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St Paul Ice Fishing Show?


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You can get discount tickets at Timber Lodge steak house. I went to gander mountain to check and the woman was a bit upset with the discount information. It's very vague in where you can get them, outside of Timber lodge. Says something along the lines of getting them at your favorite tackle and bait shop. Anyways, she told me, she asked what that meant, and the response was you can only get them at Timber Lodge. I dont know who she spoke to about it.

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You do not have to eat at T-lodge to get the discount tx(leastwise not last year). However, I would suggest going to the show and then having a big juicy slab of meat afterward(at TimberLodge of course) to celebrate all your cool new stuff.

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There is a Timber Lodge in Eden Prairie near the intersection of Highway 5 and Eden Prairie Rd(cnty 4). They are not open for lunch, sostop by in the evening.

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It's still up in the air with me as far as if I'll make it or not. Gonna stop and Thorne Brothers tomorrow and grab a coupon anyway.

Or do you have to purchase a ticket at Thorne Bros?

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Why not park on West 7th Street up a ways, and then take the bus or walk? When I go to Wild games I park as far back as the Glockspiel Restaurant and then walk there and back. For busy events it saves both money and time.

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