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KS 2013


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Day 5

For this morning we had new plans. Something different. Something we have never done. We were heading to yet another piece of property that we had only drove the perimeter a couple times. We spent a good amount of time surveying the aerial images (thanks google earth) and knew where we wanted to be. The plan was leave the truck at first light with stand, bow, and a lunch. The temp that morning was 15 degrees with a 20mph wind out of the NW, I had just about everything I had packed on or in my day pack. A bit cooler than what we had planned for when we left MN. We layered up and headed out. We still had a couple buck and doe tags to fill and had high hopes for the day. On my way in, I bumped a few deer and got to my spot about the time the sun cresting the eastern horizon. So far so good. I was in stand and set for a full day of sitting just after sunrise.

It didn’t take long and deer were moving, I would guess the cold temps caught them off-guard also. Group of 5 ladies and kids came thru shortly after I was set. I wasn’t ready to take a doe at first light in the new area, so they walked. Then the next hour had four different year and a half year olds come thru along with a nice eight that had at least another year of growing to do. A short while later, another set of does and fawns work thru. As I am waiting patiently in the tree, my brother sends out a text. “I am sitting on the ground and just hammered a doe at 15 yards!” I tell myself to hold off – your time will come.

#1 punched (tag)

Probably within 30 minutes of my brother letting the air out of that flat top, the other hunter that wasn’t scared of a little rain and didn’t head home(we are pretty sure that's why the first two guys left grin ), text’s “Big 11 down” He smoked a beauty of a main frame 10 with a split G2. If my memory recalls – a 25 yard shot, heart shot. He also watched this bruiser tip over in a little creek.

#2 punched.


Now that both them yahoo’s have deer on the ground, I am really wanting to join in. Wouldn’t you know, 30 minutes later I look right and see a deer moving my way. First glance I check body size – it was supporting a smaller body that I would have guessed a mature whitetail would have. Next glance for headgear as I reach for my bino’s. I can tell he is carrying, but unsure on size. He is now at 75 and closing. Check the headgear – instantly I see a couple kickers coming off his G2 and good-sized frame. I ‘talk’ myself into shooting the buck if the opportunity arises.

He continues working my way. If he stays on the game trail he’s on – he will cross a deep ditch and I will have a money shot at him at about ten yards with him well beyond 30 feet below me. For his own reasons, he stayed on the opposite side of the drain and feeds south towards a river along the top edge. At this point, I am ready to commit. I find a lane (huge lane) that he will be at in about 10 steps. My bow is drawn and I wait for him to clear that last branch before entering my striking zone. He clears the branch. “Bahhh!” Nothing. “BBBAAHHHHH!!!” Louder and still no response. He keeps on moving. Now he is about two steps from moving out of the lane. Desperation sets in. Quick, Loud, Sharp “HAYP” spews from my mouth. Yes, I yelled at him (you may want to add that to your book of tricks ;)) He locks up instantly. Scanning, to my south and behind me, trying to locate the noise. I find him in my sights and settle my 30-yard pin about half way up his boiler room right behind his broadside shoulder. My only problem is that he went one step to far. My sights are perfectly lined up with about a 6-inch diameter tree truck. OMG. I don’t feel comfortable squeezing a marginal shot on this animal. I hold off. Hoping that he takes one more step before continuing on his way. He can’t locate danger and continues with a half step thru a small lane and then behind thick brush. I let down….

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Great read, and sounds like a great hunt! It is really too bad your brother didn't get to hold that deer with its full rack. That sure is a cool buck.

On a side note, isn't it fun to experience a rut hunt where the age structure is good and the deer aren't pushed by an orange army?!?!

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Now I am on edge – I want this deer and he is still close. He is working down the top edge of the bank, which in about 30 yards gets real steep and dumps into a river. I am banking that he is just gonna cross somewhere between me and the river. But for me to shoot that way, I need to do the ole’ tip toe spin all the way around because now I will be shooting on the other side of the tree. I get spun around and draw in preparation for him crossing soon. He doesn’t. He pauses and turns back around. “come on deer, make up your mind”. So, I let down once again and do the twinkle toe spin back to the other side of my tree and draw again (yes, this is the third time in about 3 minutes).

He works back same trail where he came from and I have my lane picked without even looking. And I am dam sure I will be stopping him in the middle of it. In no time, he is where I want him. “BAAAHHH!” He put on the brakes, locked up. I settle in, squeeze and….THWACK! Instant rush of excitement. At the same time I question my shot. Oh dump. Only penetrated about 15 inches. It looks low. Oh dump.

He bounds once, again and again, following the top of the down slope of the drain. But he slows in no time. I see the life quickly draining from my deer. He walks a few more strides – which end up being his last. He starts swaying left and right as if he just was kicked out of Chumley’s on a Tuesday night (old college hangout). It’s over. He flops! My body shakes with excitement. I can’t believe it!

#3 punched!

I had no clue on the size caliber of deer I just shot. I know he is nice, but I am thinking 150ish. And where he laid, he was directly behind a tree. I make the call to the wifey back home and tell her were coming home early! Call the other boys, who are already working on getting there animals gathered. I am pretty sure they both raced to find me.

I am on the ground and standing by my trophy when they get there. A feeling only one can get when you are in the woods with the good old boys that matter – excitement, completion, success!





Months of planning and we manage this amazing hunt. Three knuckleheads from MN (with a couple tag-a-longs) that had never touched KS soil until this year. We met a great guy with a huge heart and can’t thank him enough for what we took home. Not just the trophies but also the lifetime memories that will likely be passed down to our own kids.


Hunts like this don’t just happen. You can’t find this on any television show or the internet (maybe now on the internet). The three of us feel truly blessed. It was more than a hunt. It was a mission – and we, like most bow hunters, know what disappointment in the woods is feels like. But this time we had help and he was definitely on our side.

We thank our amazing wives and families for giving us this opportunity and especially the Big Guy. Thanks.

Even though we have the trip scheduled for same time, same place 12 months from now(why wouldn't we, right?), we don’t expect anything near what we took home this year, but there will be more memories and more stories.

Good luck. Hunt Safe. Merry Christmas!

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crazy good story, wow!!! Talk about getting it done. Those are 3 great animals!!!

Completely unrelated, and not meant to detract from this topic - where did all the anti-APR guys go. Strangely absent on topics like this, but in short these are kind of hunts once could see more of if you hunt a herd with a balanced age structure, something the other side fails to recognize.

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I want to be your friend... In all honesty, congratulations to all of you on amazing bucks we all dream about. Great write up, and great story. I am sure that will take a while to top, but you all got to do it together, and it will be a moment to tell coming generations about around a fire.

Is your brother going to get that broken side replaced on a mount, if he is going to mount it? I know a lot of people are debatable on it. Either way, all are awesome. How is your wife feeling about a 2 fer at the taxidermist this year???

Thank you very much for taking the time to write it up, had me on edge for 3 days!

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Saw that picture of the 3 of you a week or more ago as a friend hunts with 10 miles of where you were and he showed it to me. Congrats on some dandy bucks. Kansas has some nice deer without any APR mainly due to it is mostly private land and it is hard to get access down there.

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