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Equipment rant...


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If you're going to volunteer your boat for our vacation, GREAT! Saves me a bunch of work.

That said, make sure everything works before we get there. Why aren't we catching any walleyes you ask? Because apparently speed trolling with the main motor doesn't work very well; even the resort info says SLOW here for 'eyes. I understand batteries are expensive, but that's what it takes to make that nice Minnkota work. Too bad we can't actually use it.

And no, one hour of charging with that 6-amp car charger isn't going to bring those 7-year old, been half empty of water for the last three yr., batteries back to life. They are done, toast, tits up dead.

Rant over...

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It was volenteered??And your complaning?? Didnt you check anything BEFORE you accepted? The rant is invalid. it was your lacking by not checking and then saying yes or no.Do you own your own boat? If so why was it not used?

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It was volenteered??And your complaning?? Didnt you check anything BEFORE you accepted? The rant is invalid. it was your lacking by not checking and then saying yes or no.Do you own your own boat? If so why was it not used?

Yeah, I am complaining. This isn't just a day on the water, this is a week of vacation. And, yes, the fellow said we would use his boat this trip - has everything we need he says. Yup, it does, but most of it doesn't work.

Up until this trip, I'd have never second guessed someone who insisted we use his boat for a week of vacation because when we use my boat for a week of vacation you can bet your last dollar that everything has been triple-checked to be in full working order; bow to stern, gunwale to gunwale, and all points between.

I understand that sometimes stuff happens, but this isn't stuff happens stuff. This is simply a complete lack of preparation and consideration on behalf of the boat owner.

What about you? You bring the boat to fishing vacation then blame your wife, or kids, or buddies because they had the gall to assume the boat actually works? Sheesh.

And, yes, if it wasn't already clear, I have a boat, sitting at home, with all the functional bits on it. 200 miles from here because someone else said they had it covered.

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Yeah, but the best memories are always the trips where everything goes wrong. How many times do you think you'll tell this story over beers/campfires over the course of your lifetime?

I'm sure that's little consolation this week though.

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I keep my boats same as you.I dont know the relationship you have with the other fellow.Myself if I knew him I'd know how he keeps his boat,garage whatever a friend.If it were a stranger I would have said lets take both boats.Then I'd see how he takes care of his equipment.and wouldnt be dissapointed.Lifes lesson learned.

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Yeah, I am complaining. This isn't just a day on the water, this is a week of vacation. And, yes, the fellow said we would use his boat this trip - has everything we need he says. Yup, it does, but most of it doesn't work.

Up until this trip, I'd have never second guessed someone who insisted we use his boat for a week of vacation because when we use my boat for a week of vacation you can bet your last dollar that everything has been triple-checked to be in full working order; bow to stern, gunwale to gunwale, and all points between.

I understand that sometimes stuff happens, but this isn't stuff happens stuff. This is simply a complete lack of preparation and consideration on behalf of the boat owner.

What about you? You bring the boat to fishing vacation then blame your wife, or kids, or buddies because they had the gall to assume the boat actually works? Sheesh.

And, yes, if it wasn't already clear, I have a boat, sitting at home, with all the functional bits on it. 200 miles from here because someone else said they had it covered.

So in the worst case you leave at daybreak and are back for evening fishing. (8 hours round trip) Otherwise, you go to town and buy a battery or two, and maybe a charger, grand total $200. Since the guy is there, split the cost. If he isn't why did you take his boat instead of yours?

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So in the worst case you leave at daybreak and are back for evening fishing. (8 hours round trip) Otherwise, you go to town and buy a battery or two, and maybe a charger, grand total $200. Since the guy is there, split the cost. If he isn't why did you take his boat instead of yours?

Nope, ain't happening. I have no problem paying for consumables, boat gas, bait, etc., for using his boat, but I'm not paying to fix this sort of thing. Have two days left of fishing, provided the weather cooperates, so I'll just tough it out but needed to vent.

Why are we using his boat? Because he insisted. I thought that was clear.

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Yep, I follow what you are saying, and have sort of been there, but truck wise on hunting trip. Now we always have either my truck or my brothers. My/brother's boat, or my stepsons, as I know my stepson is anal like me and my brother. I won't go with a couple buddies in their trucks anymore, as I don't like "their program" so to speak.

Enjoy the rest of the trip, take the lesson (Always be your own pilot, whether truck or boat), and get your ventin' on here, haha! Good luck!

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Drift sock and back troll. smile

Ahhh, the drift sock. That's back at home, in my boat.

Back troll. Believe me, it's been suggested more than once. We did do it for a while....and caught the only fish barely worth keeping so far, a 27" Northern. You'd have thought you'd stick with what at least seemed to work, but I'm not the captain of the ship.

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Being as its so nice out. Use your long underwear for a drift sock and be sure not to get them caught in your buddies prop. smile

When you get two guys wanting to fish two different ways well, its his boat. hehe

Every year we use my buddies boat for our annual SE trip.

We send a week getting it all dialed in.

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If you're going to volunteer your boat for our vacation, GREAT! Saves me a bunch of work.

That said, make sure everything works before we get there. Why aren't we catching any walleyes you ask? Because apparently speed trolling with the main motor doesn't work very well; even the resort info says SLOW here for 'eyes. I understand batteries are expensive, but that's what it takes to make that nice Minnkota work. Too bad we can't actually use it.

And no, one hour of charging with that 6-amp car charger isn't going to bring those 7-year old, been half empty of water for the last three yr., batteries back to life. They are done, toast, tits up dead.

Rant over...

Eh big deal. Lesson learned.

I do 2-5 day boat trips all summer and fall. You learn to rely only on yourself.

Education is expensive... Whether learned through books or experience. Now you know to trust no one when it comes to something you want.

BTW a drift sock or even a 5 gallon pail with some holes will slow that big motor down.

Bummer you are floating in a pile. Bring your boat and you'll know what you have. I don't like to give others the opportunity to f up something I have expectations for.

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It saddens me that I even need to consider having the approach of, everyone is a f--kwad just looking for an opportunity to ruin my day.

I'm mostly over the here and now aspect of it; the profuse apology I received last night actually did help because it let me know the guy finally gets it.

My 17 yr old boat certainly isn't in like-new condition but, as mentioned before, everything works,, properly. It still remains mostly inconceivable to me the lackadaisical approach to simply ensuring one's stuff works. Specifically in this case it's not like the guy isn't smart or doesn't have the means, it just wasn't looked after.

And, yes, I probably will fish with this fellow again, by choice, maybe even in his boat...after a bit of guidance on battery care and maintenance, pre-trip inspection, wiring, etc. He's asked a few questions so I think the door has been opened in those regards.

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Dang, you walleye fisherman are really picky. If its slow you want, but you can't troll that slow, how about jigging? You didn't catch fish because you could not adapt to the situation, and that's the only reason.

No doubt we didn't catch the main target because we didn't adapt.

Jigging, backtrolling, etc., etc. was suggested. However, I was not/am not the captain of this boat and because I am not captain I can only suggest a course of action, not make it happen.

Besides, who said we didn't catch fish?

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