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Cool Cats '08 is in the books.

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First and foremost I would like to thank each and every one of you for your participation in this event. Without great people like you these events wouldn’t be the huge success that they are.

I knew I was in for a fun day when we arrived at 6am and we weren’t even close to being the first guys out! People were ready to fish.

I would call the bite for the day, sporadic but steady. The bite seemed to be better in the morning. Once the word spread of a few fish being caught, the group tightened and found a nice school of cats. We iced several nice fish and I know for sure some people caught their first ice cat. Knowing that really made my day. That’s what this is all about.

We kept a handful of fish for a noontime fish fry and boy was it good. Thanks a bunch to Borch, Icehawk, YourBobbersDown, IceHouseBob, and ec30_06, for helping out with the meal, and everyone else for bringing a favorite dish. There was no shortage of food.

Those were some choice beans Bob cool.gif

...and those Pheasant sticks, mmmmmmm

I had some memory card issues on my camera so pictures I don’t have, but hopefully others caught a few good shots. If so please feel free to share them.

I would also like to thank the RecycledFish group for providing a nice warming tent and hot drinks.

It was nice meeting everyone. I tried to get around and say hi to all, if I missed anyone, please forgive me.

So many people helped out, that I just need to say thank you to all \:\)

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Who's that guy right behind you in the top picture, with 100% concentration on his flasher? grin.gif Nice meeting you guys!

Great food, and a lot of fun sums it up!! Even if my Marcum was the reason I couldn't finish the catch. ;\)

Anyone else get a sunburn?!!

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Those were some choice beans Bob

My buddy Jake is still talking about those. \:\)

Definately glad we made the trip up there...good time. It was nice seeing those I haven't seen for a while, and also meeting others for the first time. Here's a couple from today. >



We didn't catch nothing huge, but those lil' channels still scrap.

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What a Blast! Well it was sure a fun and relaxing day on the water for me. I really enjoyed shareing the ice with some old friends and alot of new ones. My goal at this years event was to try and help some catfish newbies through tips,presentations,locations etc ice their first cat and I believe it happened. I even showed and let one individual use my electronics and I think I proved to him how important the use of them is. The food was outstanding I just got done telling my wife about the spread that was layed out. Bobs beans are unreal and I can gurantee some of my pheasants this yr are going to be made into sticks! My hats off to Dtro for organizeing this event it's always a great time. Looking forward to Cool Cats 2009!

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It was great to meet some of the the people i've talked to previously and also some others that I hadn't before.

The food was fantastic. The beans were awesome and that is coming from someone who doesn't eat alot of them. Also the pheasant sticks were a great new treat to try.

Sorry I left so oon, got called into work. Maybe next year I won't have the broken foot.

Thanks to everybody that made this another great event.

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What a great time! I spent most of my time talking with new faces and reconnecting with long time friends. Good to see a pretty consistent bite throughout the day with small and bigger cats present.

The food was great and many commented on how good those channels tasted that were cleaned and fried up. Like several had stated the pheasant sticks and beans were a big hit.

These events are a lot of fun. It's also a great time for people to actually get their hands on gear that you can order through the the OutdoorProStore. I had several guys wanting to try out some of the equipment that we talk about on the forums. So my Nils was getting a workout and we spent a lot of time talking about the Artic Armor and the Jason Mitchell and Thorne Brothers rods as well.

I can't wait until the next get-together!

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I had a great time and met a lot of new people it was a blast. I was glad to help and look forward to fishing with some of the new people I met there. It was great to fish for Cats through the ice, even though I never caught one it was great to see peoples faces when they landed their cats. I will definitely be trying cats through the ice again what a blast!!!

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It was a great and beautiful day. It was nice meeting some new faces and seeing some I have before. I also did not take much pictures, but I did get one to show you the crowd before sunrise.


We will see you all next year. Thanks for the great food and good times. Bob is a great cook and tells some good stories. It also was cool watching Borch, Dtro and Ed cleaning those cats and then how you fry guys operated. You guys had down that process to a ”T”, plus it tasted great.

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I'd like to say that my daughter and I had an excellent time, unfortunately I got called away and ended up leaving early. It's great how cooperative and helpful everyone was. It was also nice getting to meet quite a few of you, ironic how I drove 2 hours to meet up with some of the guys that live only 20-30 miles from me though.

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The great thing about events like this are putting faces to the names that are already our friends.

I apologize to everyone that I forced to take one of the forcepts that I was trying to get rid of.

Thank you to the gentleman that gave me the homemade salsa. That stuff is good and then it sneaks up on you when its going down.GREAT

Someone left a Pyrex cooking container that I think had brownies in it. Its here so contact me to get it back so your wife will talk to you again.

After most people left I policed most of the area and found a cigarette butt, a napkin, and a twist tie. All white objects. This group really cleaned up after itself.

Dtro, you organized a great gathering. I didn't heatr any complaints, except for the lack of dancing girls.

Whoever was handing out the samples of liquid apple pie; that stuff could become a habit.

And a big thanks to Grump for taking that big inflatable monkey from me. I've had it in my house for over a year and a half and haven't caught a fish worth talking about in that time. Now its in your house. Good luck....

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Are you talking about the Tupperware box with the green lid? I can remember the guys face who brought it up to the table, but can not remember his name.

I was amazed at how you ran your cook table. I am the guy who chopped your onion grin.gif . I do not know what the guys did at your duck camp to insult you, but they sure lost a great cook. Hope to see ya next year.

The bait for me yesterday, seemed to be very small crappie minnow and a Ratzo. It sure was a blast reel’in in cats on light tackle, but I lost 4 right under or at the ice. By what Dtro said about the shiners and the group from Brainerd that where pulling fish left and right (using smelt and garlic), those seem to what was working best. I brought and tried cut sucker and crawlers. All they would do is come it for a look and swim away. That’s when I down sized to a spring bobber and Ratzo. A lot a times, the cats would swim in, bounce my spring bobber and leave. Funny

Papa-grump, it was very nice talking with ya and during the summer, if you want to hit the river up this way, let me know.

Anyone know how Dietz did? I seen him blaze off with a group of trucks in search of fish.

Also the Meth Hole was pretty neat to see. I figure it was a reference to an area (with a small amount of methane bubbles that would show up on electronics), not a geological occurrence.

The recycled fish guys where a very nice group. I talked with them for awhile and they seem to know their stuff.

Again, nice to meet you all and see ya next year.

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Man, I was impressed with the day! Great food, great peeps, great weather. Lack of sleep is worth is for a day like that!

Darren caught 4 fish in about an hour, all just before lunch. That was a quick nice flurry, especially that 27 incher. After Darren went to help cook lunch, someone came in and parked in his hole and nothing bit between that and til we went home, other than a couple rock bass. LOTS of fish on the camera though.

Shack, some of the ones that hit your spring bobber and then left might have been just hitting it with their side. My buddy saw his bait get smacked by a tail a couple times while the camera was down. One larger cat even came at and hit the camera with his mouth, he was prolly the most aggressive one we saw all day.

I'd say we saw a couple hundred cats on the camera, at least. Schools of between 2 and 20+ fish, off and on throughout the late morning and early afternoon. At least 10 times we saw counts of 7+ cats on the screen at once. However, there were few takers. Most of the time the school would just cruise through without even looking at the baits (large and small baits were tried). Just enough biters to keep us interested!

Again, it was a great time out there, thanks to everyone who helped out with anything from cooking to cleanup to hole drilling, etc. Fun times, to be sure, I'll be back next year!

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Icehousebob's cooking seems to be the talk of the event! There was even people inviting him to their deer camp next year. You did good work bob, sorry you didn't get more fish. It was me who snatched that last piece for you, that catfish sure went fast!

I managed to ice 8 cats and had my best luck on a secret bait ;)Metrojoe could verify it worked! Only fished half the time so I could meet people the other half.

Forgot about that but I never did see Dietz show back up, you sucker! I'm pretty sure I know where he disappeared to though, must have had some good cattin.

Shackbash, its pretty neat ice skating over that meth hold area earlier in the season if there's no snow. The amount of trapped bubbles in the ice is very neat and looks amazing.

Nice meeting so many people and putting faces with names. Can't wait for next year.

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 Originally Posted By: aanderud

Shack, some of the ones that hit your spring bobber and then left might have been just hitting it with their side.

Great point aanderud!

I dropped my camera down early and could not see anything, I put it away and never brought it back out.

I tell ya, the action around that area is hot. I would go threw a dry spell on the MarCum, reel up to go out and mingle. I B.S. you not, right after I reeled up the line, bars would start to show up. Also I found if you left your holes (lines reeled up), come back and drop down 20-30 minutes later, the fish came in for another look and I did get some “right away” action after this.

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    • got this tackled today took about 3 hours to get both sides done. Didnt even get to use a torch....   Thought I was golden with just jacking it up and I could get to everything but no luck. Had to remove the entire axle hub and brake assembly to get to what I needed. Was a pain but still better then taking off the entire pivot arm.    Axle bearings were already greased and in great shape thankfully. Got both leaf springs installed and its ready for the road again.   Probably going to have my electric brakes checked, I am not touching anything with the brake drums. Based on what I saw it doesn't look like my electric brakes have been working anyway. Brakes are nice to have if its slippery out
    • By The way that didn't work either!! Screw it I'll just use the cellular. 
    • It’s done automatically.  You might need an actual person to clear that log in stuff up.   Trash your laptop history if you haven’t tried that already.
    • 😂 yea pretty amazing how b o o b i e s gets flagged, but they can't respond or tell me why I  can't get logged in here on my laptop but I can on my cellular  😪
    • I grilled some brats yesterday, maybe next weekend will the next round...  
    • You got word censored cuz you said        B o o b ies….. haha.   Yeah, no… grilling is on hiatus for a bit.
    • Chicken mine,  melded in Mccormick poultry seasoning for 24 hours.  Grill will get a break till the frigid temps go away!
    • we had some nice weather yesterday and this conundrum was driving me crazy  so I drove up to the house to take another look. I got a bunch of goodies via ups yesterday (cables,  winch ratchet parts, handles, leaf springs etc).   I wanted to make sure the new leaf springs I got fit. I got everything laid out and ready to go. Will be busy this weekend with kids stuff and too cold to fish anyway, but I will try to get back up there again next weekend and get it done. I don't think it will be bad once I get it lifted up.    For anyone in the google verse, the leaf springs are 4 leafs and measure 25 1/4" eye  to eye per Yetti. I didnt want to pay their markup so just got something else comparable rated for the same weight.   I am a first time wheel house owner, this is all new to me. My house didn't come with any handles for the rear cables? I was told this week by someone in the industry that cordless drills do not have enough brake to lower it slow enough and it can damage the cables and the ratchets in the winches.  I put on a handle last night and it is 100% better than using a drill, unfortatenly I found out the hard way lol and will only use the ICNutz to raise the house now.
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