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ATV users beware.


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I have an ATV and I used it for my first deer hunt this year. If eric has a big problem with atvers talk to your legislators. The one thing I would go along with is getting rid of the midday riding hours. Not only would the non ATV riders stop complaining, but enforcement would be easier. If anyone hears one call the dnr. Either way I don't think my right as a safe and responsable rider should be taken away because of some idiots. Also if you need to ride during the day maybe buy a special permit.

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Boy I'll tell ya this atv thing in the woods during deer hunting sure is hot topic. Mostly I see guys just trying to make things a little easier on themselves to get the job done. Lets face it. no one likes to drag 200lbs of dead weight no pun intended for 1.5 miles.

Eric big bone to pick. So you say if you need an atv to get to your stand you shouldn't be hunting any way. I would like to to stand up infront on any handicapped person and say that to there face. Very inconsiderate! tongue.gif If any of you have read any of my prior post you know My best friend is in a wheelchair. And that man will get get right out there and hunt with the best of them. WITH THE AID OF AN ATV OF COURSE!! grin.gif Tell ya what if you ain't got any thing good to say about atv's and sure stay away, Cause I really don't like you attitude. And don't even try to apologize it's to late for that. you've said enough. I think I'll send this thread to my friend and let him read it and have hime respond also.

To put this in plain english. I also use the atvs to drag out deer while hunting, only during the time alotted to me to do it. YOu talk about exercise. While I deer hunt in the average weekend I will walk the right I said WALK 10 to 20 miles over the course of the weekend. Am I still fat and lazy because I use the atv to drag the deer. WHATEVER!

Im done

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Well Mastergopher Hunter (Really Nuge'sbloodbrother & turdferguson) you do have a point I suppose, there is no way I am ever goign to win on this, so I am going to give up

have your ATV's and ruin my hunting...I might as well give it up! And sledhead knocked me out with excellent points...I am just bitter about my public land experiences in bemidji as of late! ..........bye to all!

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Eric, you don't win in life by giving up. If you give up, you'll never have your own hunting land. You'll be stuck in the same old public land with those "fat and lazy" guys riding past you on those ATVs. I better get off of this thing and study for that test. grin.gif


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hey Turd Furgeson aka Nugesbloodbrother grin.gif, we allknow you were bashing on ATVs 2 sec. ago, now your trying to kiss some ace blush.gif, you know it as well as both of us, you dont care for atvs terring up everything in the woods and leaving their trails behind.

p.s. you need to study for that test if Dave can get a better score than you and not even show up grin.gif! smile.gif

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This is really something. Last weekend my son and I were hunting in North Dakota and shot 2 bucks on the same night. one deer we found within 100 yards and the other went half way across a corn field. After tracking it for almost 2 hours,we finally found it. I am 51 years old and on disabillity and my son was tired. We went and got the atv and retrived the deer.We didnt hurt anything and I also ride my atv to my stand without causing any problem for anyone. Its not the atv it the people using them.I have many people tresspassing on my land in North Dakota every year yet I still give permission to many to hunt. I would hate to think that I would have to say no to all because of a few.

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My first question to you is do you have an atv of your own? Or are you just upset that some people have perfectly legal ways to get to their stand and you don't have that option.

I am taking that as a no on the having a wheeler part do to lack of an answer.

You are in the wrong forum.

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Dave, how does an ATV get involved w/ the actual hunt? yes it'll drag out that deer out of the woods, but where does the HUNTING part come into play with the ATV.

My opinion, it doesn't. The ATV is nothing more than any other vehicle, it's transportation to an area. Often carrying gear. It is illegal to hunt with or from an ATV and I haven't witnessed that during this season's deer hunt at all.

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cool.giflee, your use is just perfectly fine, I'm talking driving through the woods which is sad.

you guys can try to add more opinions and such, I dont care, this ATV thing is being beaten to death. I enjoy riding them, they are really fun. I am just stating, WHY IF you can physically drag out your deer to the closest road/trail to your atv. confused.gif (this is all assuming you are on a public hunting ground) JUST WALK if you can.

Thats all I'm saying, go ahead, add more-"What about scopes, calls, rifles, bullets, boots, wool socks, gloves,...) You know it, has nothing to do with driving in the woods knocking trees down.


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lee, your use is just perfectly fine, I'm talking driving through the woods which is sad.

you guys can try to add more opinions and such, I dont care, this ATV thing is being beaten to death. I enjoy riding them, they are really fun. I am just stating, WHY IF you can physically drag out your deer to the closest road/trail to your atv.
(this is all assuming you are on a public hunting ground) JUST WALK if you can.

Thats all I'm saying, go ahead, add more-"What about scopes, calls, rifles, bullets, boots, wool socks, gloves,...) You know it, has nothing to do with driving in the woods knocking trees down.


JMN, I believe this is the 1st post in which you add "knocking down trees". I've read your posts that say something about riding in the woods to get the deer.

Now, what's the real problem? Trees getting knocked down? There are regulations already for that. The guy riding too close in the woods you're in? Just lump it all in simple words for me to understand.

Why do I use an ATV to ride up and pick up my deer? Because I can, I guess. Do I knock over "trees" to do so? Don't have to, can ride around trees easy enough. Plus, why would I want to try and run over a "tree" when I just paid $5-$7000 for a machine. I don't know anyone that would either.

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The nice thing about the new FM is that you can click on a users name and at the bottom choose "ignore this user". This way you can sort out the garbage and still enjoy a good discussion on a good topic.



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I'm not responding to anyone individual, just expressing some thoughts.

I don’t know if arguing your point with misdirection is the way to go. Personally it makes me think you’ve got something to hide or that your passion for the subject has clouded your rational thinking. (I know from experience as a young lad that the “well so and so’s doing it” never flew with my parents.)

IMHO, except in the case of handicap and/or elderly, I think it was a huge mistake to allow motorized vehicles to become part of the hunting experience. If I had my druthers, I’d like to see the hours of operation observed during the firearm season extended to the entire Minnesota hunting season. But from the sounds of it two weeks out of the year is too much to ask.

I think if I was serious about trying to change peoples opinions about ATV’s, I’d be asking for more rider education and enforcement. Also joining and participating in a local OHV club is a great way to support OHVs.

In the end it all comes down to personal responsibility.

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It sure does, metrojoe. One observation that I've noticed with almost any regulation, concerning the outdoors (fishing/boating/ATVs/etc.,etc), is that many people do not take the time to read the regulations for that activity. There are a few goals that the ATV Association of Minnesota has strived towards for a few solid years now, Trails, Education and Enforcement.

These three goals are as equally important. Now, if people don't read the regulations for an activity, how can the activity, or people's attitude, get better. This goes for fishing, boating and hunting as well as ATVs. I don't think the two weeks out of the season is the problem. It's getting people to READ the regulations and having enough CO's out and about. And, we all know we don't have enough CO's for fishing or hunting violations either. So, what's the solution? I think ATVAM's approach to beef up education and enforcement is the right step.

I've said it before, I know many hunters who do not know the ATV regulations. And, these guys use their ATVs during hunting season and ice fishing. Regulations concerning the use of a secondary piece of equipment(ATV) is not in mind when out hunting. The only regulations some are knowledgable with are regs like bag limits.

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Dave and Metrojoe, I totally agree with your last posts.

One interesting thing, shortly after I bought my new ATV in 2000 the dealer called me up and said they were having a free rider safety and education class. I couldn't go cuz I have the craziest working hours on the planet. About a month later I got the same phone call. Turns out they hold a session once a month. The one my kiddos and myself went to was very cool and we went away with a ton of info that I didn't know before I went. I very highly appreciate the dealership for doing this.

I guess like a lot of other things, it all boils down to that fact that we all breath the same air and a little respect for others goes a long way.

And, by the way, I was in the service for 10 years. The last 2 I was a boot camp DI. I'm in as good of shape now as I was then, not fat either, or lazy. grin.gif

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OK. No motorized devices for hunting. That's probably unenforceable, but if the majority is behind it, I'll live with it.

Now, assuming we can still use a vehicle to transport our gear and game, no motorized devices after that, right? So, no motor on your duck boat. You're cool with that?

Unfortunately, this leaves a pretty big portion of the participants out of the picture. You're odds of getting the majority to agree are slim. You're right about enforcement and education. It comes up here frequently, usually introduced by the pro-ATVers.

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I will throw my two cents in here also. I think ATV's are the worst thing to happen to the woods. I know they do a lot of damage while in the woods. I do not think they should be allowed for deer hunting at all. Maybe for the handicapped but I'm not too sure about that either. What happens then when a handicapped person shoots one. If you are so elderly that you need one to get out to the woods I think you should have a stand close to the road where someone can keep an eye on you and help you with your deer if you shoot one. Dave and I have gone around on this before a few times but I still say unless there is a gravel roadway that they can drive on their tires just rip up the terrain something terrible, even by the responsible operators which I believe are outnumbered by the irresponsible. I think they are fine for ice fishing and farm chores and for operating on supervised recreational areas specifically made for ATV's. That amounts to about one penny short of two cents quite a few will say but I believe this whole heartedly. (Check out Political Movement to Ban ATV thread in Political forum section sometime as there are a few good links in there)

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For those who are against ATV use by handycaped or elderly people, what are you going to do when you are no longer able to drag a deer by yourself or walk a good distance to your stand? Are you going to stay home or in your shack while your children and grand children head out to stand? I don't think so. Good luck on your lawn mower. grin.gif


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I do not think they should be allowed for deer hunting at all. Maybe for the handicapped but I'm not too sure about that either. What happens then when a handicapped person shoots one. If you are so elderly that you need one to get out to the woods I think you should have a stand close to the road where someone can keep an eye on you and help you with your deer if you shoot one.

My OPINION on just the handicapped or elderly part of your post (your opinion is noted and counts like mine as well), I think that's the most selfish attitude a person could have.

If ATVs were not allowed for hunting, I'd abide by the law but, I see no reason whatsoever to deny an elderly or handicapped person the chance to "walk around", like we can do, if they needed the help of an ATV.

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If you want to be purists and ban wheelers in the woods just because YOU don't like them and YOU think that they ruin YOUR hunting experience, then lets not stop there.

What about all the bow hunters who can't stand all the gun hunters being in the woods. They might say that a "real" hunter should not need a noisy fire arm to harvest a deer. So lets ban guns as well, not only are they noisy, but dangerous too. I have never seen any one killed by a stray ATV while hunting. Are you too "fat and lazy" to pull a bow back?

There is also the matter of outboard motors on our public waters. Some people use canoes and row boats to fish and might ask you, Why would you want to drive a stinky, poluting, noisy out board motor when you could enjoy the peacefull tranquility of rowing your boat out to the middle of Lake Mille Lacs? Are all outboard motor users "fat and Lazy"?

And by the way, my response to the comment about disabled and elderly people not deserving to use the same natural public resources that you do just because they can't do it the way you want them to.

SHAME ON YOU, SHAME ON YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Also I would like you to know that I AM fat and lazy, but I was fat and lazy long before I ever got an atv. Actually I hunted for 4 days on public land next to a private 40 acre tract this weekend and I didn't even bring the wheeler with. Walked into the woods right down a 4 wheeler trail about 1 mile twice a day. But if I would have brought the wheeler I would have rode it and not given it a second thought since I would have been performing a perfectly legal act.

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    • Truly sorry to hear that duffman! I know that feeling.  Keep the good memories  
    • Chamois passed away this weekend a couple days short of her 13th bday. What a great dog to hang out with here at home and on distant adventures. Gonna miss ya big time my little big girl.
    • Sounds pretty sweet, alright. I will check them out, thanks.
    • If you really want to treat your wife (and yourself) with a remote operated trolling motor, the Minn Kota Ulterra is about easy as it gets.  Auto stow and deploy is pretty awesome.  You just have to turn the motor on when you go out and that the last time you have to touch it.   24V 80lb.  60 inch shaft is probably the right length for your boat.  They ain’t cheap - about $3k - but neither one of you would have to leave your seat to use it all day.
    • Wanderer, thanks for your reply. I do intend for it to be 24 volt, with a thrust of 70-80. Spot lock is a must (my wife is looking forward to not being the anchor person any more).  With my old boat we did quite a lot of pulling shad raps and hot n tots, using the trolling motor. Unlikely that we will fish in whitecaps, did plenty of that when I was younger. I also need a wireless remote, not going back to a foot pedal. We do a fair amount of bobber fishing. I don't think I will bother with a depth finder on the trolling motor. I am leaning toward moving my Garmin depth finder from my old boat to the new one, just because I am so used to it and it works well for me. I am 70 years old and kinda set in my ways...
    • Dang, new content and now answers.   First, congrats on the new boat!   My recommendation is to get the most thrust you can in 24V, assuming a boat that size isn’t running 36V.  80 might be tops?  I’m partial to MinnKota.     How do you plan to use the trolling motor is an important question too.     All weather or just nice weather?   Casting a lot or bait dragging?   Bobber or panfish fishing?   Spot lock?  Networked with depth finders?  What brand of depth finders?
    • We have bought a new boat, which we will be picking up this spring. It is an Alumacraft Competitor 165 sport with a 90 horse Yamaha motor. I will be buying and installing a trolling motor,  wondering if I can get some recommendations on what pound thrust I will want for this boat?  Also, I will be selling my old boat, is there a good way to determine the value on an older boat ( mid-80's with a 75 horse 2-stroke  Mariner motor)  I will appreciate any help with these questions.
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