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Vexlar or MarCum



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if you go with vexilar stay away from the tri beam and go with a pro view ducer. the other thing about a vex is that it is not upgradeable as new features come out like the LX9 is. I guess personally I would go with a LX9 because first off the screen is 8" and offers the heads up type display where your flasher can be over laid on the picture from the camera or if you don't like that you could do a split screen with the flasher on one half and the camera picture on the other. the LX9 also has built in recording capabilities(internal dvr). with the video out jacks you could hook it to a large flat screen tv in a wheel house if you have one. it also gives you 4 color options for you flasher display.

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I'm a Marcum guy so that's what I recommend but if your friends have Vexilars, they won't be happy with a Marcum next to them.

I know what you saying here. If you have a marcum next to a vex it will mess up the reading of the vex. I have been told that the Marcum runs with a higher frequency than the vex which causes the issue.

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I like vex, since they are local and you can get it serviced by walking into their headquarters/store. Since you are form the southern'ish metro you have that option.

Marcums also located in the cities the main difference is Marcums are built in MN while the Vex is imported from Japan...

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If your still looking for an LX9 Mills FF in Oakdale had one on the shelve for $999. Didn't look like a return either.

Personaly I'd opt for the Vex double vision.

Japan does know how to make some stuff... Not a fan of the USA built toyota's but they seem to know how to make Honda motors and Hitachi tools which run my business.

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Here's a Vex-Marcum Q's for ya. Are their ice ducers interchangable? They look like they have the same hookups on the ends? Anyone tried this? confused

Not sure if they would interchange or not since they run at different dergrees of angle...Vexruns 9,12,19 while Marcumsrun ar 8,20....

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don't buy marcum!! their customer service is none existence! been try for over a week and no connection. email or phone. unbelievable!!

Thats odd, the few times I have ever called they always pick up within a couple rings, if they dont have the answer they find out and call me back within a short time...

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I am a vexilar fan, they have great separation detail, i can filter out the noise from other units very easy (most of the time I dont have to) and their customer service is second to none. They are located in the twin cities.
If you think vex has separation and detail you would really like the MarCum. It has by far better separation and detail because of it. Made in MN,USA
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Anyone know when the download is coming for the fl20?.............oh my bad, you don't need one..............vex all the way!!!!!!!!!!!!

Its too bad that some of you dont understand the concept or ability to have upgraded software. Many of your open water electronics may be upgradeable too. Upgrades tweak the software and actually has the ability to add new features. This is a big plus.

Because you cant upgrade software on a mechanical flasher like a Vexilar you will never get the chance of a new feature or tweaks to make the sonar unit better. Of course old school sonar works. In part I dont think its difficult for Vexilar to go digital either and at some point you will see them do it. Whine then when they do... crygrin

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It's all personal choice and what you believe in. I believe in a product that I can purchase at a store for $400+ take it to a lake, and use it straight out of the box with no issues that same day. Or buy a product for $600+ take it to the lake, only to find that some features work improperly, take it home to download a upgrade for bug fixes, take it back to the lake and see if the issues are fixed. To me it looks like R&D was lacking before featuring this product to consumers. Vex all they way!!!!!!!!

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I just got the LX-9 a week ago, and have to say I'm in love! It's worked perfectly for me so far and I'd recommend it to anyone. And with a lithium motorcycle battery for power, I've shaved 4 lbs off of it and turned it into a pretty nice hole hopping unit. I'll be creating a separate thread for this nice mod...

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It's all personal choice and what you believe in. I believe in a product that I can purchase at a store for $400+ take it to a lake, and use it straight out of the box with no issues that same day. Or buy a product for $600+ take it to the lake, only to find that some features work improperly, take it home to download a upgrade for bug fixes, take it back to the lake and see if the issues are fixed. To me it looks like R&D was lacking before featuring this product to consumers. Vex all they way!!!!!!!!

How about all the guys who have spent $600 on 20/22's with a faulty tri beam?

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