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Worst anouncer ever


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Just for those who dont remember....

Stram was at one time the coach of the chiefs from when they first started as a team and during their super bowl years.

He did the games on CBS for a while. He was the guy who had the "Harry Carey" glasses and the toup'e that looked like an old ragged mop. He said stuff that made you say [PoorWordUsage]? and was definetly trying to announce games using his era as a reference, which a lot of times did not make sense. He was boarderline senile it seemed at times.

I diddnt mind Miller, actually kind of liked his obscure refernces.

Madden is overrated.

Thiesman is a COMPLETE I D I O T

and I just threw Cosell in there to round out the list and I know people had issues with him although I diddnt mind him either.

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bottomfeeder- touché on the glandville thing. we used to have to turn the volume down on the t.v. and put on the vikings radio announcers. i think it was joe sensor and ? i can't remember the other guy......

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Madden is terrible. He was actually worse when he was with Summerall. Never minded Dennis Miller all that much. My all-time least favorite is Dan Dierdorf. He treats football as if it's a religious metaphor for America, instead of a just a game. That gets so annoying. I remember one time that self-indulgent team of Michaels, Dierdorf and Gifford explained a ONE-YARD touchdown run as "The simplest of plays executed to perfection."

How obnoxious.

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I too forgot about Glanville. I can remeber only one thing about Glanville. Growing up watching the Bears, I can remember Glanville ssaying something to the tune of "look at those black guys run to the ball!" I remeber asking myself did I just here that. Translated, he meant "look at those guys wearing the "deepest blue ever" colored jerseys. What a moron, it sounded convincing with his excited southener portrayl.

I too find Paul Allen to be over the top at times, "Aaron Elling approaches the ball, BOOOOOM!!!" Meanwhile the return man catches it on the 10 yard line. I have ragged him here before, I'll stop.

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My question is who do you guys like then & what constitutes a good announcer? I'm fine with any of those guys, they're expressive, they say what they think. I don't always agree with them either, but I like them fine. I really enjoy the Sunday night team with Maguire, Patrick, & Theismann. I'd have to say I like Maguire the best.

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Out of these choices I voted for Dennis Miller, but I thought the worst was a toss up between Matt Millon and Dan Dierdorf. I agree with not liking Paul Allen, he and his partner are one of the many reasons that I no longer listen to the FAN. The Vikings need to find someone better to do their radio broacasts. I could listen to Jesse Ventura as a color guy longer than I can listen to Paul Allen.

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I voted for Thiesmann as he is a moron in the booth.

I think the two worst are/were Pat Summerall and Matt Millen. Summerall does not have a clue as to WTH he is talking about. The only thing Millen talked about while in the booth was the 49ers. I am gald the Lions hired Millen to get him out of the booth.


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Loved him as a QB but hate the guy as an announcer....Joe theisman. Here's why. He was good, he knew the game. According to him, no one else knows how to play. It's amazing they can even get up in the morning, tie their shoes, and walk out the door. He talks about everyone like they are an [commercial-or-naughty-word].

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Millen, Dierdorf, & Esiason, now that would be a trio I could dump in a hurry. I probably dislike Esiason the most, he practically gets in fights with the other announcers, no matter what crew he's on.

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TH: I voted for Hank Stram, because I remember him from the 70's. All he ever did is second guess what any of the coaches on the field did, especially if it did not turn out for the particular coach. My nomination for this decade however is Mr. Joe T. I have never heard one commintator talk so much out of both sides of his mouth at one time since Hank Stram!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I chose Theisman, but the first guy to pop into my head was Dierdorf. The guy is a complete moron!! My 2 favorites right now are 1) patrick on espn, and 2) Joe Buck. Both very fun to listen to.


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Can't stand John Madden. He says "penetration" so much that Monday Night Football now carries a TV-MA rating. His constant slobbering over Brett Favre annoys me also. Yes, he's a great QB, but to hear Madden talk it's like he invented the position.

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