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Do you think lures that glow at night really work?


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I use these lures quite often when I am fishing crappies late into the night. I have had a bit of luck on walleyes when using them also. The only problem with these is the glow only last for about 5 minutes, and I use the top of the line charger. Has anybody found a brand where the glow lasts longer than 5 minutes?

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I forgot the name, but there are some that say they glow for 30 minutes and some are now saying longer than that. It was in one of the free ice mags that I picked up at Gander or in the latest ice fishing mag that I bought at cubs.

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I use these lures quite often when I am fishing crappies late into the night. I have had a bit of luck on walleyes when using them also. The only problem with these is the glow only last for about 5 minutes, and I use the top of the line charger. Has anybody found a brand where the glow lasts longer than 5 minutes?

What kind of lure are you using that the glow will last about 5 minutes? My glow jigs only last about a minute.

If someone could invent a glow system that would last awhile they would be rich. I've tried useing the glow tubes without success, but maybe I'm using them wrong.


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If you are fishing crappies at night, you should probably be picking your bait up more than every 5 minutes to either move, or check your bait for liveliness, etc. It would be nice to have looong glow beads for putting on tipup leaders though.

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Yes! They work!

Phelps Tackle lures glow for awhile. Scenic Tackle lures also glow for a good time.

I had read an interesting article awhile back about the different glow colors. Different colors glow with different intensities for different lengths of time.

-Glow Red is one of my favorites. The Red glows really bright but doesn't stay intense for a long time.

-Blue is at the opposite end of the sprectrum from red. It doesn't have the intensity but the glow lasts for a lot longer.

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we fish crappies different here in west central mn..people vary rarely move hole to hole because we are in a permanent house. and a lot of the lakes arent like around the fergus falls area where there is a lot of sunnys, crappies, etc. we mainly have walleyes, pike, and occasionly get into a big crappie bite.

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A couple of things...

First, the fish can see light a lot better than we can, at least certain species. What does not look like bright to us may look like a spotlight to them.

Second, I believe that glow lures work GREAT for certain species at certain times and in certain circumstances. I've caught bluegill all night long only because I was using glow lures, but I also feel that too much glow depending on the mood of the fish is detrimental. There are times where crappie will not touch a glow lure until it has dimmed a bit but other times they wont touch it unless it is freshly zapped.

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Luminescence works day or night. There are many days where a luminescent finish will out produce a plain colored finish of the same color. You especially see this in stained water but I have seen an advantage in clear water too.

I feel walleye tend to like a medium glow over a hot glow. For that reason I tend to recharge my luminescent walleye jigs less frequently then I would a panfish jig.

The length a jig will stay charged has a lot to do with the light used to charge the jig as well as the luminescent finish used. Jigs with a good base coat and multiple coats of luminescent coloring hold a charge longer.

When you use jigs that incorporate glow as well as flash, like with a Angel Eye, you up your attraction. I became a big fan of the AE’s with because they offer more attraction on a wider spectrum.

Glow works, just do not restrict it to only night use or you will miss out on some fish.

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I have noticed that glow jigs that are a year old don't stay glowing as long as brand new ones, I believe I read some where on this site a year or so ago that the paint wears out over time and you should either replace with new ones or get the glo paint yourself and touch up the jigs, but I may be wrong about that.

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There is a brand of glass jigs that hold a glow much longer than painted jigs, GlowOptics. Very expensive though.

I checked there web site and they claim this jig will glow for 1 hour, has anybody used one of these jigs, and if so how do they perform?

There seems to be very little activity on the web site, and very few posts on the forum.


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I picked up some of the glass jigs for URL last year. I wasn't impressed with the hook size or quality on the jigs. I only used them for a few days on URL and didn't really notice that they held the glow charge much longer than your standard glow paint, but I know guys that say they do...

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How about paint? Is there a jig paint that glows real well (or longer) that anyone has used? I'm interested in maybe painting some of my older Angel Eyes (the red ones) and would like to know if there is any paint out there that has worked well for anyone.

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I use Demons the glow models and they hold the glow pretty well.

I have some Demons that are around 10 years old and they still hold there glow just like new ones from what I have observed.

And as far as lighting them up, nothing beats the camera flasher. They really make them glow!

Good Luck! smirk.gifgrin.gifwink.gif

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They definitely work very well, but never rule out an option that doesn't glow. I think there are certain instances when a non-glow bait will outfish glow. One of the big mistakes being made now, I believe, is that many of us seem to turn away anything that doesn't glow, leaving you with no other option.

I was on a hot crappie bite last winter with a plain jig down one hole and a glow jig on the other and they were crushing the non-glow and leaving the glow alone ... until the glow wore off. I've also had instances where my partner an will outfish me 2-to-1 with a plain hook and minnow.

Thing is, glow jigs are such a predominant technique now, isn't it possible fish in certain areas may become conditioned to them?

I'll still say go with the glow 90 percent of the time, but every once in a while it may be worth it to let that glow die down and see what happens.

Can't wait for ice!!!

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Yes they work well in differernt situations. I tesed my glow lures a few years ago, and I have well over 100 differnt varities. Most of them were still glowing well at 5 minutes. By 10 minutes, most were barely glowing. There was one brand the remained glowing for over 45 minutes. I bought them at the ice fishing show 2 years ago from one of the booths but they were "homemade" so there is no retail name. Of course I don't remember the name of the "booth" either. I'll be looking for them at the show this year and post the name if I find them. These jigs were great for tip-ups and set lines. Good quality too!

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i think that glow jigs work great and i have one on each of my 6 rods for the last 2 winters.. so i am always ready to go, but they are a few different colors so when i find fish hitting one of my hooks i have another rod ready to go with the same color. i also found that red does well i think that 4 of my 5 walleye last year was on red. i have found that white is good for crappie and panfish go crazy over the little yellow/orange jigs - especially durring the day. i always thought that my jigs glow 5-10 min. i don't have alot of patients so i usually expose the jig to the light or jig ever once and a while anyways. i do try the old plain hook once and a while but it never produces. i have a customer at work that claims his friend last winter started making his own brand of glass jigs that were supposed to work. if i see him i'll have to find out whats up?!!

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I've noticed that jigs of same brand from the same card will vary greatly in the length of time they glow. I learned this while helping a buddy close up one night at the baitshop where he werked. We shut the lights off just to watch them glow and have a brew. After 45 min there were 11 that were glowing 2 were red the rest blue no white or yellow. One blue one was still glowing but barely 1-1/4 hrs later. BTW I baught all that were glowing after 45min.

Do they work YES my favorite color is blue for crappie and white for walleye.

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