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female name?


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Rosie, as we call her, my oldest English Setter. (The one who's going through some tough times right now... See post regarding Canine Epilepsy) is registered as Havelock Cassi Rose. Havelock, the name of my breeder. Cassi, short for Cassandra. Biblically speaking means "the helper of men". And Rose, short for Rosalee. My departed Cindy's best friend.

My youngest, Havelock Jasmine. First, my breeder. Then Jasmine, which was one of Cindy's favorite flowers.

As a memorial to Cindy, from here on out, all my dogs will be named after flowers. Yes, even the males..... somehow.

M-H (aka: Dan)

[This message has been edited by Moose-Hunter (edited 09-30-2004).]

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After two kids in the last 4 years I have lots of those "name" books laying around. I am gonna try getting a bird dog next spring and have already begun thinking of names. I have been going through those books. You could come up with something easily in one. There are a lot of abnormal names which would work very well for a dog. lol Good for a dog, bad for a kid.

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I had a hard time naming my GSP, but my aunt mentioned a name when I stopped by there place right after getting the dog and decided it fit well. She asked when it was born and I said it was a week before Christmas and she said "Holly" right away. So, that name stuck and worked for me.

Maybe thinking about a name relating to the breeder, the area it came from, or something near the time it was born or picked up will make you change your approach on what to name your dog.

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I like to use names of places or things. My last litter had a Decoy, Dice, and Dakota. I had a down to earth dog named "Blue Jeans" followed by "Black Jack". Now my best female is "Ally". (PS when we were kids our dad bought us($5.00)an older dog named "Spot". We had to change it to Spock. After all you can't shoot your first alien pheasant with a spot.)

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Or your dog could get named the way mine did...

When we were deciding whether to get a lab or not my wife and daughter finally told me I could get the dog if they could name it. The next thing I know I've got a pup named "Samwise Gamgee" after the loyal hobbit in "Lord of the Rings". It could have been worse, though. He could have ended up being called "Smeagol"! At least this way I can just call him "Sam" around my hunting buddies.

Actually, Samwise is a pretty fitting name for a lab. I can just imagine setting out on some dangerous mission, looking down at Sam and saying, "No Sam. This is too dangerous, I must go alone." Sam would probably look back up at me, tail wagging, with eyes that said, "Of course you must. And I'm coming with!" smile.gif


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My Yellow Lab hunting companion of 12 years no longer needs her name:( , just fond memories (K-9 diabetes). She went by the moniker of "HIKA of Hazelwood", "Hika" for short. Never heard it before or since. "Abby" the young whipper snapper, has some BIG paw prints to fill!!! BTW, She is showing real promise smile.gif !

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he cant name his lab shadow its my labs name. jk around. When i picked my lab up I knew i was getting a male so i named him shadow from the movie homeward bound. <-- (better check my speling) but if i were to get a female i liked the names

Nala -from the lion king

Jasmine - from Aladin.

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