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Ever have a bad fishing/hunting trip ???


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Ever have one of those trips nothing seemed to go according to plan ? Well here is mine,Our Spearing trip over new years it all started with having to work on the snowmobile trailer lights, then when getting the snowmobile out of storage found the steering rusted tight from the bushing under the engine so had to pull engine while doing this I hurt my back, Then morning of trip my dad got stuck while hooking up to the trailer and had to shovel, on way up north lost l/r tail light on truck and tail lights on tailer, Got to lake and found atv tires almost flat due to -26 temps filled them with mini compressor, got out on lake and the good 'ol jiffy did not want to start finally got her goin and got our darkhouse's set up and the water clouded up. Next morning the ATV would not start had to jump start with truck got to house's and 2in of ice from over night, Sunday checked out of resort and truck would not start it took 3 hours of jump starting 2 fish house heater's 1 under oil pan and 1 under hood of truck and a can of starting fluid to get it started. To top it all off we only got 5 fish for 3 of us in 2days. and as an added bonus the big logo on the back of my new vexilar cold snap jacket peeled off.This will be a trip we will remember for awhile. =-= Please add your story I'd like to know we're not the only one's this stuff happened to.

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Sorry to hear had bad trip, closest we came was cracking muffler on ATV on an ice fishing trip but only made it loud still worked fine.

I can however pretty much predict rain though based on when I'm camping, have simply got used to it and got better rain gear.

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over a 4 day period last week:

2 broken ploe tips and 1 down the hole

latern burn in my otter skin.

crank down snagged a snow bank and toreup the siding.

got stuck on a launch....slid back with the crank down attached to the truck.Scratched up my truck.

New under water camera i got for christmas didnt work.

I have been catching fish tho.....

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Went on a camping/canoe trip. I used my dad's tent. We hiked in a mile carrying our canoes, packs and the massive tent, which seemed heavier than normal.

Come to find, the stakes were removed from the tent bag and replaced with a phone book. I never got a real explanation of why this happened.

We ended up fishing a small lake near our site and found the lake to be so over run with carp that fishing was not going to be very successful.

Later that night, a storm came in and since we were unable to hold the rain fly down due to the lack of stakes, we ended up packing everything up as fast as possible and hiking back out.

I still don't understand why my dad would replace the tent stakes with a phone book...just baffling.

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2009 firearms deer opener was 1 of those days for me started out good at 4:30 a.m. started the truck and made some coffee the truck was packed up the night before.drove to my brothers and picked him up then went to my cousinsgot him all loaded then backing out the driveway suburban just quits distibutor went out. so we load from the suburban to the 4 runner with half the room.and were on the way now its 6:15 a.m and get to hunting ground and wouldnt you know someone else is in my spot and now its 7:00 so we go to wondering around the woods to find a spot to sit for awhile anyway. around 10:00 we meet back at the car and my cousin shot little fork so we collect it up and decide to go in the big woods and have lunch then hunt the rest of the day. so we get way back in and start a little cook fire to roast some dogs and I went to cut some sticks with my hunting knife. cut a couple sticks and needed 1 more so went to cut it and stabbed myself in the knee.not a big deal at first but when i went to pull it out the guthook was stuck in my leg. the hook is about an 1 1/2 inch in on my blade so I know now this isn't good. so i used my cousin knife to back cut the guthook and get it out. now it,s 12:00 and i'mat least 1 hour away from any town and bleeding like a pig. now its time to head home so I can go get stitched up and we get back to my cousins and the suburban starts again so I head for home and half way there it dies again it's 1:30 so now I call the wife only couple miles from home and she picks me up and takes me to the doc for $1000 in stitches and we got out at 5:30. then I had to call my buddy to help me get the suburban home and spent morning # 2 of hunting season fixing the suburban and the rest of the season and then some with a limp. I'll never forget this season.

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I planned a 5 day trip up to Namakan. Hurt my back the day 1 and spent day 1 running back and forth between up north and the cities to see the doctor, busted the lower unit off my boat 4 hours after hitting the water on day 2, and got pulled over twice on the way home because the DMV computer system said my tabs had been expired for 5 months even though they were current. I'd been driving around for 5 months and never got pulled over, but when it rains it pours. Day 3,4, and 5 were spent sitting at home trying to stave off the bad luck.

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I still don't understand why my dad would replace the tent stakes with a phone book...just baffling.

I've seen people throw a few softball sized rocks into the bottom of a buddy's pack as a joke. The poor guy complains all day about his pack feeling really heavy, and then has one of those "son of a ..." moments when he unpacks that night.

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Last weekend after I pulled my perm 8x8 house on Osakis I left my truck in 4Lo when I turned it off.

The next day I tried to switch from 4Lo to 4Hi, well the transfer case didn't like that so now I am stuck in 4Lo which is granny gear and you don't go very fast when your going 5mph and your tachometer says 5,500rpm.

Couldn't figure it out until I studied the owners manual and discovered that there is a transfer case 20amp fuse.

That was the problem not the 4wd fuse. Go figure! smirk

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Oh last weekend didnt go well for me either...

Arrived at the boat launch about 9:00 on NYE, hooked the shack to my wheeler and it was too heavy, snapped the hitch right off my wheeler. After a few french words I decided to hook the safety chains to the back rack of the wheeler and pull it that way, well it worked until a hundred yards onto the lake when I got the shack stuck in a deep rut. I set up for the night figuring I would deal with it in the morning when it was light out.

Next morning I drag and fight my shack for 2 hours to get it where I want it. My buddy meets me out there and we fish. 4:00 am wake up to a freezing shack...propane lines froze...set up the Mr. Buddy- go to sleep. AM we bring the propane lines inside to thaw them out, then hook them back up and there is a leak (I have no teflon tape)

Now on to the wheeler neither of our ATV will start, nor my generator. Bring the generator in and warm that up so it starts, then charge the wheeler up so it will start. Go to the launch and check my truck....start it up and the fan belt snaps. Go to town get fan belt install. We decide its best to go home right now after all this bad luck. Pulling the house off the lake I get a blown tire...go figure that my spare is low on air...take that to the station, fill it up put it on and head home

2 walleyes for 3 days of fishing and one heck of a time, we must have looked like Sven and Ole on the ice, hopefully I have better luck this weekend.

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A few years ago 4 of us went to winnie fishing for 4 days.Our plan was to fish out of portables, we took two snowmobiles along to stay mobile till we found fish that were catchable. We got to the resort unloaded our equip. Neither snow mobile would start, no big deal, we;ll just fish out in front of the resort today. Day 2,3,4 Neither one would even make a pop . Loaded everything up, home we go, get home both sleds started right up, go figger.

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Well, a freind and myself had a rough time when we canoed down the crow river to the Mississippi river. We were doing just fine until the afternoon when the weather took a turn for the worse.

It got so dark that it was like 10pm at 6pm. Could hardly see where we were going.

To make it worse the wind/rain was so bad that there was actually white caps on the crow river. (pretty bad because it is a small river). The canoe was filling up and we were making little progress to the big miss. The wind was so strong we were struggling to canoe downstream.

We decided that we would take our chances waiting it out and pulled up at someones back yard. After sitting in the rain for about 5 min we went up to the house to ask to use a phone. We both didn't have rain gear and the storm wasn't letting up. Luckily the people there reminded me of my grandparents and were super nice. They gave us a ride to the landing and let us stash our canoe and gear in their yard.

At the landing, a cop was waiting for us. My friends mom had called them because she though we were probably dead when we didn't show up and the tornado sirens were blaring. It turns out there had been a tornado right next to the river where we were at. He couldn't get a hold of her and we had to sit in the back of the cop car till she showed up. She had been driving by all the bridges that go over the river looking for us.

All in all we were ok but a little shook up when we found out a tornado had gone by where we were at.

I now keep a very close eye on the weather because I don't like surprises like that.

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A few winters ago, I bummed around California for a few months with a friend. We'd just finished up our term jobs with the BLM in Arizona. One of my main goals was to catch a Kern River strain golden trout where they were native. I planned it all out, but when we got to the place to get the backcountry permits, we were told the trailhead we planned on was closed down and the road was gated. So, we changed plans and our easy/flat 5 mile in hike turned into a 30 mile 20,000 vertical feet change epic voyage. After a twisted ankle, we made it all the way in. I fished for a bit without any hits when a surprise snowstorm came in. We didn't have any ice axes or crampons, so we hightailed it out of there. It was a pretty dangerous hike out. Back at the vehicle, a ranger pulled up to talk to us. He explained that the other trailhead was shut down because of people growing pot, and he would have lent us a key because we seemed like nice guys and were just looking to do a little fishing.

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Last two ice fishing trips have been bad. I bought a new German engineered "SOLO" engine auger. Does Solo mean the lonely guy with the auger that will not start? My Tecumseh Lazer mag never let me down. First trip out the re-coil does not work.Find out there a bunch of us SOLO owners with the same problem. I take off the re-coil and spray WD 40 as directed in the video. Boy, this is fun after just shelling over 400 bucks for an auger. Today I go out and it will not start. Maybe we flooded it? No, spark plug is dry. Pull, pull, pull, finally it starts. Now the re-coil rope does not go all the back in. About a foot hangs loose. Well I better drill a hole while its running. Wow this baby drills a hole fast. I throttle back after drilling the hole and the engine will not return to idle. It is stuck at half throttle. I depress and release the throttle lever, but still stuck. I turn it off at the switch. We take the re-coil off and see that the spring popped off. My buddy says "There is nothing sturdy in these re-coils, these things are cheap. We fix the re-coil rope and try to start the engine. It will not start. Engine is still warm , so I do not prime the bulb,or choke the motor. Pull, Pull , pull, pull, no way it will not start. I decide to prime the bulb. I keep watching the fuel line to see the fuel going to the carb. It stays dry. Carb plugged? I loved my old Tecumseh Lazer mag and wish I would have kept it.

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went to drive on the lake but just to park by shore to unload the snowmobile and the 4wheel drive on the truck didnt work. Chevy truck, it kept blowing fuses, so we got out of that spot and got on the lake and uloaded the sled and unhooked the trailer. but mangaed to get the truck stuck one more time on the lake. then got it turned around and gave it all i could to get back close to the road to get pulled off. I called a friend ahead of time for a pull cause i knew there was no getting off the lake. So i flew as fast as i could up the ditch landing and got the front tires on the shoulder of the road and waited for a pull. So we didnt even go fishing, we went home and drank a few instead.

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A few years ago we were on Pokegama in Pine City where my buddy has a cabin. We were fishing in a suitcase style house with a lantern. As we're getting ready to leave, he shut off the lantern, but left it hanging there. Right after that, I walked into the house, picked something up and walked right into the hot grate of the lantern. It pretty much stuck to my neck as it sizzled me. The rest of the night was spent at the bar! The scar is gone now.

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Last winter was the only one, at least so far, for me.

My friend had a perm that the front crank didn't work on so we had to use a half-ton jack to raise it off the ground to get the hitch up. So I jack up the house and realize it isn't high enough so I put my hand under the hitch to position a brick under it when suddenly it falls off the jack. At this point my entire hand is stuck under his hitch. I yell for him to help me lift it off to free my hand and after doing so I realize there is significant damage to my pointer finger. Wearing a pair of those light work gloves, I didn't really know if there was more damage or not. Hoped in truck, raced off the lake and called 911 to inform them to notify Hutch hospital I was coming in and not to pull over the speeding truck with their flashers on due to the emergency. I figured we didn't need a speeding ticket going 100mph on top of this. Get to the hospital where they cut my glove off and to my relief it was only the one finger. Split open like a grape mind you, but better then what I expected. Well a few X-rays later I now have a splinter fracture of the finger and lacerations that need to be sewn up. Five hours and 21 stitches later, both internal and external, I am released. Physical therapy and all the exercises later they tell you to perform I still can not straighten that finger to normal or have a grip like I use to but at least I got to keep it.

Will never put my hand under a hitch again at least not on that house.

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My son and I and 2 other guys booked a moose hunt in Canada a few years ago. It turned into a total disaster, the only thing that I saw that I wanted to shoot was our so called guide. We were stupid because we jumped on a real good price and failed to check for referances. Live and learn.

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