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Albino Moose

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I think moose are pretty dang cool animals just in general. My friend moved to alberta and iv been up there a couple times to visit him and we go camping for a week in Bristish Columbia everytime i do and its pretty nice country side up that way.

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I have only seen one moose in my lifetime. I was driving on the Gunflint with my wife looking for moose. We drove all the way up and we started heading back when we turned a corner and there was a huge cow about 20yds in front of my car eek.gif. Coolest thing I have ever seen! grin.gif

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Those pics are amazing. Thanks for sharing. The locker plant in St.Joe has a full body mount of a albino doe laying down in a glass encasement that is pretty cool also. Was shot near St.John's university just down the road.

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It is not illegal to kill an albino deer in minnesota. Actually i have heard that they would like to see them killed. They are Genetic Defects. A person in our party killed an albino last year. we saw it maybe twice in the summer before season.

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Not one, but two ! Truly amazing ! These animals were photographed just north of the Wisconsin border on a highway near Marenisco , MI .

Once in awhile there is an opportunity to take in a piece of nature that you may never see. In these days of unrest and turmoil it is great to see that Mother Nature can still produce some wondrous beauty.


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