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Jevon K to Vikings!!!!!


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He's an undersized speed rusher who's lost a couple of steps due to frequent injuries. This just leaves him undersized. That being said, I would take a flyer on him if the price was right.

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Could be a good fill in for the need for the speed rush, but at 31 with the seriousness of the leg and knee injuiries he has had, unless they can get him for little money, I think it would be an unwise investment...granted there isn't much for defensive ends on the free agency market but he certainly wouldn't "fix" the defense

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He was the defensive player of the year in 06 he's got more left than what we have on the ends now. I like the idea of the little money thing, wouldn't pay top price but I think it would be a good investment.

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To much to loose, we'd have to give up our 1st round draft picks for the next 2 seasons and we'd have to sign him to a huge contract. You guys think Berrian's contract was huge, then you will have a heart attack when see what we'd pay Allen haha.

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to much to gain...we'd have the best d-line in the nfl with a new young pass rushing stud. why would it cost 2-1st round pics? even if it did your still have no guarentees in 1st round pics...there's a couple diamonds but mostly they turn out to be busters...and they still get paid like they are big time players.

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 Originally Posted By: FISHINGURU
why would it cost 2-1st round pics?

Allen has the franchise tag on him and if you are franchised and get traded it cost the other team 2 first round picks. With Allem being franchised the Chiefs have to pay him average of the top 5 salaries in the league at his position. I believe teams can franchise 1 UFA off their team a year. Say the Vikes franchised Mewelde Moore, we would have to pay him top 5 averaged salary at the RB position or trade him and get 2 1st rounders. I believe 2 1st rounders apply to all franchise tags.

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i smell all sorts of rookies in here lol

you only have to give up 2-1st round picks if you try to sign a franchise player as a free agent...then that team has the option to take your 2-1st round picks or match the offer to keep him.

a team can trade their franchise player for whatever they want...if they have a feeling they are gonna lose him next season and get nothing in return they will trade him.

corey williams was the packers franchise player this season and was traded to the browns for a 2nd round pick in this years draft.

worst case scenerio is they dont want to trade him but they would for a decent offer we could get him for this yrs 17th pick but we have 2-3rds and 2-6ths this year along with the other picks and next yrs 1st which would be towards the end of the 1st round cause we'd go deep in the playoffs adding a player like allen.

we'd have a dominate DE pass rusher and matched with the williams it would be over.

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 Originally Posted By: bassphish2005
washed up...Kerse was good in his day though

Folks said the same thing about Moss a couple years ago.... you just never know. He would have to be used in spot duty...playing only on passing downs. For a cheap, incentive laiden contract I think he Kearse would be great, but no big money!

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jared allen is not proven? how much proof do you need?

4 seasons

61 games

230 tackles

43 sacks

13 forced fumbles and an int

the guy missed the first 2 games of the season last year and recorded 65 tackles, 15.5 sacks and 3 forced fumbles.

looks to me like he's been dominant since day 1


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he got the franchise tag but he's available for a price.

we'd have to either work a trade out for him with the chiefs or if we signed him without their permission they'd have a chance to match our offer which they won't or take 2-1st round picks.

signing him without a trade would be spendy because we'd have to give up 2-1st round picks but he's easily a top DE in the nfl if not the best DE in the nfl. his talent is still rising and he's only 25...on a D line of the chiefs this guys see's double and triple teams every play and still gets those #s...imagine him next to the williamson bros lol

if a trade couldn't be reached i wouldn't mind as a fan if we gave up the 17th selection this year and next yrs 1st...with allen we'd go deep in the playoffs and would be giving up a mid to late 20's 1st round pick.

he'd be the answer...he'd want big money but we also wouldn't have to pay 2-1st round players...the vikes still have 2-3rds and 2-6th round picks this yr also for depth and what not.

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WOW coach, I have never heard anyone who thought Moss was used up! I think his ego got the best of him in going to Oakland. But, I would have never said, and never heard anyone else say he was over. The guy can flat out do stuff most others can't.... it's just a matter of finding the team, or players that make him do that.

Now Kearse, with the injuries and all, that makes me more concearned. But who knows, the Vikes have a way of making older guys, come back to prime for a season or two.....

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