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How many of you plan on fishing Green Lake Spicer this year?


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We think that very few local people realize what a great bass fishery exsists here.

Just wondering what kind of comments the fishermen have about the lake.

Also have any of you ever fished Norway lake chain?

Was just reading the August 1960 Little Crow Lakes Fishing and Boating News weekly newspaper and am just set back at comments like represenatives of several outdoors national shooting and fishing companies coming and staying here at lodges to fish BASS.

If anyone has any other old papers or articles about fishing here, Kandiyohi county I would be thankfull for a chance to look at them.

Also if anyone can get a Smallmouth Bass over 22 inches from Green Lake this year it is worth a Replica [free] for first few 22 and larger as they are needed to mold first few legitamate area molds.We will even make attempt at getting it back in water alive if possible.

If you have any thing to put in about lake and fish let it out here.thanks

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With gas possibly approaching $3.50 to $4.00 a gallon I think my "trips" are reserved for smaller local lakes that my 109lb thrust electric motor can handle without even starting the big motor. I have alot of lakes on the list that I want to fish, Green Lake is pretty high on it but I am more than likely not spending $100 a trip to go try new water. I have alot of lakes around here that are under 250 acres that I can try for little to no money... and one of em might become the new "honey hole"

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i will be fishing it for a tournament. SO i will be pre fishing it a few times, and fishing it for the tournament as well. Thats a great lake. I spent some time out there in the winter when i was going to college up in willmar. Awesome area.

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Awesome lake for all species. I have family in Wilmar so I make it over there several times a summer and I always bring my boat. I have fished quite a few lakes around Spicer/Wilmar area, but I just love fishing Green. If it gets windy, which is almost all the time, I target the smaller lakes, not to give away any top secrete lakes, but the smaller ones have produced huge bass and northern, and plenty of them. There will be some 22+ caught this year out of Green. The fall is just a blast. I was up there last fall, late Novemeber, cold day only boat on the water 6 smallies in 2 hours all over 20"

I know that the walleye guys were mad about the regs. I'm a walleye guy myself, but I tend to fish what I can fish for at that time. I have limited out many times on Green as well has gone home without a bite. Just a terrific area to fish, plenty of fishable waters!

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Here's a nice Green Lake smallie caught by my buddy and bass pro Tom Braaten with the Silverado series. This one I believe measured in the 21-22 inch range. It was well over four pounds. An awesome fish and there are tons of them in there!


If you would like to use this photo let me know. I have the high resolution image available.

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I will be heading out there sometime this year...maybe even for the Bass opener. It is a fun lake with some really nice fish in it. I also enjoyed fishing in in late September or early October, the Smallies put the feed bag on hard-core!!


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I have a tourney out there too this summer. I have fished it a couple times for walleyes and had to fight through the smallies to catch them. For some reason I would bet that won't be the case this summer when its tourney time. Awesome fishery!!

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Im in on the big bass bonanza circut. I've fished it in the fall but never mid summer when we have our tourney. (weekend after july 4th). I also located some decent largies on the lake.

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sposnor for one of our tournamnets ,but it doesnt need to be from any paticular tourney.

they want an authentic fish directly from lake to get shape and colors 100%.

gonna really try to get fish back alive but some guys might also want a true mount and that can be worked out if you wish.

will post phone number closer to bass season,and info will be on couple brochures around town.

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