comes to space infrigement.

Case Number 1: A shanty town of 10 permanent houses on a flat that gets crappie action in the eve.
Activity expected: A number of portables and bucket sitters will show as the eve nears, expect a couple of guys to wander in right at prime time and swiss cheese the ice all around you. Also expect guys to set up within 20ft. People are somewhat tolerant of space infringement in this situation. But remember; if you fire up the auger during prime time, it's like kicking a hornets nest, there might be 30 or more guys fuming in their shacks at the sound of that rip cord being pulled. And a person better hope one of them hasn't consumed to much Jet A fuel.

Case #2: You are the only one on a 450 acre lake, you set up off a point on the break for walleyes. Then right at sundown a boat comes out and anchors ten feet off your bow. Think about it, why does the freezing of H2O allow you to sit in my lap, where as open water people are a little more tolerant of personal space.

So what it really comes down to is a case by case situation. Let the people that are having fun playing ball on the ice or roughhousing with the kids while watching tip-ips have their space. But please give the more serious fisherpeople a little more leeway and let them enjoy their day as well.

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While I am sure we all have our secret spots don't be too flustered if someone shows up on or next to your secret hole. I was fishing Waconia this year and had found a rather secluded spot. There was one permenant structure there and I was fishing in my portable. Once the guys who owned the permenant showed up one of the guys looked in my direction and yelled it's an effing party out here. I was setup about 30 yards away (small spot between milfoil blooms). I stepped out of my house and told him to shut his cakehole and my family and all of my friends would be with me tomorrow. He went back into his house and was a perfect sportsman for the rest of the evening. I fish for the excitement and relaxation it offers. I do not get to fish as much as I would like. When I get out to fish there is not a loudmouth on this planet that is going to ruin it for me. I am tolerant of other people coming out on the ice. If someone starts to setup too close I ask them if they wouldn't mind setting up a little further away. I have never had one person say no. I offer a public service to those without fishing ettiquette. If I go out and someone is in my spot I move or setup a respectful distance from them. If you try to ruin my trip you will fail, so many have tried before you. I fish therefore I win.

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I think the key word in all of this discussion is ettiquite. People only think about themselves. This past weekend a man set up a bow stand 20 yards from my permanent rifle stand on Federal land to hunt deer. I have a really nice scrape line and have been hunting this monster buck for 2 seasons. He was not there so I left him a note saying I understand you have every right to hunt here however I have done all this work (blazed a trail, built a stand, set up a trail timer, etc.) and this is a huge woods I think you should try to find your own spot. I had hoped this guy would get the hint. The next afternoon he was sitting in my permanent stand. We had a "heated discussion" . My arguement was that hunter "ettiquite" was the issue and that based on that he should leave. He eventually left. I guess "ettiquite" wise I would not do that to anybody. Stuff like that always happens ice fishing at LOW. I think not only do we have to get people involved in ice fishing or hunting but people also need to hear what "ettiquite" is. Too many people only care about themselves and not about the sport or overall perception of their actions.

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These are some really good posts...Even yours Duffman. I resemble that remark but at the same time, I'll consider the source!

Once when I was still living with my parents, my dad was in the habit of fishing at least three nights a week. We lived in Ottertail County so the options were infinite. Once in a great while, he would ask the neighbor guy along. One particular evening, they fished Dead Lake in an area that Dad had found fish on a few occasions and they really hammered them. The neighbor guy had a great time. On the way home, he asked the guy if he wanted to do it again the next night. He declined saying he had other things to do. So Dad went out there alone (I was working or I would have gone.) Guess who was fishing on his favorite spot with two of his sons and another man? You got it! Maybe it is passed from generation to generation. Guess the apples don't ever fall too far from the tree?

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    • got this tackled today took about 3 hours to get both sides done. Didnt even get to use a torch....   Thought I was golden with just jacking it up and I could get to everything but no luck. Had to remove the entire axle hub and brake assembly to get to what I needed. Was a pain but still better then taking off the entire pivot arm.    Axle bearings were already greased and in great shape thankfully. Got both leaf springs installed and its ready for the road again.   Probably going to have my electric brakes checked, I am not touching anything with the brake drums. Based on what I saw it doesn't look like my electric brakes have been working anyway. Brakes are nice to have if its slippery out
    • By The way that didn't work either!! Screw it I'll just use the cellular. 
    • It’s done automatically.  You might need an actual person to clear that log in stuff up.   Trash your laptop history if you haven’t tried that already.
    • 😂 yea pretty amazing how b o o b i e s gets flagged, but they can't respond or tell me why I  can't get logged in here on my laptop but I can on my cellular  😪
    • I grilled some brats yesterday, maybe next weekend will the next round...  
    • You got word censored cuz you said        B o o b ies….. haha.   Yeah, no… grilling is on hiatus for a bit.
    • Chicken mine,  melded in Mccormick poultry seasoning for 24 hours.  Grill will get a break till the frigid temps go away!
    • we had some nice weather yesterday and this conundrum was driving me crazy  so I drove up to the house to take another look. I got a bunch of goodies via ups yesterday (cables,  winch ratchet parts, handles, leaf springs etc).   I wanted to make sure the new leaf springs I got fit. I got everything laid out and ready to go. Will be busy this weekend with kids stuff and too cold to fish anyway, but I will try to get back up there again next weekend and get it done. I don't think it will be bad once I get it lifted up.    For anyone in the google verse, the leaf springs are 4 leafs and measure 25 1/4" eye  to eye per Yetti. I didnt want to pay their markup so just got something else comparable rated for the same weight.   I am a first time wheel house owner, this is all new to me. My house didn't come with any handles for the rear cables? I was told this week by someone in the industry that cordless drills do not have enough brake to lower it slow enough and it can damage the cables and the ratchets in the winches.  I put on a handle last night and it is 100% better than using a drill, unfortatenly I found out the hard way lol and will only use the ICNutz to raise the house now.
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