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Flathead Catfish Photo Gallery


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I had two smaller flats caught out of my boat yesterday, and 1 tonight 38x22, with several missed, one big one lost in a snag cry The water in the backwater was 58, main channel was 54.5 today.

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I didnt say I caught any of them, just my passengers. I am a much better guide, then fishermen I guess.

Here is the one my wife caught. She said these pants are now her lucky cat fishing pants.


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Yeah, I am catching carp approaching the 17-19 lb mark on ultralight gear as a side hobby, and I am incredibly jealous of the flats being boated, even though some of my carp may have more mass ... am I crazy? I think not, I guess I'm just a cat guy by nature!!

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Did the water clean up at all Scott, or still lots of cabbage?

There is still a lot of debris in the water, including large floaters. Although the water clarity has improved in the main channel, the creek water is still very silty.

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Alagnak and I were out Friday night and we saw a massive log jam floating downriver. It was probably about 30x30 yards with many, many trees and branches packed together. I think the bulk of it ended up snagged on the Shakopee bridge.

Scott - That's great that you're wife goes fishing with you. I'm lucky that I have a lady that digs Catfishing. I get some flak for it, but I don't really care much. Nice fish!

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Jeff, my wife does like to go, but not nearly as much as I do. Maybe a couple times a month. It is nice when she gets out with me, it gives us some quiet alone time, that we dont get at home with 3 kids. Danz, I was fishing down stream of St Peter on Friday night.

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Nice flats 4W. Down on shore in St. Paul. Nothing yet and we are going to give it till dark. Water is down on Pool 2. No where's near flood stage. IMO it is getting close to summer stage in May. Crazy.

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