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Who hunts the late season?


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Sat for three hours this morning and enjoyed a nice 10+ mph wind out of the NW with snow pelting me right in the face. Definitely made me question why I wasn't sitting inside a cozy fish house more than once. However, when the sun peeks over the horizon in the morning I'll be perched 15 ft up in a cottonwood tree again God-willing! Good luck to all you fellow late-season archers still getting after it. Be safe and shoot straight!

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Wish I had a hero pic. I went out around the Madison Wisconsin area and the previous nights rain killed me. 1/4 inch of ice on top of soft snow sure makes for a noisy walk out to the stand. I kicked up two deer on the way out to the stand and they took off down a creek that doesn't freeze, they must have run at least a hundred yards in the water. The deer just sat tight all day with the crunchy snow. Tag soup for me in Wisconsin.

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Yes they are. Out of the last seven hunts I have not seen a deer. Last night posted up near my friends house and low and behold at 3pm a very mature doe and her two fawns came out to dig through the snow near their five apple trees. The deer were about a hundred yards away, but I knew the terrain well and if all worked out, they would come to my section on the edge of the woods when they were through. Something caught their attention and all three came charging my way. They stopped on a ridge about 50 yards away for a second to do a double take back then they went on their merry way. So darn frustrated. Hopefully with next weekends predicted warmer temps I may get a crack. I must be crazy to stick it out this long. It's darn cold up in them trees! Oh yeah, and to totally disrespect me, I found out what had spooked them. A fawn walked up to check out my truck while I was in the stand. Judging by the tracks, I could have opened the passenger door and gave her a headache to think about. Sheesh. BC

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Just got back a little bit ago, it was pretty sweet hunting out in the blowing snow. I had about an inch built up on me by time I left. Seen a couple dozen deer, does, fawns, and bucks, they were all together yarded up in the pines. Bummer for me they went down the valley to the lower field instead of cutting up to the top field where I was.

Last time I hunted the bottom they came out and went up top lol.

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I lied, my last time out wasn't my last for the year! I'll have saturday all day and sunday morning. The caveat is that three other people and the dog will be aroudn, and there is plenty of sign that the deer are bedding down less than 40 feet from where I sleep. I'm betting we push them out when we arrive Friday evening, but I'm crossing my fingers for some Saturday morning luck.

I also may get to hunt monday evening and new years eve laugh

I feel pretty lucky at a last moment opportunity to get some days off of work.

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I'll be out tonight, tomorrow night and 2 sits on Saturday. (if still hanging onto an unpunched tag)

Too dang cold after that for me. Supposed to be -13 here in the metro Sunday morning and not much improvement for the next few days.

Good luck to those of you still hittin' it!

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Still showing signs of a late rut, pulled in my driveway last night and in my backyard, I had a very large 140-150 inch 10 ptr ready to make some noise on a doe and few feet away. I walked to 20 feet before she ran up the hill, he looked at me turned with head to the ground and followed her right up. Just a beauty they walked right by my son's new camera he put out yesterday morning...I'm sure he will be bouncing off the walls when I get home.

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Nice, I had a hot doe on my cam on Dec 16th that had 5-6 different bucks following her within an hour of each other. 2 of bucks were right on her tail and the other 3-4 bucks came through within an hour. None of the bucks were real big though, one that was closest to her was a decent 8.

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Beautiful night last evening. Temps in the 20's with little wind. Saw 4 does/fawns. Thought I was going to get a shot a couple times, all close, but never had the opportunity. Fun night.

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Posted this pic in the contest thread. Anyways I have been sitting mornings and evenings. Seeing more deer in the mornings at honey hole. Two really nice bucks and a few does. They seem to be in small groups and not really herded up yet. Used up my buck tag up on this doe which I was surprised how big she was when I walked up. My first late archery deer.

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Yep, nice late season doe, great photo. Congrats.

Best sit of the year for me last night. Saw 7 before I even set foot in the woods. Doe and two fawns around me all night, but doe never got close enough. Then another deer showed up and chased my three all over the woods. Back and forth 4 different times. Never did see antlers because it was too dark and too far away, but I'm certain that was some serious chasing going on. Never really believed in the late rut, but I'm sure that's what I was watching.

Pretty disappointed with being skunked this morning, but the wind is perfect for my favorite tree this evening. With the temps dropping tonight, this will be my last sit.

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Lots of deer sign around but unfortunately haven't seen a single one. It kinda looks like we're the spot where they go to bed and must be chowing down somewhere else. I sat in the best deer bedroom I've ever seen this evening and just got back after it got too dark to see, no luck.

Some recently snowblower work in the back of the house here has uncovered some really nice still-green stuff underneath and I have this image of waking up to a half dozen grazing 15 yards from the sliding back door. I'm questioning whether my personal ethics would say it's fair chase or not to shoot one from the back deck if they are there in the morning.

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