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442 miles and worth every mile!

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I had told myself to forget it for the year, but I really wanted one more shot at bald eagles. According to the info on another forum, there were about 140 baldies counted on Wednesday and the numbers were down to about 20 or so on Saturday. One photographer claimed it was a bust for him on Sunday. I called the NEC in Wabasha and they told me they were migrating through and this would probably be the last decent week. Rather than lose sleep, I opted to leave a little afer 9:00 A.M. and stay for the late afternoon activity, if any. I got to the park around 12:30 and it was dead. I drove south to Reads Landing and Wabash and didn't see a bird. I crossed the bridge into Wisconsin and followed the river and found one in a tree. However, he didn't present me with a clear shot. I got back to the park at about 3:30 and stood around talking to a photographer from Rochester. A little after 4:00, one landed in this tree and stayed for about 1/2 hour. I thanked him for that. After that, one or 2 would show up and do fly bys and had the one land in the tree with the fish. All in all, I maybe saw about a dozen is all, but they were so cooperative. And the weather couldn't have been much more ideal. It was such a treat to be able to take pictures without glove on. \:\) Anyway, I've got enough eagles for the year. On to other birds.

I did shoot these in raw plus medium jpeg, but just haven't downloaded the raw files yet.









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Nice work X. I've been out of town for all the nice weather, of course now that I have returned they are calling for clouds and rain. I would like to get out and work with my TC a little more shoot some eagles and get my tree shot done. Oh well, one of these days the weather will cooperate. I like number seven the best. PS out the fish and PS in some arrows and olive branches and you have one patriotic photo. Those are all some great shots, I think you'll be really happy once you have a chance to work with the raw files.

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Great eagle shots X-tackleman, I think I like the 1st and last the best, but they are all great. It looks like you went the extra mile in more ways than one.


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Nice shots Mike! I like the 4th and the last one the best, but all of them are nice. I never did make it to any eagle destinations this year despite good intentions. Glad to see you had some luck.

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Thanks everyone for your positive comments. I was a bit nervous all the way home. I knew I had the opportunities, but until they are on the PC, you just don't know for sure. I wasn't going to be happy until I could see the bird's eye.

Mmeyer, I really didn't sleep that peacefully. I think I still had too much adrenalin flowing thru my system. grin.gif

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Gclark, I was shooting at ISO 400 with an aperture of F8 or F9 and on the bif shots, this gave me a shutter speed of 1/1600 - 1/2000. Here is a link to an exif viewer that I use. With this viewer and others, all you need do is right click on a photo and it gives you all the exif info. However, if a photo has been edited and saved more than a couple times, it loses it's info.

That's right, we can't supply links. Instead, do a google search for Kuso Exif viewer.

Thanks Gclark and Charlie

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