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Archery Sniper was right!

Big Country

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Archery Sniper has spoken here several times on the accolades of slick trick broad heads. Last night I found out why. 7pm a good doe comes to the tree I'm in and I let the arrow fly. Double lunged her. She went all of 35 yards and did the death dance right in front of me that all of us long to see. Blades were intact. Could hear the arrow as it cracked through the rib cage. Upon retrieval I discovered that the entrance and exit holes left a perfect X hole. She wasn't going anywhere except to my freezer. I am sold on slick tricks. Thanks Snipe!

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No problem and congrats on a great archery deer.

Don kennel up wink

I have shot the slick tricks through a lot of stuff and they always hold up. The only thing that has failed in any of the tests I have done was the arrow itself and that was shooting a concrete block at 10 yards. 2c

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The only thing I've had fail on me with the slick tricks is I've had 2 of the blades on my designated practice heads break. Both times it was the blade with the open slot (the one you put in the tip first when assembling). But I believe they only broke because they have been shot hundreds of times into a target and the ground a few times blush

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The only thing I've had fail on me with the slick tricks is I've had 2 of the blades on my designated practice heads break. Both times it was the blade with the open slot (the one you put in the tip first when assembling). But I believe they only broke because they have been shot hundreds of times into a target and the ground a few times blush

Quick rookie question - when you shoot broadheads into targets, do you pull them back out from the "front", or pull them through (basically pulled the fletch through the target, or do you unscrew the broadhead, then pull out, then put broadhead back on? I have a foam layered target and it didn't seem like I could get my American (came with bow) or my Thunderheads back through "backwards" without really putting pressure on them, so i unscrewed them and pulled arrow out. Thanks for advice!

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Quick rookie question - when you shoot broadheads into targets, do you pull them back out from the "front", or pull them through (basically pulled the fletch through the target, or do you unscrew the broadhead, then pull out, then put broadhead back on? I have a foam layered target and it didn't seem like I could get my American (came with bow) or my Thunderheads back through "backwards" without really putting pressure on them, so i unscrewed them and pulled arrow out. Thanks for advice!

I always just pulled them straight out unless the broadhead went all the way through then I'd screw them off. Its a lot easier on your target to take them off. Broadheads will chew up a target pretty fast in my experience either way.

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1eye, no damage picture. Thought of it but wasn't sure if it was o.k. on the forum. I got her in the tree late that night as my shot was at 7pm. Only pics I have are real bad cell phone (flip phone) pictures. Not much for light. I did however take pictures the next day of a cooler full of ground up meat smile. Last year I used NAP blood runners, mechanical 2 blade. Was not happy with the noise they made and the deer I shot had a large slit in it. Obvious to me that a fixed blade that put's a hole the approximate size of a 20 gauge slug in a deer was a much better choice. Heading to Saskatchewan to chase snow devils the 28th for 10 days then it's back in the climber for mid October archery. Best darn time of the year!

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Quick rookie question - when you shoot broadheads into targets, do you pull them back out from the "front", or pull them through (basically pulled the fletch through the target, or do you unscrew the broadhead, then pull out, then put broadhead back on? I have a foam layered target and it didn't seem like I could get my American (came with bow) or my Thunderheads back through "backwards" without really putting pressure on them, so i unscrewed them and pulled arrow out. Thanks for advice!

If the broadhead is still in the target I pull them straight back through the front side, if the broadhead is sticking out of the target on the backside I pull out through the back.

Gotta be careful for your left hand if you have it on the target when pulling straight back out so the broadhead don't cut it. When pulling out the back gotta be careful of the hand on the arrow so it don't slip down right into the broadhead.

I'm trying some Slick Standards this season, have been a lifetime Muzzy fan up to this point. Also like what I'm seeing and hearing about the Exodus head.

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1eye, no damage picture. Thought of it but wasn't sure if it was o.k. on the forum. I got her in the tree late that night as my shot was at 7pm. Only pics I have are real bad cell phone (flip phone) pictures. Not much for light. I did however take pictures the next day of a cooler full of ground up meat smile. Last year I used NAP blood runners, mechanical 2 blade. Was not happy with the noise they made and the deer I shot had a large slit in it. Obvious to me that a fixed blade that put's a hole the approximate size of a 20 gauge slug in a deer was a much better choice. Heading to Saskatchewan to chase snow devils the 28th for 10 days then it's back in the climber for mid October archery. Best darn time of the year!

Good to know about the blood runners. I was curious about those. I've been wanting to try different BHs.. Trying the Tru Fire T1s right now after reading good reviews and hearing nothing but good about them from guys who shoot them. However, haven't put one through a deer yet. Next, I want to try Slick Tricks and then the Exodus. My friend shot a doe last week with an Exodus and though the hole was just like any other, the blood was pretty good. Wicked sharp blades. But if slick tricks really do punch slug holes, I am really interested!

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