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Did this really happen??

harvey lee

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I spent the weekend in North Dakota archery hunting.

Both Friday and Saturday I had a shot at a deer but did not shoot as the wind was strong and I could not hold the pin still on the deer.

Now, the crazy part starts.

I got in my stand yesterday at approx 1:30. I had to move it a bit closer to where the deer were coming out to an alfalfa field as they hung up in the woods till it was dark, they simply would not come to the field edge or even close to it.

I was sitting in my stand and I had a lot of squirrel's playing in the leaves. I heard a noise so many times this time I did not look behind me. As the noise in the leaves got closer, I thought that it had to be a deer. So, I slowly stood up and took a peek and the deer bolted away as it was only about 10ft from my tree. Oh well, it was early so big deal.

About 20 minutes later, a very nice fat plump doe walks out of the oxbow and right towards me. She walked behind a tree so I stood up and got ready. She then turned to come out of the heavier cover and I was ready. As I stood there and the doe was 2 steps from getting shot, 3 more deer come out from behind her. She looked back and got very edgy so I thought, I only have a small twig between me and the deer and she was about to bolt away, so I drew my bow and let it fly. Wouldn't you know, it hit the twig. The doe walked off about 15 yards and all the other deer blew out of there. I watched the doe I shot at and she walked about 10 yards, stopped and just stood there and kept shaking here head. Then sahe simply walked of, I did not have another shot while she stood and shook her head, never have seen a deer do that.

So, oh well, it did not work out.

Was not much longer and here comes another nice doe right for me. I get up, wait till she is 15 yards away in the wide open and draw back and shoot. Arrow goes up in the air and fall's about 15ft and falls to the ground and the does just stands there. The aroow was knocked well so I must have bumped it when I stood up, as I shot, another arrow fell out of my quiver so I had one arrow left. I go to grab that one and the knock is missing.

I sat back down and thought what next. I thought I may as well get out of the tree and pick my 2 arrows up I shot and the one that fell out of my quiver.

I am going down the tree in my climber and this darn doe, stood there and watched me and kept walking closer. I was about 6-8ft from the bottom and I though if this doe keeps waliking, it is going to walk to the tree I am in.

Believe it or not, I got to the ground, got out of my climber and picked up my bow, grabbed the arrow that fell and knocked that arrow. I got almosy 3/4 drawn and the deer that is now 6ft from me bolts off.

When I went to look for the arrow for the 1st deer I shot at, I only found the fletching end of the arrow on the ground, the broadhead must have stuck into a tree between me and the deer and I have to think the broken piece of the arrow hit the doe as it was right where the doe was standing whn I shot at her. Must have hit her in the head and that was why she walked off, stopped and shook her head so many times.

Yes, my quiver is tigh in regards to the adjustment to hold the arrows and I have never had a knock come off an arrow. Everything will be rechecked before I go back to ND to finish my season.

Craziest 3 hours I have ever spent in a tree stand archery hunting. I believe I have 12 does by me in the last hour and most all were within 25 yards.

If someone told this this happened to them, I would have thought this either did not happen or this had to be the 1st time archery hunting for the clown.

I have archery hunted for close to 35 years and this was a first for me, if it could have happened, it did last night. I guess this is what makes memories.

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How that could all happen in one sit is beyond me Don. When I sat back down after the last incident, I did not know if I should laugh or crry but at least it was not a trophy buck that was in front of me when it all went down. I can always shoot another doe without any issues--I think.

Never thought this could all happen in one afteroon but I guess sh$t does happen even to me. One could hardly make this stuff up as it was just nuts. Did see an albino turkey though and that was a first for me.

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LOL- what a crazy night! You're definitely right- goofy stuff happens if you spend enough time chasing deer with a stick and string. Your story reminded me of my buddy Jon trying to help his brother shoot his first elk with a bow-- he hit a twig between him and the bull he was shooting at and the back half of his arrow smoked the bull right in the vitals. The fletching and last 6" of the arrow smacked against the elk and gave it quite a scare and the Lord only knows where the broadhead went, but it wasn't in the elk!

The good news is it makes for a good story and lets you hunt a little more!

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This all happened pretty close to where you shot your dandy buck a few years back Scoot. I could not believe I saw 36 doe's in 3 evenings and only 1 snmaller buck in that area.

Going back up in a week as I would think with the amount of doe's in this part of the wood's, there has to be more buck's.

The renter's brother in law asked if he could go gun hunting about 250 yards from me and he saw a dandy buck. He said it had beer can sized antlers and is was big and wide. I believe he is back out there this am looking for him.

Kinda hoping he does not get a crack at it as I am sure by the rub size on the tree's in the area I am hunting he will be around these doe's also very soon. I saw a few scrapes on the ground almost half the size of my pick up hood. 3 trees within 40 yards of my stand were shreded and they were larger tress about the size of a fence post.

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Those deer that were lucky last weekend has issues now as I am going back tomorrow and this time, nothing but a boilerroom shot after I trim a branch and my arrows are in better shape, no loose knocks.

Go get 'em, Tom! Good luck!!!

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2011 in ND I decided to take a doe if one came by cuz land owner would like it. 20 yard shot, broadside. right over the back. 2 nights later, 18 yard shot, right over it's back. LOL used my 40 pin twice... sheesh! good memories for you Harvey.

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I know Harvey hunted tonight. I wonder how this evening went? Any chance Harvey found redemption this evening? Hmmmmm... I wonder!!! whistlegrinwink

THis time the arrow flew true and the 10 pointer went approx 25 yards and crashed. Friend of my son's also whacked a nice 8.

My buck had a swollen neck but not all the way and his glands on his hind legs were not musty at all.

Buddies buck's neck was hardly swollen but his glands were stinky a bit.

from what we saw this past weekend for running bucks, I would be safe in saying that the bucks are just starting to rut.

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