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I'm pumped!

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Ok I have never shot a a turkey or even seen one in the wild but this year I'm going to get the chance to go turkey hunting with Mr. Nelson.

All winter when things go sour I just say "I'm going turkey hunting when the ice melts"

Now I have made several off colored turkey jokes to Nelson but I can't get over how ready I am to see if I have what it takes to harvest a bird. I have been reading evrything I can get my hands on, watching vids and I realized this could be tough, them birds got brains.

So newby advice, bring it on.

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Good Luck Jonny! You'll be in very capable hands. Make sure to sign up for the HSO turkey contest. After this it'll be a regular thing as I'm sur you'll have a good time. \:D

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Careful Johnny. You're treading in dangerously addictive waters. Just as, if not more addictive than 40" + muskies and pike, 15" + crappies, 30" + walleyes, and record book deer. Last year was my second time hunting them and first time with my bow. It's a total riot!! I've been practicing on my slate, box, and push button calls daily lately. My neighbors probably think I've got a turkey farm in the basement! LOL Good luck, there's something about those gobbles at first light that just burn into your memory and make you want to come back for more!!!


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You got that right (BMC)I started to turkey hunt just so my old man had company.Now I'm hunting 5 states every year and can not get enough.If you where told you had to stop all hunting but you can keep one.It would be Turkey's for me I could never give them up.

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I've often said the same thing about turkey hunting. If there was one that I could continue doing, it would be turkeys as long as I could take the occassional 'yote as they come by.

It is truly an experience to be out in the woods before first light and hear those soft yelps of the hen prior to the fly-down.

You're about to go berzerk after hearing that when that first thundering gobble echos across the countryside. You end up with dried out eyes because you won't blink for hours on end waiting for the trophy of a lifetime to walk within shooting range.

If he gets close, listen as best you can. You'll hear those toms make noises that you would never expect to come from a turkey. It gets real interesing when he's 5 feet behind you and the spitting and drumming begins.

Good luck!!!!

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 Originally Posted By: Jonny P
Joel seems a little nervous about me bringing my 10 gauge. Something about I can't load it until he he honks the horn from his truck after dropping me off? \:\)

\:Dgrin.gif Thats hilarious Jonny! I've never had the pleasure of hunting with Joel, but he did help me out a lot two years ago and its all been awesome since. Maybe its cause I don't know many people......but Joel is the smartest turkey guy I know. You'll be in good hands.

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I'm excited Jonny. It's unlike any other type of hunting you've done before.

Make sure that wagon-tongue 10'er patterns; I had a bad experience with a guy toting a BPS 10 a few years back. Hit the thing 3 times or more at 35 yards, should've been dead to rights. Asked what shot/load he was using, and he said his patternmaster with turkey load. I groaned. He never patterned his gun. Just because it'll slay a goose at 60 yards, doesn't mean it'll do anything for a turkey!

Pattern those guns!


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 Originally Posted By: Jonny P
OK.... Turkey loads HURT. We are going to wait for the things to warm up before we do more pattern/load testing.

grow some nads you Sally grin.gifgrin.gif

the first time I shot a 3 1/2" turkey load stung for a while, but you'll never feel it after a box or two. The shoulder goes numb after that grin.gif

Congrats on getting your tag Jon, you'll never forget the experiance of hunting these birds. What zone/season are you hunting in? Need to know so I can stay at least a good mile away

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 Originally Posted By: Jonny P
OK.... Turkey loads HURT. We are going to wait for the things to warm up before we do more pattern/load testing.

Almost as bad as dropping a URL skidhouse on your foot. \:D

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I got B season, the location is secret agent stuff. I could be coming to a neighborhood near you. \:o

As for the big 10 I have flung some goose loads out of the 10s but those turkey loads have thump. I had to laugh although; Nelson sent me a "Safety Video"! crazy.gifgrin.gif

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 Originally Posted By: Jonny P
I had to laugh although; Nelson sent me a "Safety Video"! crazy.gifgrin.gif

It's a good thing you don't use a plow-truck for turkey hunting (at least around here). If I can keep him from shooting varmints, test-firing, and/or running with scissors, I think there's a reasonable chance of at least one of us coming out of the woods uninjured. grin.gif


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