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Is It Too Early To Get an American Idol Thread Going?

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B-N-S....I know, I know...the producers of American Idol sent me a letter asking me if I would consent to go the air and ask people to stop voting for me! It's taking away from the other contestants.

Geeze, I'm not even in the competition and I'm getting lots and lots of votes? Seems that the American public found out about me? Must be the popularity thing, huh? grin

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Not sure I liked the whole boxing theme, kind of lame, although I like Buffer and the whole "Let's Get Ready to Rumble" deal. Doesn't he get a buttload of money eveytime he says that?

David C. did not have very good song choices, IMO. David A takes it tomorrow.

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OK, yes, David Archuletta wins in terms of vocals...however, I do think he took the wussie way out by singing a song he had already achieved much acclaim with before...When comparing apples to apples, he still would have won, but at least it would have been an even comparison. I'd have much more respect for him had he chosen something new.

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A, hands down. I like C, and think he will make good records, but as far as talent, whether you like his style or not. The kid is amazingly fabulous. Hopefully, he can shed his dad if all the stories are true and shine on his own! Wow is he good. Might I add the two worthless wussie songs they sang in the middle round.

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I would love to see Cook take the cake but I think Arch stepped up and smoked him last night. Arch is not my cup of tea and I new Cook was cooked (pardon the pun) when my 7 and 8 year old grand daughters grabbed both of our cell phones the minute the show ended and started texting in their votes for Arch. You can't fight city hall, I just shook my head and turned on the Sox game. Oh well, at least my Sox won, I don't think I will be able to say the same for Cook, but I will buy his first albumn and take a listen.


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All I have to say Mrs D. is, "Anything worth doing... Is worth OVERDOING!" He did Imagine so awesome before, why would you not do it again, if they give you the opportunity? Apples,Shmapples Show me the MONEY!!!!! The kid honestly can wail! Do I think he is a lil differnt' YEP, but wowzers the kid can sing!!! Not sure when he turns 18, but if it is a while I hope he gets imancipation from psycho dad.

He maybe chap stick can sponsor his first tour? hehehehehehe

Deitz, you might want to check your food for a week being you agreed with me....yikes dude, she may have some sharp garden tools that could end up making you pay the price!!!! You are a brave man!!!

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David A killed last night. He made great choices and played to his strengths, which are ballads that make pre-teens all misty.

I still think David C will probably have a better career in the long run - but even he knew it last night - David A. knocked it out of the park.

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yeah I think David A did a better job last night. Although I give credit to Cook for NOT picking the same songs he's already done. I agreed with his line of thinking, although maybe not the smartest move.

I almost hope David A will win. He's younger and it would probably mean more to him.

David Cook knows it's a preteen popularity contest and is going to be rich either way.

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