McGurk Posted May 10, 2010 Share Posted May 10, 2010 Just thinking in the shower the other morning (we all know our best conceptual thought happens in there!): Where's Ben at? I know he and Richard are together, trying to "Blow Up" the plane, but what is he up to? Frankly, I'm not sold on Ben being one of the good guys just yet. He has always been in it for himself (He was good to Alex, but he did kidnap her to begin with). I wonder if he isn't an agent for MIB after all of this went down. Reasons below: He had the old Temple spa treatment as a kidHe was intrumental in the gassing of Dharma and killed his own fatherHe kidnapped Rouseau's daughter (Alex)He ran the Others after usurping Widmore's positionHe hassled the Losties the entire time for his own gain (back surgery)He followed the person in the cabin's (MIB or Jacob???) plans for the OthersHe killed Locke off-islandHe tried to kill Widmore's daughter Penny (un-successfully)He killed Jacob (whether he knew Locke was MIB or not, he did it)He still has a huge issue with Widmore.And maybe most importantly- He is NOT a candidate I don't see him forgiving Widmore anytime soon, especially when his plan to kill Penny went awry. Even if he stayed with the Ilana's crew and was "forgiven", it may have been a ploy to stay alive to continue his MIB mission. I think he and MIB may have a common goal- to get MIB off the island, and Richard now stands in the way of that, along with the destruction of the plane.My theory- Widmore is there in an effort to keep MIB on the island, and Ben is going to be a large factor in his failure or success. Ben may very well be the thing that Jack is there to take care of on the island. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ZapBranigan Posted May 10, 2010 Share Posted May 10, 2010 Here are some thoughts I have going right now: Did MIB really kill Kwon's, Frank, and Syiad? I believe Jack had this one right - He couldn't. Sawyer killed them when he pulled the wires. Next week we get the other sides story. This must be the Jacobs side of things. There are always two sides to the story! According to the trailer. I'm not sure yet on the "is Jacob the good guy or is MIB". Right now they both seem to have evil qualities about them. Another thought I still believe Rose and Bernard will end up being the corpses found in the cave/waterhole. And they may be the ones to prove that not all end up being corrupt. If Jacob/MIB are offering "garden of eden" to those Jacob keeps bringing then they are the only ones who just accept it as such. I'm just not to sure how they end up in present time as corpses. but with Lost why not? And just to comment on Franks getting to Guam... He stayed on Penny's boat which I'm assumming sailed back to England or the US. He wasn't on 815 so he couldn't end up on shore with the losties. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
McGurk Posted May 11, 2010 Share Posted May 11, 2010 ...And just to comment on Franks getting to Guam... He stayed on Penny's boat which I'm assumming sailed back to England or the US. He wasn't on 815 so he couldn't end up on shore with the losties.Our Friend Frank was not on Oceanic 815, but he flew Ajira 316 to the island on their return trip (saying his famous "We're not going to Guam, are we." line to Jack), and that is how he got there. During his 3 years off island, the only thing we know is that he eventually regained his pilot status and was able to fly international flights again. I, for one, don't think he'll ever get to Guam now. We get some nitty gritty history of Jacob and the MIB tonight. I am really excited for this episode! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PierBridge Posted May 12, 2010 Share Posted May 12, 2010 Well well that clears a few things up!Thanks Peg "Bundy"... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
McGurk Posted May 12, 2010 Share Posted May 12, 2010 SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS from the 5/11/10 episodeI guess my thoughts on less "Good v. Evil" and more personal motives and the means to an end were more or less confirmed. You can't call Jacob all Good, and you can't call MIB all Evil. It was a nice touch to have people associated with the Adam and Eve skeletons. I saw the Evil Mom one coming, but I never guessed that MIB's body would be the other. Now that we have their relationship figured out, we can see where the hatred stems from.Personally, I don't see Jacob being completely good, and his "games" dealing with bringing people to the island are pretty messed up. If he would quit doing that, he wouldn't have as much to worry about as far as protecting the light. Just deal with the accidental arrivals. We got another version of Man of Science/Man of Faith, too. I was also hoping to see the four toed statue's creation, too. BTW, did anyone pick up a timeframe from the episode last night? I thought I read somewhere 23 AD, but I didn't see any confirmation for it.It was a good dose of backstory and answers, and I thoroughly enjoyed the episode. So, we have an hour next Tuesday ("What They Died For": 5/18), and then the finale marathon on the Sunday immediately following (5/23). I'm hooked! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mrklean Posted May 12, 2010 Author Share Posted May 12, 2010 i watched deadliest catch last night instead i dont know im getting kind of mad at LOST for some reason but ill watch it online sometime Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ZapBranigan Posted May 12, 2010 Share Posted May 12, 2010 Yeah it wasn't half bad. Certainly gave us MIB and Jacob from day one. Looks like "mother" was pretty happy that she could finally be cut loose. So That seems to be the theme. MIB isn't the brother anymore seems blackie just grabs any old dead body and makes himself at home. Interesting that MIB could see their dead mother Claudia but Jacob could not. Doesn't it seem like they are kind of cheapening the story line in an effort to just quickly get out the answers at this point? I mean you really no longer have to think anything out. MIB has no name well lets slap that in your face with at birth he wasn't expected so they just never named him. They really didn't have to go back and show Kate and Jack discussing the corpses in the cave to draw the inference that's who they were. Seems like they are just stuffing bits and pcs at you just to get them answered. Maybe this has something to do with why your mad at Lost eh.. mrklean Oh well I was completly wrong about who Adam and Eve were. But i still think Rose and Bernard a re the proof not all of them comwe and corrupt/Kill/destroy. So who's going to be the next one to step up and drink the wine that makes them godlike and the protecter of the light? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pinkfloyd4ever Posted May 13, 2010 Share Posted May 13, 2010 The wine can't be drunk, MIB smashed the bottle at the end of an episode this season. MIB and Jacob sitting on a rock, Jacob tells MIB to have the bottle to pass time and after Jacob goes off screen MIB smashes it. Good show, things do make sense now with the two brothers and yes killing of the birth mom could be seen coming.But now if the snake monster isn't truly the MIB we still have that to riddle out.dwight with as much chances to see reruns of Deadliest catch you gotta get caught up on LOST Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PierBridge Posted May 13, 2010 Share Posted May 13, 2010 Quote:Interesting that MIB could see their dead mother Claudia but Jacob could not. Like Peg said MIB is SPECIAL! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mrklean Posted May 19, 2010 Author Share Posted May 19, 2010 man i cant wait for sunday now last night was pretty sweet ben goes back to his old ways and jake is now the protector of the island Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
McGurk Posted May 19, 2010 Share Posted May 19, 2010 Quote: My theory- Widmore is there in an effort to keep MIB on the island, and Ben is going to be a large factor in his failure or success. Nailed it! For once I got one right! Ben will be Ben will be Ben! Who else is he going to kill? ALL OF THE CANDIDATES. MIB can't do it and needs an agent to do it for him. Kind of an answers copout from Jacob, in my opinion. Their fireside chat was hokey. My DVR decided his belly was full about 45 minutes in, so I missed the end of the campfire scene where apparently Jack took on the role of being the new Jacob. I was able to pick back up during the commercial break, though, so I caught the Sawyer's line about the God complex. Nice. Also, Sawyer showed some regret about the whole sub bomb thing and how Jack was right. Thinking back, Sawyer was blaming Jack at the beginning of the season for Juliet's death all along and probably still had a huge grudge against him, so of course he's not going to beleive him. But, all is forgiven now. Sideways world is getting interesting, and this concert is going to be where it all comes together. I don't know how SW Locke is going to make it, though. I think SW Jack is going to kill him during his restorative back surgery, ala the way he almost killed Ben way back in season 3. After that, the concert will be the happy reunion time and place that ends SW world. Oh yeah, my money's on Juliet being Jack's exwife and David's mom, although I'd love to see Sara one more time (Julie Bowen, Jacks original wife on the show).Unsure how the whole island Desmond thing will work, so I am very interested in that. Widmore brought him there as a failsafe, as in if they couldn't kill MIB, then they'd just blow up the whole island. Just like if they didn't enter the numbers in the hatch, they'd have to blow it up with Desmond's failsafe key, I suppose. I guess if there was a good guy in all of this, it was probably Widmore after all. Like I've said; Just because your motives are good in your eyes doesn't make them good motives in everyone's eyes. I also doesn't mean that your ends always justify your means. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mrklean Posted May 20, 2010 Author Share Posted May 20, 2010 how long is the show on sunday 2 or 3 hours Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pinkfloyd4ever Posted May 21, 2010 Share Posted May 21, 2010 show was awesome, waiting for sunday night. My hope she comes back is the blonde that was with Sayid in season 1 & 2, the spoiled rich girl. Thats all I got, until Sunday night............ Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ZapBranigan Posted May 21, 2010 Share Posted May 21, 2010 Ah Shannon... The blond w/Syiad. 2 1/2 hours. And lastly good call McGurk..My only call left that hasn't failed and blown up in my face is that Rose and Bernard become the proof that not all men come and destry, and corrupt, and kill and try to use the light ect ect,. They will probably never make a referense to those two at the end at all meaning it was just not really the case. Crud.I think I'm one for 885. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pinkfloyd4ever Posted May 23, 2010 Share Posted May 23, 2010 Well I am all set, pizza, chips & dip, beer. I think Bernard and Rose make a final island appearance, they got to. So this is it, 29 page thread comes to an end on what will happen, I suppose another 29 on the whole what about questions.There was a little article in the Strib about it and a writer for the show from MN said that small little things will not be answered, like how they got polar bears on the island, etc10 min to go! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AaronM Posted May 24, 2010 Share Posted May 24, 2010 Waste of time. Wish it ended after season II. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
McGurk Posted May 24, 2010 Share Posted May 24, 2010 Disappointed. I'm not going to waste any more resources here talking about it. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Surface Tension Posted May 24, 2010 Share Posted May 24, 2010 I am glad it is over and wished I would have stopped watching after the first few episodes like I thought I should, but nooo. There was no way the writers could have wrapped up this show and had the last six seasons make sense. After all they they made stuff up as they went along and didn't know what the end would be. Recap. They crashed and all died. Hang around in limbo for six ridiculous seasons with things happening that had little to do with anything. For some reason they are now happy because of that and went to heaven. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Surface Tension Posted May 24, 2010 Share Posted May 24, 2010 Well I had to say it for closure. Come on McGurk a bazillion posts on the subject and thats all you got. LOL Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rosspj59 Posted May 24, 2010 Share Posted May 24, 2010 Kind of a weird ending, but it is what it is. I only ponder as to why Ben would not go into the church with the others. Of course he was the bad guy most of the show, but is that the only reason? The whole remembering everything by touching or seeing each other was kind of odd too. Desmond said he was on the Oceanic plane last night. Was he on the first plane that crashed, I can't remember? I don't recall seeing him at the church either. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AaronM Posted May 24, 2010 Share Posted May 24, 2010 Recap. They crashed and all died.Hang around in limbo for six ridiculous seasons with things happening that had little to do with anything.For some reason they are now happy because of that and went to heaven. Disagree. Everything that happened on the island was true. If you did happen to die on the island (Charley, Shannon, Echo, Jack), you were really dead. In this final season there was the alternate storyline, which I think (and many others!) was actually purgatory. In the end at the church, it was the end of purgatory when every 815 member had finally "let go" of their former lives and were ready to move on. Ben did not enter the church as he was not ready to "move on" and still had things to deal with. Thoughts thanks to LP. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pinkfloyd4ever Posted May 24, 2010 Share Posted May 24, 2010 Wow! I didn't expect almost all bitter posts! I am in the minority and loved the ending. IMO while I didn't see it coming, but its how it had to end if you think about it. For complete closure on the characters, etc, that they all died leaves no major story lines untied. I'm sure I could be over looking somethings but it is what it is. In a sense we all kinda hit on it half way thru this season, but I too thought they were being given a chance to redeem themselves back in 2004. The one question I did have was how Locke/MIB became mortal that the one bullet from Kate affected him. Unless the pulling the cork/shutting out the light took away his powers if you will. But that's the way it goes, after all 'We're not going to Guam are we?' Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JBMasterAngler Posted May 24, 2010 Share Posted May 24, 2010 I'm glad it's finally over and done with! That was by far the absolute worst and stupidist show EVER!!! My wife got into it right before this last season, so I was blitkrieged with every episode from season 1 to 5 on dvd before this season started Now that the show is done, maybe my migranes will go away. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Surface Tension Posted May 25, 2010 Share Posted May 25, 2010 "Disagree. Everything that happened on the island was true. " I don't know how much of anything that happened on the island could be true. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AaronM Posted May 25, 2010 Share Posted May 25, 2010 "Disagree. Everything that happened on the island was true. " I don't know how much of anything that happened on the island could be true. Nitpicking I think it's fun how nobody really has the "right" answer, my friends and I all have differing opinions on it, part of the fun! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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