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Which deer call to get?


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My son wants to buy a deer call and we were amazed at all the calls out there today. Many by the same few companies.

I noticed that some calls strap on your wrist. (that might be good) Some have a snort wheeze on them as well as buttons for bleats, bawls, and grunts. ...but do they work good when its cold or raining? Some are big and some are small.

What calls have you folks had success with and would you recommend?


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I'm with Bear, the True Talker has been a very successful call for me over the years. It can be used throughout the season.

During the rut, Primos Original Can Call (estrus bleat) has put more than a couple bucks on the ground for me.

These two calls are all you should ever need. Forget all the Gucci Foo Foo calls seen on TV.

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All of them will work. I would get one that easily changes from fawn, doe and buck. The biggest factor for me in being successful with calls is learning how to call. What I mean by that is you can make all kinds of noises with them, but if you learn different deer vocalizations and when to use them, you will have more success than just making random grunting noises.

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I will second the Primos Original Can Call. Had a buck come trotting right at me out of nowhere last year after I let out three short bleats. I did a lot of reading before I used them, sometimes they work sometimes they have the opposite effect but I will never go out during rut without my Primos Original Can Call now.

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I carry a true talker, a can, rattle pack, and a wrist strap grunt tube during the rut. I only take the wrist call with during archery, I have had times when the bow was up and still needed to grunt, I do like that call.

It sounds like overkill bit I use each call in different situations and generally don't use all three when on stand. I will blind rattle and grunt with the true talker. I use the can only when I can't get a buck to react to a grunt. Hit the can 3 times and have had them come right in.

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I carry the Flextone Bone Collector grunt call. Love the sound. Can make fawn bleats, doe bleats, grunts and has a snort wheeze all on the same call. Only use it for buck grunts tho. If I want to make a doe bleat, I pull out the Primos can call and use that.

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True talker, also like the ma ma fawn bleat call. Prefer the great big can, as opposed to the original. It just carries farther. Hunt in a lot of hills or open field areas, where they're often not all that close.

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The most important aspect of being successful with calling is (1) deer in the area (2) time of year/mood (3) pressure on those deer. From there, all the calls make similar sounds.

That said, the Primos Buck Roar is the call I have had the most success with recently, and it makes a nice, true sound even in adverse/cold conditions (doesn't freeze up). But really, any mature buck grunt call will work.

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