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Women vs Men....Please Vote

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Since its coming to the heart of the boating world, and we are out buying boats, im wondering a few things. Im just wondering how much weight a women really holds in making the buying decision of the boat. Its always funny to see what others have to say. Im not trying to pick on you ladies, i just believe that the women holds alot of weight on this decision, and people dont believe me.

Thanks for help!!!!

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i voted 46-60.when it comes to fishing my wife dont mind if i buy the small things.but when it comes to like $300 or more she would like to discuss it.most of them time she dont care.

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I picked 46-60, when we had our boat I asked her what would keep her comfortable and enjoy going out. I then refined it best I could in our budget at the time to get my "needs" met. When we get another one I expect she will have about the same amount of input with features and I know we both have different wants in the next one.

I have to also add I have been able to get my wife in other boats as well from different sizes to fibergalss...boy did she love the ride of that fiberglass 19fter.... grin.gif

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0 - 15% for me. My wife and I have the same interests in boat features, so she trusts me to go out and find the boat that's right for us. The 15% of input she offers up to me is on boat seats and storage in the cockpit area (for kids stuff). The rest is whatever I want in a boat.

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I voted 61-75. That's the way it is on most big things. It is simply because I do all the research on potential purchases first, then he goes out, and if it fits the budget, he'll go with my findings.

That is one reason salesmen should address the women as well. A local dealer lost a sale from us because he thought I was only along for the ride to town. Never even looked at me. Big mistake! We love the pickup that I picked out from another town. grin.gif

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I voted in the 16-30 range for I consider what a woman would want in a boat when looking at them. I will be in the market in a few years for a new boat and think that making sure a gal would be comfortable in the boat is kinda important. You want to make sure she will come out there with you. That number is subject to change though, depending on the situation.

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i voted 76- 100 for my wife my sweetie has better luck when buying something i told her i wanted a 14 foot aluminum boat good trailer 10 - 15 hp moter gave her 3000 bucks pointed her in the direction of marine dealers. she came home in 2 hours exactly what i wanted and got it for 1400 bucks best boat i have ever had we saved for 2 years to get it she did a good job

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I voted high. My wife has only been in the boat one time, when I promised her dinner on the other side of the lake. But when I was shopping for a new motor for the old boat she said "What are you nuts? Why spend that much on just a motor when you can spend just (this much) more for the whole package?"

Oh gee honey, can I?

Gotta love it right? grin.gif

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I voted in the 46-60 range because we are a partnership. She brings in half the money and we don't go out and make major purchases without each others consent. I dont pick out her vehicles and she dosen't pick out mine but each ok the purchase, well I might have to try and sneek a new Harley past her somehow grin.gif.

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The part that blows the most is not necessarily finding a boat that meets both you, your wife's and your kids needs. Those boats are out there. It's finding one that meets your budget that seems to be the hard part!

I need to play the lotto more often. \:Dwhistle.gif

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I voted high for a couple reasons.

First, she's the one that felt I needed to upgrade. I was perfectly content with my Lund Rebel 16. Finally had it decked out to my liking but she wanted me to upsize to my Sylvan Adventurer. Don't know why because she rarely goes with me anyway. It was my hope she'd start but oh well.

Second, I have always consulted her for any major purchase. It's the way I believe it should be in a marriage partnership even though I know she really wouldn't care too much anyway. At least that's what she tells me.


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