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What's your ice fishing gear timeline?


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I've been into this for a decade now and have finally achieved my goal of the "Happy Set-UP". It took me 9 years to complete since I've begun to outfit myself.

I'm just curious on other peoples path to their goal of their "Happy Set-up" or where you are at now and what you need to complete it?

This could make an interesting thread.

This is my ice fishing gear timeline:

Year 1. Bought gas, bait, food and beers. Went with a buddy who taught me the ropes using his gear.

Year 2. Bought a clam2000 cabin and mr. heater. Dad gave me his old stuff from the early '70s. He gave up ice fishing when us kids got into sports. Bought a couple rods, a bunch of lures and misc. stuff.

Year 3. Bought the vexi.

Year 4. Bought Warmer clothes

Year 5. Bought the GPS with navonics chip

Year 6. Bought the Fish Trap Guide and 20lb propane tank

Year 7. Bought a used 93 polaris indy sport snowmobile- getting fatter, out of shape, cigarettes caught up to me, and pulling more gear. I was beat up before having to hand drill with Dads old mora .

Year 8. Bought a used trailer to haul the snowmobile around.

Year 9. Bought the clam hitch system for the snowmobile and porty. I did quit smoking.

Year 10. Bought the Strikemaster magnum, new boots and now living the good life. (I hope!!)

I expect year 11 is to pay for repairs to the things I bought over the last ten.

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Before last year, the last time I was out ice fishing was with my grandfather in upstate New York about 20 yrs ago! My grandfather died a few years later, and to this day it is one of my favorite memories of my grandfather. Last year I guess you could call year one for me, even though I only got out once!

So, this year is going to be a work in progress for me. A friend of mine has offered to loan me a rod or two to get started, so I think I'll be getting a shelter and a little bit of tackle to get started. I have enough warm stuff to get me started as some of my job is outside during the winter.

Year three will be flasher, and some more "luxury" items.

We'll see! I can't wait to hit the ice this year!

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this is a very interesting thread idea. So i will add my little history.

spent the past years living where ice barely covers the ponds until I Moved to ND 3 years ago. That season started with me getting permission to buy a Fish trap Guide, Heater, hand auger and a few rods and tackle.

Later that year my buddy came fishing and brought a new power auger with (fishing Devils Lake in January with a hand auger is out of the question). When he left to go home he gave his new auger for me to use. not my birthday, but a nice present anyway.

The next year took me into the world of flashers. Marcum LX2 came to life. An H2O with chip came from my fantasy football winnings that year. Santa brought me a new Thorne Bro rod and reel. A few more rods followed after that.

Last season i picked up a barely used Fish trap Scout for 100 bucks to go on those solo trips. Another TB rod and a pair of carhart bibs with new Cabela boots.

This season is just getting started and i added another buddy heater (never used for 10 bucks). A Marcum Lx3tc came in the mail for 249 and now i am looking for things to buy since i have a problem with buying sporting stuff. My buddy will be moving this winter and has offered his auger with one season use on it to me for 150 bucks. I wont get that till the end of the fishing season.

If there are any Psychiatrist on this sight and want to provide there services to analyse my fishing and hunting problem, dont bother I already spent all my money:-)

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this will be my third season Ice fishing

Season #1

A $10 rod/reel combo, A hand full of jigs, A hand auger, a used Buddy heater, all my old hunting clothes from 15 years ago and a home built shanty.

I had a BLAST! the house was way too heavy to haul around, I didnt have a flasher, I didnt know what I was doing and didnt catch one fish. again, I had a blast.

Season #2

bought A VX1Pro, portable, and expanded my collection of lures.

Again, had a flippin blast. caught only a handful of fish, fished with friends. learned lots.

Upcoming season #3

GPS, multiple rods, tip ups and money permitting a Gas auger.

Long term- Gas auger and sled of 4 wheeler to pull my stuff around the lake.

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Year 1 - I got invited on a trip up to Lake of the Woods. I was told I shoud get a Vex. I was not too keen on the price and got a FishTV for 89.99 on sale. Went up and it was useless on LOTW. I could not see s#$t I went to Log Cabin Bait and Tackle and got a FL18 (mad wife). I also got that year some warm duds. rod/reel med. light. Assorted small stuff.. lures etc. Lots of this starter stuff material

Year 2 - I got a 10In. 3HP Jiffy STX (mad wife). Eskimo Quick fish 3, Little buddy heater, Jet Sled. more warm duds. Jason Mitchel 28in Med Action rod/reel. Then few more misc things like lures

Year 3 (now) - Garmin Colorado 400i handheld GPS with lake of the woods chip (mad wife). Looking to do a dual beam ducer.

Happy with all my gear. Love my heavy Jiffy... Old school FL18... I'm sure other make/model I'd be just as happy with. Looking forward to pulling the sled out for day 1. My cheap as they come Fish TV still works which I hear is rare. I may look to get better bibs (want better knee section)

Good post subject... Interesting to see what people do from year to year.

Some day perhaps a flip over.. who knows

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hello all well i never ice fished until 10 years ago and didnt have a clue when i got to the lake i didnt realize i needed a auger how brillant on my part well here goes

year one, hand auger that was bent, cheap jiggle sticks,minnow bucket and scoop

year two, hand auger thats not bent, ice rod with reel, tip up

chisel bar after falling through ice also a life jacket always worn since

year 3, found a old mankato house with lots of holes, sunflower heater,

year 4, burned mankato house with new heater replaced everything except chisel bar and auger. found used clam 2000

year 5, wife runs over hand auger in the shed feels bad and buys a power auger it wasnt a popular one and hard to start,also bought a vex fl 8 this was the turning point in my ice carer i caught fish and really enjoyed it

year 6, got a x mas bonus at work got a fish trap 2, a new strikemaster power auger ah heaven

year 7 discovered tica reels from fellow fmrs got 3 new rod and reels

year 8 sell everything got very ill fishing went to dr. he says im now allergic to fish terrible asthma attack find out later i was allergic to algae in the water stupid move on my part i still kick myself on this

year 9 buy vex fl 8 strikemaster auger power, eskimo qwick fish 3 i have a car this helped tons and lots of tip ups found pike is my passion. mr buddy heater, and a small sled

last year neighbor took me spearing i love it bought a 5 x6 spear house ,spear, decoy, and ice tongs i still tip up fish alot and fish sunnies when the wife is with

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Well, I started out getting bored during the winters about 4 years ago when there wasn't good ice on the rinks for skating.

Year 1: Found my dads old rods, chisel, mora auger, and a hand full of lures. Went out to a tiny local lake and tried to used the auger, which had rusty old dull blades on it. I ended up chiseling a hole and sitting on a bucket by myself for an hour. Walked away to pee and fish on! I was hooked ever since grin

Year 2: Blades for hand auger, a few lures - mostly just went out with friends and sat on a bucket, didn't catch much

Year 3: FL-18, borrowing my dad's LazerMag more than he uses it, Frabill one man porty, used lantern for light/heat, couple new rods/reels/tip-ups, lots more lures - caught lots of fish

Year 4: Buddy heater, lights for porty, I need to buy a gas auger of my own! I guess we'll see what the budget has to say about that.

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Wow, this is really cool to see how many people are getting into ice fishing. I think ice fishing is the fastest growing market in outdoor sports, faster than bow hunting or species specific fishing.

Glad to see people make the purchases over time as they gain some experience.

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Im 18 and ive been fishing since I was 3 and ice fishing started around 5. dont remember exact things per year but i'll give a rough estimate.

Early years: I started ice fishing with my uncle and my dad up on Mille Lacs in my uncles perm house. If i remember right me and my dad had some cheaper ice rods and thats about it.

First Ice auger: Got a mora auger for maybe my 10th or 11th birthday. I remember my dad and I walked into subway and asked if they had any 5 gallon buckets that they didnt use anymore. they gave some to us and we headed out to a local lake and joined the crowd and caught a few fish.

First Portable: I remember on my way to football practice in 8th grade. I had always been a fishing nut no matter the season and i wanted something to add a little more comfort and warmth. It was a clam Jr. on the side of the road for $75. Needless to say it was in the back of the car on the way home from practice. Started to collect more tackle around that time too. Around that time came a little buddy heater too.

First good ice rod: For my 14th or 15th birthday my uncle gave me a YAD rod and a tica reel. That is still my favorite walleye combo, and it gets action every season for all of my fishing. More tackle than ever and still collecting.

Last year: Last year I got a SM lazer hand auger. It is miles beyond my mora. I also bought 2 UL panfish rods and i love them. I still dont have a flasher, but it might go on the xmas list this year

Thats just about all i can remeber of my ice fishing history

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Wow, this is really cool to see how many people are getting into ice fishing. I think ice fishing is the fastest growing market in outdoor sports, faster than bow hunting or species specific fishing.

Glad to see people make the purchases over time as they gain some experience.

I think this has to do with how accessible it really is. Don't need a boat, and your budget does not have to be huge to get started. As with any sport you can spend as much as you want, but there's really no excuse why you can't get to the "hot spot", barring physical limitations (but I've seen plenty of physically disabled people ice fishing too!).

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Cool thread!

Year 1: 24 pack Budweiser, pint of Rum

Year 2: 12 pack Newcastle, Jager, Genz Stick, Genz Bug

Year 3: Showdown Flasher, Fish Trap Guide, Buddy Heater, Eskimo Auger, Arctic Armor jacket and Bibs, jigs, jigs, jigs, jigs, jigs, Trilene Ice Line, Frabill Tip up, Lowrance H2o + 06 Lakemaster, ST Croix Legend w/ Spring BObber (Best rod ever IMO), Marcum VX-1 (spare), 24 Pack MGD, Jager.

I got hit hard with IFD in year 3. Need Help.

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When I completed my set-up this last week, I kinda made a trip down memory lane with my history of ice fishing. Seemed like like every year I tried to either make myself more comfortable, take less phsyical work out of it or find some technologly to help my success. All the above had made for more of an enjoyable experience. Through resources such as FM and other websites and most of all the people you get to spend time with sharing the same passion is really what have driven me to continue to pursue the sport. I find it interesting on seeing other peoples venture through the sport. With living in such a cold climate, before I got into ice fishing, Winter would drive me crazy. Being cooped up with really nothing to do except hit the bar or get disguntled at the world. Now I look forward to the brutal cold and wind. Funny how things change.

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I did it a little different - non-traditional method.

Year 1 (this year)

- Portable, Marcum Flasher, Marcum Camera, Lures, GPS, Strikmaster Auger, Portable Heater and Rods.

I bought the portable first and set it up in the garage 2 weeks ago and watched the Twins with my wife. When my son woke up the next morning he started yelling with excitement when he saw the portable up in the garage. After my wife saw his excitement she said.... Get what you need to make fishing for him comfortable, fun and productive. Not very often a person gets the green light to spend money so I jumped and now I sit and wait for ice.

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Been out of ice fishing for about 10 years, then last year got back into it part time, had fun with buddies for whitefish and perch, got the bug again. The last day of walk out ice on Green Bay, I lost the usually $1 bet with a buddy, he edged me out with one more fish at the end, should have left earlier!

Then this summer I found myself figuring how I would never let that happen again. I found this site and bought a Clam Guide, heater, & Ice 55 over the summer. Last week bought a new parka and bibs, and ordered a Nils Master power.

I have just enough budget left for 12 waxies.

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i just moved to ice fishing territory about 6 years ago from southern MO.

Winter 03-04: spent november to april in -20 mummy bag under the blankets in my bed.

Winter 04-05: spent november to april in a down jacket sitting on the couch.

Winter 05-06: in-laws bought me a cabelas rod and an ice fishing chair for christmas and i went out my (well equipped) brother-IL a few times before I bought a strikemaster mora hand auger and a $40 small two man suitcase style portable on c-list. picked up another rod, a lantern, and some tackle.

Winter 06-07: more rods, more tackle, found a used fl-18 for $225 on c-list. buddy heater.

Winter 07-08: picked up a quickfish 6 on clearance after christmas, more rods, more tackle, a pull sled. and finally.... a strikemaster mag 2000 - I have paid my dues to the hand auger gods.

Winter 08-09: found a steal of deal on an old but used only once clam flip over, an 8lb propane tank, and of course more rods and more tackle

Winter 09-10: Hmmmm???

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Year 1 - Worked an extra job & bought 2 rod combos, tackle box, tackle, Mora hand auger, minnow bucket, Mr Heater cooker, FL12 & $100 camera on sale. Wife worked 2 jobs to buy me a Voyager for Christmas.

Year 2 - Bought lots of tackle & tip-ups on sale. Also bought stuff to modify the Voyager.

Year 3 - Bought boots & warm clothes, another Mr Heater & 10# bottle.

Year 4 - Bought my 1st StrikeMaster gas auger last spring. Bought a used Fish Trap Pro for when I go by myself. And I've decided that I really don't need anymore tackle....I need more time to fish grin

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I've ice fished for my whole life but when it came time to buy my own gear it went something like this.

Season 1: Two rods, and a Shappell, sunflower.

Season 2: Vex FL-8, Thorne Bros panfish sweetheart.

Season 3: Fish Trap Yukon, H2Oc/Lakemaster, Marcum camera, Buddy heater, Thorne power noodle

Season 4 (this year): Fish Trap Scout, and hopefully a ton of new tackle...and maybe a lake trout rod.

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Year one: Raided my dads garage for an old mora hand auger and two ice rods, a sled with a rope, and a 5 gallon pail. Bought a few jigs and some ice bobbers. Bought a 6" lazer hand auger at the end of the season.

Year 2, 3: Lived in a warmer climate, but was able to get out for about 3 weeks a year in NE OH. Picked up a shappel jet sled, an an insulated minnow bucket.

Year 4: Back in MN, and ready to fish. Picked up an otter Den on clearance on their site. Lowrance Ice machine. Buddy heater. A couple St. Croix combos. Some more tackle.

Year 5: More tackle, some Thorne Bros. rods. Strikemaster Strike Lite. Made a lot more trips around the state. My dad and I bought a Polaris Sportsman too, but I never took it ice fishing.

Year 6 (this year): Going to try to get an underwater camera, another heavy walleye/lite pike combo and some more jigging spoons and tackle.

Year 7: A bigger 2 man insulated porty, and a spare flasher.

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Every year since I was 15 - Tip ups, rod / reels, tackle buckets, clothes

2005 Used strikemaster power auger and FL8 - borrowed a friends portable for the year

2006 Otter Lodge

2007 $100 yamaha snowmobile (88 Exciter) and $400 steel trailer

2008 96 Arctic Cat Pantera

2009 Marcum LX5

2010+ new sled? trailer? arcit armor? Perm house?

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1975-2004 = I used whatever the 'ol man provided as far as fishing gear.

04-05 = Vexilar FL-8SE, Jiffy Stealth 3hp 8", couple buckets, couple cheap rod/reel combos, few jigs, bobbers, minnow bucket

05-06 = Frabil 3 man flip over, jig tackle box, couple better combos, sled, buddy heater, coleman lantern and case, jigs, jigs, and more jigs

06-07 = Strikemaster laser 6" hand auger, 2 Beaver Dams, jigs, jigs, and more jigs

07-08 = Ice armor Blue Suit, 3 new Guide Series reels, Lowrance H2oc, Fish Trap Pro, jigs, jigs, and more jigs

08-09 = St Croix Legend Rod, Jolly Roger black Beaver dam, jigs, jigs, and more jigs

09-10 = Ice Castle Sport Angler 14x 6.5 w/ 3'v, Marcum LX1 for the kiddies to use, oh and a few jigs that came in the mail today

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In 1981 Moved to northern MN from KY. Bought 2 rods at Holiday for about $2.99 (they sold a lot of fishing & hunting gear in those days) got a pickle bucket at McDonalds and I was set, My buddy had 6 inch hand auger.

1982 My buddy and I built a 6 X 6 house. We scavenged most all the materials. I think the budget was $50 and most of that went to beer. Used the house for about 3 years until it started to rot so we tore it down and hung up ice fishing. I'm surprised we didn't burn the thing down with the old rusty wood stove we had. We sucked down a lot of smoke. We called our house the bottle stop.

In about 1990 when the ice fishing entered the modern age my buddy bought a 2 man spring loaded InsTent and we were back in business. I still had my old rods and steel folding chair. I used a Lowrance portable flasher. To hold the transducer straight in the water I rigged float out of some styro-foam I had which worked great . Anyone ever heard of an Iceducer.....If I'd only been thinking, Eh.

1995 or 96 I bought my first Otter Lodge, a Strikemaster (which I still use, Vexilar Fl 8, and couple of trout rods. I already had a snowmobile so I got a tow bar and we began traveling to Canada on trout and crappie trips

Since then I gradually added rods and other gear and have accumulated quite a selection of just about any gear one would would need.

My fishing buddy and I even bought a 7 X 12 wheeled house that we kept LOW for about 5 years until we sold it.

Last year I replaced the Otter with a new one and upgraded my flasher with a Marcum.

Tomorrow I'm pulling my ice gear together and get ready for late NOV.

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