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These forums, a blessing or a curse?


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I've fished for as long as I remember and every time out I'm never ready to go home. I never used to spend a lot of time wondering where they were biting or when I would go again. When I had the time, I would come up with a plan and go fishing. Then I found this HSOforum. I read the forums for the areas I fish EVERY DAY over lunch. Now I think about fishing almost more than that other thing guys think about all the time. Its an obesssion!! Am I a freak or do all you guys feel that way? Its been 9 days since I was last on the ice and it seems like an eternity!

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I guess I should also put up my disclaimer, I mean no offense by my comment to those who may think I am poking fun.

I know from extreme expierience. I really am and addict. Not just the FM kind. I am proud to say that I have been clean and sober since June 5th 1993. Just so no one thinks I am being a smart alick. This site and the outdoors are something I have graciously along with my family become addicted to. So my house likes this addiction much more than the previous.

I think being on here is good medicine!!!!

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Mucc33, congrats on the recovery. I believe I live on this site at least that is what my wife always tells me. Heck, I check this board the first thing in the morning and right before I go to bed, 7 days a week. Sickness, heck no, I love it.

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I can't understand what the problem is? Why is being addicted to FM a bad thing? I think its great that there is so many good people in here, It's (for the most part) intelligent and fun, if I'm a FM addict, so be it, I dont want to quit!

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I'm not so much addicted, as it just takes awhile to read everything I want to read on this forum. It just appears as if I am addicted. grin.gif How does that work for my justification to be here many times in a day? Curse- no way! Blessing-yeah, I can go with that.Great fun to be able to get what you can from such a resource as FM.com.

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It's a passion for me to check out forums. Up until a few years ago, the only learning about fishing I could do was by watching short segments on TV. I never thought of buying books or magazines from In-fish or any other publications. My family had never really been into fishing either. My dad took us out in the boat, but he never had a mentor so his knowlege of fishing that he could pass on to me or my siblings was extremely limited too (no fault of his). Still to this day I'm the only one in my family on both sides (dad's side or mom's side) that does any level of fishing. When I found the forums, I found myself on all the time (and still do!).

An addiction? Well, probably not for me. But a true passion to learn and soak in information like a sponge, absolutely! I've got many years to make up for both learning via education and learning out on the water/ice.

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It's a curse. I was more casual about fishing til I got on here. I'm still learning a lot and am far from being where I want, but this site is awesome for learning tricks and how to use gear. I would say my favorite part is chatting with folks and getting out and meeting them. I've been a few real good friends on this site and hope to build even more friendships.

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  • we are 'the leading edge' HSO Creators

It's only a curse if you don't enjoy it and/or it's causing you problems \:\)

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