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You know the guy next to you is fishing too close when (just for fun)


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When you catch his fish on your line.

Had it happen on a local lake once. Guy must have not been paying attention. his line and crappie get wraped around my line. We were only about 15ft apart, didn't know him but had a little fun at his expence wink

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When you catch his fish on your line.

Had it happen on a local lake once. Guy must have not been paying attention. his line and crappie get wraped around my line. We were only about 15ft apart, didn't know him but had a little fun at his expence wink


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...You can see what brand of long underwear he is wearing.

...You can use his back as a backrest.

...Your canvas tent skirts freeze together.

...Jigging your line turns into a fencing match.

...His bucket's shadow covers your hole.

...He bumps your head when he opens his tailgate.

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When the fishing is slow you can hear him and his lady friend doing extracurricular activities. This was a regular thing a few years ago on a local lake. We were joking and laughing so hard I'm sure we were louder than they were.:D

Ha Ha a friend of mine does that all the time fishing by me to rub it in. He didn't find it funny when I hooked his rope to the hitch and moved him 30 yards away!

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He asks you to move so he can put down his perm on "his spot."

This actually happened to me about 5 years ago by Goose Island on Minnetonka. I was fishing in my porty when I hear this truck driving real close, and the guy gets out and asks me to move. I was shocked but moved because I didn't want to get into an argument.

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You notice that the contents of your beer cooler have been replace with an inferior brand of beer like natural ice.

A trucker bomb floats up your hole and its still warm.

You can identify what he had for supper last night when the wind blows just right.

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