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New Web Site Performance Issues ?


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This may not be the place to bring it up but, But I am curious if others who frequent this site have noticed lockups, pages taking too long to load or failing to load at all on this site since the upgrade.

Before you question my hardware I have been having problems at home and in the office, two seperate desktops and one laptop, one DSL line and one Cable modem. When the problem occurs I can open a second browser and load CNN , Weather Channel and other sites in a heart beat .

It seems to me that the upgrade brought with it some performance issues.

Could it be too many pictures , avatars or movie files

are overloading the server or is the volume of users increased ?

I am not being critical here I am just curious what happend to the sites performance ?


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there has been a huge increase in FishingMinnesota.com membership which has stretched our curent servers capacity.

Bear with us. Rick ordered a new server last week.

dual amd 2800+ processer (VERY FAST)

RAM from 512 to 1GIG

It will be in place next week sometime.

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Bear with us guys! The last few days has been tough. With the new installation of a bigger server, we shouldn't have any problems down the road.

Always have to do some minor upgrades from time to time. What would you do if you saw a 20% increase in HSOforum visits?!! shocked.gif

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The reason I brought it up is so that other users who may not have access to more than one computer or internet connection did not go crazy trying to figure out what is wrong with their system.

We are losing enough sanity waiting for ice !

This is a great site, I spend a lot of time here (JUST ASK MY WIFE).

I am happy to hear you are working to improve the performance of the server. Most of my delays occur when submitting a post which "could" indicate a cache problem with your disk controller. This would delay disk writes.

my 2 cents.

Again I really enjoy visiting this site it is a great place to share information .

ALSO for those of you who have not tried selling used gear on the site it really WORKS !

I have sold a bass boat a trolling motor and a fish house on this site and received a fair price on all three items.

Here are a few of the benefits I find in selling on FM.

No phone calls until you give out your phone number via a email.

Modify your add or price free after it is placed and cancel it when you want.

List your home town in the add and those interested that reply usually know the product and are willing to drive there. They are serious buyers and will not waste your time or tell you they will stop by at noon on sunday and not show up.

Selling on FM is actually safer than putting a add in the paper. You have the ability or option to ask who the buyer is where they are from and verify the information before you invite them over or give out your name and phone number. A classified add in the paper provides your name and phone number to everyone who picks it up.

So sell it here it really works !

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Rick and Staff,

Thanks for this site

It's nice to have a site to go to to share our interests with other members.

A little inconvenience of speed, or access has been bearable.

(Glad to hear of the server update though.)

Keep up the good work.


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Same problem here, sometimes slow or nonexistant....Wait, wait, wait and page pops up "Unavailable at this time" can't submit what I want to post.

It seems to be worse at various times, probably high usage periods? Once I must have hit it right, because it was really cooking and I thought, "Awright" but it did'nt last.

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