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Is It Too Early To Get an American Idol Thread Going?

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Smithson, Dreads and Rameile in the bottom 3 .....let me see???? Hummmmm, Smithson goes home? Not real convicted on that, equally any one of the three could get kicked to the curb?

That Johns dude brought it home tonight! Parton stuff isn't easy to sing, nor is it easy to make it contemporary in anything other then country, but some of them did it....especially him.

man, that Kristi was lookin good! She must be the McFee of 08?

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Wow, to think that one year ago they were still trying to get rid of Sanjia... To be real honest I dont think anybody stunk it up...

I have said the last 3 weeks that I thought that Rameile was going home.. and I am going to stick with that... Bottom 3.. Her, Jason Castro.. and >.. I dont know... If I had to guess Sayesha.

Top 3... Johns for sure.. he was awesome... David Cook.. also knocked it out of the park.. that dude is smooth!... And I thought David A, was in the top 3....

However all said and done.. Ramielle goes home.. However she should have gone home 2-3 week ago...

All the rest have a chance in the industry.. all are good in what they do. Kristy Lee Cook, may not make it in the real world.. but held fine tonight, however may make it to the bottom 3 again.. but doubt she will go home.

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I'm kind of with DD in that no one stunk it up and its hard to pick someone to go home. I think Ramielle is due. I didn't care for stoner dread lock guy again but at least the facial contorsions were somewhat under control. They are my bottom two...

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I am in agreement with you wise guys. Everbody did surprisingly well. I think Romielle is next in line to go. She doesn't have what it takes yet to be a star. IMO she was boring last night. I am glad Simon jumped on Smithinson for her wardrobe. It is the same every week. She can really sing but I can't stand watching that huge Tatoo on her arm/shoulder...

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I agree with DD in the bottom three. David A can sing but he is just so boring. He can only sing ballads and that's it. Get him out of the comfort zone and he can't do it. I think Ramielle should go, but I thought that the last three weeks as well.

I agree Paceman, Smithinson's tat just bugs me for some reason. Have you seen her boyfriend in the audience? Yikes, that dude is freaky looking.

I thought the girl that started the show was better than the judges gave her. I liked her.

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I can not pick a bottom 3 this week. I would say that Ramielle has to go, fo sho, but joining her will be hard fought. I think that Rasta Boy might get sucked in and then it is anybody's guess. I would disagree with the Carly vote, she brung it last night but so did Cook and Johns (he really surprised me, I think he knew his days were numbered if he did not step up) and as much as I hate to say it, Salamander Boy dun good, no lip licking and he sounded good. And any mention of Sayesha going is no go cause dat girl has some pipes! And she took on the song that would have toasted anybody else in the competition, I knew that if anybody was going to tackle a song that Dolly and Whitney blew out then they had better have a set of lungs to do it and she did last night. I am going to go with Rasta Boy and Brook as the bottomfeeders who will hug Ramielle as she gets booted! This is getting good, only good voices left, song choices will be critical in the next few weeks.


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 Originally Posted By: Bass N Spear
cook is by far the best singer in the group,IMO. I think Dietz is right on the bottom three. I think its time for Jason to go home.

What cook do you mean..?

I do agree that it is a hard one to pick the best from last night. David Cook is still my fav

I do not think Syesha Mercado is getting any of the credit that is due to her...she might have had THE BEST vocals last night and all they can ever do with her is compare her to Whitney Houston...come on people, how can you compare someone to Whitney. But my vote still goes to D.Cook.

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I think Johns out gunned Cook last nite....that song about Sparrows just didn't work...althought the voice was on point. Both those guys can bring it when they have the right song, although I believe Cook has the upper hand over all.

The reason I picked Smithson to go, is because of those funeral home looking outfits she has been wearing and song choice.... There is no question about the quality of her voice.

I thought that Chiceze should have stayed and Rami or Dreads should have went, but it didn't happen, so this week I thought I would kind of go against the grain and see what happens.

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I think you are right about Syesha, Meaney. She can blow out some tunes. Just cause Whitney covered it once doesn't mean she didn't do it good. I thought the judges gave her a harder time than they needed and I almost always agree with Simon. Please she's a little cutie.

Windy, Ol' salimander lips still did the licking, just not as much and the cameras were a little farther away. Maybe he was just waiting for the fly to get close.

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I think it is time for Mr. Dreadlocks to go home, but it will be interesting as a country music fan, my bottom 3 would Brooke White, Syeesha, and Ramielle, but it will be intersting how the pop culture votes...hearing some of these randitions of good Dolly songs and ouch.....but then again probably a reason why I'm not in the music industry too, but I wouldn't mind seeing little David A go home...too dang boring

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I agree with Archuleta being boring. I don't vote but if I did it would not be strictly on talent but who entertained me the most.

If I was to rank on talent it would go:

D. Cook

Salamander boy








If it was based on whether they entertain me or not:



Brooke (if she learns to shut up during the judges comments)






Syesha (except the week she wore that low cut dress)

If I wanted to hear a great singer sing a bunch of boring [PoorWordUsage] I would go rent a DVD of Celine Dion. Sayesha and the fly catcher won't leave that comfort zone. Kristy, Johns and Ramielle may be some of the lesser talented players but they have tried to entertain in different ways.

Ramielle goes home tonight, with Kristy and Syesha sweating it out with her.

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I dont normally watch the vote off shows.. I could care less.. I think the new american idol should be the dobro player from The Clark Brothers... that dude can play the strings... He is awesome.

But, I will say this.. I picked the person to go home.. Ramielle, it was a good go, you have a decent voice, but you need some personality...

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Sayesha and the fly catcher

Fly catcher........nice!

Ramielle needed to go, she has a good voice and is cute, but doesn't compare to the others. Anyone know what songs they're singing next week? I hope it's something with a little more pep so they can show who they really are and do some entertaining.

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Dietz, I watched the show the Clark Brothers won this year, they are an awesome group. That dobro player is amazing.

I think the right choice was maid. I didn't like that Brook was in the bottom three as a pose to the rosta man, but at least she didn't go.

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America got it right, we all knew Ramielle had to go, but I am going to go out on a limb and make a prediction that Kristy Lee will be whacked next week (and she can whack me anytime, LOL)

I think she made the ultimate mistake, she let America see her sweat. I think the only thing she had going for her was her "hottie" factor, just a so so voice but cute. She showed last night that she is not so cute, by showing that note she says she is not in the same league as the remaining contestents and knows her days are numbered. I think America will oblige her next week no matter what song she sings. Not a good move on her part. I did nail Brook as a bottomfeeder but missed on Rasta Boy, he may stick around for a few more weeks.


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Brooke had no business in the bottom three. Stoner Dreg boy should have been there instead. I think Kristy Lee Cook just frankly knows she is on the hot seat. She's been in the bottom three every week except one so she's just dealing with reality. If she brings out a good performance next week she'll stay, I just don't know that she's got it in her though.

I still say this David Johns guy is horrible and I can't figure why he's still here. Did you see him trying to do the group song yesterday? He can't even walk in rythim let alone move with the rest of the group, what a putz. Plus he can't sing for pooh, he just yells as his version of putting out big powerful notes. Oh, and he also screwed up the words to their group song! He needs to go.

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